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Everything posted by nonniey

  1. Question how many of you posting here had a substantial knowledge base on who Soleimani was prior to his death? And yes i did (Which was why I was pretty happy hearing the news that he was killed and we were the ones who killed him).
  2. If you want to a safe space from opposing views I suggest you join Democratic Underground.
  3. Well the weekend is over and I see the hand wringing and wailing over Soleimani's death is in full bloom in the Tailgate. I of course am still glad we killed him.
  4. Won't quibble over what Trump is, but seriously this is what you believe is the reason he was killed? Committing a war crime? When did he do that? (Although you did get me to quickly double check this mornings headlines).
  5. Amusing? Did you see the one about Obama's efforts to increase domestic oil production put the US in a good position earlier in this thread?
  6. Don't know why they are muddying the waters so much they should have just said he was involved in the embassy assault and the rocket attacks last week and left it at that. They had more than enough justification with that and his previous activities and wouldn't have had to explain anything further.
  7. KIlling Solliemani has been justified for about 20 years. . More likely than not some Iraqi official or officials were in on it and tipped us off.
  8. Those who are pro Iranian are Shia but many Shia have been protesting Iranian interference the last year or so. I'm not sure what the percentages are within the Shia for supporting and opposing Iran. There were celebrations in Basra last night and this morning of Suleimani's death and those were Shia. The Sunni's are definitively anti-Iranian and the Kurds are pro-American.
  9. Well I certainly wouldn't call it crossing the line when we kill them back (especially if it is the leadership we target - I always advocate for going after the order givers instead of the peons).
  10. Well it is Soleimani the General is talking about and that is what he does (I mean did).
  11. Obama being behind the increase in American oil production????? That is what I was laughing at. I know that didn't happen. Heck just about everyone on this board would laugh over that assertion and most of them love Obama.
  12. Understood I just have a personal stake in it.
  13. I for one have wanted him killed for years (And there aren't many people I can say that about).
  14. Remember who you are responding to - criticizing Trump for his ignorance isn't going to get me riled up. He wasn't wrong to kill Soleimani. Saw a tweet I meant to capture where someone posted that a lot of people have got it backward -paraphrasing - If a President is given a chance to kill Soleimani it would be hard to justify not killing him.
  15. Go deeper - 9/11 was related to the Persian Gulf war. That war resulted in a major expansion of US forces in the Middle East with forces directly in Saudi Arabia as well, which became an irritant that influenced the development of Al Qaida. If the Persian Gulf War had never occurred (This was on Saddam) 9/11 almost certainly wouldn't have either.
  16. No this was a long time coming. Heck just last year tanker bombings, drone shoot downs, major missile attacks, etc.etc. Escalations with no response. Now a major kick in the teeth response. I'm sure the Iranians are in a bit of shock over this as they probably expected us to kill some of their peons. Soleimani was the guy I had been suggesting that they kill in debates around the office for a long time. He thought he was untouchable and this sends a message that no one is.
  17. We still refine a lot of it for use and reexport but yes most of ours comes from other sources.
  18. That is one thing I fear - We wipe out the Middle East. We'd lose our soul if we did - We have our sins and stains but that would surpass even the Nazi's. Problem is we are capable of doing just that with sufficient provocation.
  19. I was pointing out that not all the people in that photo were making a Nazi salute. And yes my instinct is to defend people against the mob until more more information comes to light (I'm the type of guy you'd want on your Jury if you were accused of anything and were innocent).
  20. We are getting over reactions from a lot of people. I expect that the worst that would happen are some terrorist attacks followed by counter strikes and a small scale tussle in the Persian Gulf similar to 1988.
  21. My apologies - I stand corrected. "8. Views of Political Figures General Soleimani remains the most popular Iranian public figure among those tested, with eight in ten viewing him favorably. Second is Foreign Minister Zarif, viewed favorably by two thirds. Ebrahim Raisi—who ran unsuccessfully for president in 2017 and was made the head of Iran’s judiciary in March 2019—has seen significant growth in popularity since May and is now viewed favorably by nearly two thirds. For the first time, a little under half of Iranians view President Rouhani favorably. Mohammad Ghalibaf, ex-mayor of Tehran—who also ran for president in 2017 but stood down in favor of Raisi—is favorably regarded by three in five. Ex-president Ahmadinejad is seen favorably by a modest majority. As in the past, a large majority says it expects to vote in the Majlis elections coming in February 2020. 9. Views of the Revolutionary Guard Majorities are broadly supportive of the IRGC. Four in five say the IRGC’s activities in the Middle East have made Iran more secure—a view that has increased since May. "
  22. Think too many are wringing their hands over this - The Iranian regime is not going to commit suicide over this. They may kick up a fuss in the Persian Gulf with some mining, small boat and missile attacks and they will get smacked down similar to 1988. This will be for show.
  23. He is the leader of the revolutionary guard which also has responsibility for Iran's international terrorist efforts (They also were the ones directly involved in last years tanker bombings and the missile attack on the Saudi refinery). The poster you were responding to doesn't know what he is talking about - Within Iran they are the most hated government group.
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