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Posts posted by Skinsfan1311

  1. On 5/20/2024 at 10:38 AM, stoshuaj said:

    Chief, how are things looking from your vantage point now that it’s been moved?


    Also, is traffic the nightmare that they initially predicted?  It doesn’t look bad at all on Google driving map.

    Traffic is pretty bad on both sides of the harbor, near the tunnels, and a nightmare around rush hour.   Our son lives on the other side of the bridge, about 5 minutes away, and what used to be 15 minute ride to work has turned into an hour, or more.  The only way he can make the ride less painful, is to leave for work around 5:30 am.  

    I play in a golf league, on Thursday afternoons, at Carroll Park, which is off of 95, one of the last exits before the tunnel.  It used to take 15-20 minutes to get to the course.


    Now it can take 35-40 minutes because the North-bound traffic backs up for miles.   There are a couple of alternate routes, all of which put you through some sketch sections of the city.  I take the beltway instead, and go up Washington Blvd, which is the least sketchy route.  It takes ~ 30-35 minutes now.   

  2. 21 hours ago, mcsluggo said:



    these again sound like short term changes (and drastic ones, at that).   AND ...they sound more descriptive of eating less than exercising more:   when you eat drastically less and lose weight, your body metabolism changes to try to protect the remaining fat, which is increasing cherished in the body's "value function. Your body starts to shut down things like building muscle and even starts breaking down muscle to preserve the remaining fat-stores.     Lethargy sets in and metabolism plummets.   


    I'l just say i was born with a hummingbird metabolism (seems like @PeterMP was born with that too).   I had it until i was mid to late 20s.   I was hyper all the time, couldn't sit still and HAD to get up and run around just to burn off energy... and when i ate a lot i would get MORE hyper rather than that post-eating tryptophane-like food coma that is normal.   I couldn't gain weight to save my life.   I was 6'plus-ish and 140-something pounds  (my height also kept creeping up somewhere into my early to mid 20s... i am a little under 6'2 now).      It sucked when my metabolism started to die.   my weight started to creep up, but i had a LOT of slack space where gaining weight wasn't a bad thing....   i also stayed in college (and that world) for a looooooooong time.   i got my first "real" (9-5) desk job when i was mid thirties (and had kids, AND moved out of bike-friendly college town where i biked everywhere i went) .    final stakes in the heart of the hummingbird metabolism.    weight went up, cholesterol went up, blood sugar went up in the first 18 months or so (first time i had ever even CONCEIVED of those things) ............    so i slowly started to bike to work.  at first just to the metro (and taking the stairs everywhere), and then sometimes all the way in..... and then (over a couple of years) gradually all the way in to the office 5 days/week when the weather was nice.   


    It was a LOT of exercise.   2 hours a day (my normal commute) probably on average 4 days a week march-ish through november-ish.   2500 to 4000 miles/year.   i bought 20 years of pretending to have a hummingbird metabolism (8 months of the year) that way.  


    then ... pandemic.      truth be told... i had suddenly started to slow down right before the pandemic... but the pandemic (and working from home after the pandemic) has been a blow to the arrangement i had made with the hummingbird metabolism gods.    Now I'm on the wrong sine of 55 and for the first time in my life i am "overweight" on the BMI charts (i am 6'2 and a little under 200 pounds) and i've got a belly :(    now... for the first time i am seriously looking at portions (or at least staring to think about it sometimes), and i am mostly cutting out ice cream, and had cut out soda a long time ago.   


    (as an aside... it is CRAZY to look at those BMI charts..... 6'2 and 148 is in the "ideal" weight group...?  really???? ) 


    but those 20 years were NOT an aberration or a short term blip.    (there were cycles in those 20 years... i would gain weight in the winter, and then lose it again in the spring/early summer--- and by the end of those 20 years, it would be later and later in the summer before the pounds melted off).   but it was a good run.   and it was ALL exercise based (with some wiling genetics added-in).    I've eaten like a horse my whole life..... sadly it is a hard habit to kill on the doorstep of 60!     


    I didn't state that I ate less.  I stated that I changed my eating habits.  It took almost a year to lose those 40lbs   😉

  3. 38 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


    What the science says it doesn't help you lose weight for most people.  There are a couple of things:


    1.  Most people don't burn most of their calories from exercise.  Most people burn about 1400 calories a day as a baseline metabolic rate independent of exercise.  But that can vary quite a bit (for reasons we don't really understand).  When you gain weight and then try to exercise to lose it, people's bodies slow down the baseline metabolic rate and so just their resting calorie burning goes down.


    An increase in calories out in exercise doesn't equate to a true increase in calories spent in many cases.


    (The people on the "Biggest Loser" are great an example of this in many cases.  In many cases, they ended up with baseline metabolic rates lower than when they went on the show.  The net effect is after being on the show in many cases they went back to their previous life and actually ended up heavier than they were.




    Once your body achieves a certain weight it tries very hard to maintain that including seemingly lowering the number of calories you burn when your sleeping.)


    2.  You can't out exercise your stomach/processed food.  Running a mile burns about 170 calories.  That's nothing to eat today.  That's a poptart.  You've exercised, lost weight, the body just starts flooding the system with signals that it's hungry.  

    #2 is spot-on.

      Years ago the only thing I changed in my lifestyle was my diet and eating habits.  My exercise routine remains the same.    I lost 40lbs and have kept it off.    I firmly believe in the mantra, "If you eat it, you wear it"      

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  4. On 5/17/2024 at 3:35 PM, TradeTheBeal! said:

    In the clubhouse with a 66.  Amazing.


  5. 52 minutes ago, Chew said:


    If you had to pick one, do you prefer BIB or 114?   OGD is one of my next pickups.  Maybe I'll just get both LOL.  


    Finally found this stuff in my area, it's really good.  I love it :pint:




    I love 'em both!

    The Pikesville is one of my favorites. 

    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  6. 6 hours ago, purbeast said:

    Anyone been to St. Martin before?  It's one island I have never been to before and in August there are some cheap (with points) flights going there.  I'm just curious to hear if anyone's been there and what they thought about it. 

    We've been there a couple times, pre-Covid.  We stay on the Dutch Side, (St. Maarten), at a small timeshare hotel called the Belair Beach Hotel.

    The beach at our resort was nice, but we liked exploring the different beaches, (there are a ****-ton of them), which is easy to do because it's a small island.

    There is pretty much every type of beach, from touristy and crowded, to secluded and everything in between.


    I don't dive anymore, so I can't speak to that, but they had decent snorkeling on a small tour that we took to see turtles. Our thing is hopping in the car and finding a beach to chill. Make sure to check the cruise ship calendar to see what days ships are in port, and the # of ships, so you can plan accordingly to avoid the cruise ship crowds.

    We went in early September both times and had another trip booked, (at a different resort), but it was canceled because of Covid.

    We've been to a ton of islands, and we really like St Maarten, and would go back.

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  7. I suck at not buying whiskey.

    With the exception of the RR SiB,  all of these bottles were on sale 😁

    I'm breaking in the Uncle Nearest now, and Mrs Skinsfan is having an Old Fashioned,  with WT101 rye as the base...



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  8. I bought Mrs. Skinsfan a pack of them as a stocking stuffer this past Christmas.   I also got her a pack of keychain fobs.

    She's technologically averse and hasn't even opened the box 😅 

    How do you use them?      Any creative ideas?    I was thinking of sticking one on each of our keychains, and maybe in our luggage when we fly.

    Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



  9. 36 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

    Just basic French toast, bacon and turkey sausage.  The key though is I tried a hack, where I toasted the dry bread first before dipping in mixture and placing on the griddle.  Game changer, best texture I’ve ever achieved with French toast.  Crisp, not soggy in the middle.



    What a great idea!

    How dark did you toast the bread before dipping?

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