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Posts posted by Sebowski

  1. I believe it was formed as a way to hide the fact that they were training a martial art by disguising it as dancing. Don't remember whre I heard taht or how accurate it is though.

    Pettis has some Capoeira training, doesn't he? I think there is another fighter that has it is his arsenal as well.

  2. Excuse me. He has a whopping two official wins off of his back.

    That's twice as many! :ols:

    Seriously though, that is pretty impressive. How many other elite strikers have that on their resume? The point is, he has proven he can win off his back. With his length he can really give GSP problems on the ground.

    On another note, I really hope Sonnen decides to go after GSP. There is a lot of material for him to come up with some funny ****.

  3. Again, Silva officially has one win off of his back. And Chael Sonnen isn't exactly the hardest guy to submit in MMA. 8 of his 11 loses are submissions, most of them from someone's guard.

    Ok, let's try this again.





    ---------- Post added May-3rd-2011 at 10:18 AM ----------

    Forrest? Again, at the time he was a one trick pony, standing there like a punching bag getting picked apart by a faster, more precise striker. That's not an outstanding feat of fighting to pull that off, Forrest is notorious for getting beat up. Silva hasn't fought a legit 205lb guy...


    knocking out a former champ who can fight at heavyweight in under 4 mins is definitely not much of a feat. :ols:

  4. GSP's takedowns are just as good as Sonnen and GSP is a huge, strong WW with better striking. I think the size advantage is overblown. When I mentioned GSP's shots earlier I was talking about his takedowns, not his striking.

    ---------- Post added May-1st-2011 at 09:53 PM ----------

    All of the UFC Champs together:


    I knew what you were talking about. by "shot", and I disagree. After you factor in size I think Sonnoen has a better shot than GSP.

    Is that pic suppose to show that the size difference isn't that big? That's not how I see it....

    GSP might walk around hpretty heavy, but he has admitted he does a lot of body building to look good. He has a lot of "show muscle" and therefor "show weight"

  5. GSP's a better striker than Sonnen and Sonnen was able to stand long enough to take Silva down through all five rounds. Obviously, if Silva connects it's lights out for GSP, but I don't think he can stop GSP's shot either. Will be interesting. They just need to throw some money to both of them and cancel the Okami fight.

    You are either underestimating Sonnen's size, strength, and/or wrestling, or overestimating GSP's. Sonnen's success on the feet vs. Anderson was weird. I'm not sure if it was because how unorthodox it was or if Silva just didn't respect it, but I don't see GSP being able to land the same shots, and if he does they won't be as effective as GSP doesn't have much power. Besides natural weight GSP will also be giving up 4 inches in height.

    ---------- Post added May-1st-2011 at 05:26 PM ----------

    from all the interviews I've read and heard, i'm sure all it takes at this point is GSP agreeing to the fight. Anderson definitely wants it, GSP has been kinda hesitant

    I think if they offered him the fight at 178, he'd take it. That is probably the best situation for everyone assuming that wouldn't be a killer weight cut for Silva. If it would be then I don't want to see it.

  6. Lutter said in an interview after the fight, he tapped due to the choke

    Either way I was right. Another submission from his back for Spider :pfft:

    ---------- Post added May-1st-2011 at 02:38 PM ----------

    Last night confirmed what I was saying a month or so ago: Machida is the only guy I see giving Bones any trouble at this point. What has to happen for him to get a title shot? Rashad lose? No way Davis deserves one after one good win. Maybe Machida gets the winner of Rampage-Hamill? I don't want to see Machida-Shogun III at this point. I guess if Forrest wins Machida-Forrest could make sense.

  7. He's won one fight off his back and it was the Sonnen fight. He KO'd Okami off his back but was DQ'd thanks to the unified rules.

    GSP/Silva would go exactly like the Sonnen fight. Silva doesn't have the defensive wrestling to shake off GSP's shots and there's no way GSP is going to stand with him. Same with Nick Diaz. There's no way GSP is going to stand and box with him but it would be a more exciting fight IMO, because Diaz has a better guard than Silva, especially in MMA.

    Travis Lutter was a triangle wasn't it? Just checked fightfinder and it says "submission -elbows" Could have sworn that was a triangle.

    GSP might not want to stand with Silva, but that isn't just up to GSP. I think Silva keeps the fight standing enough to get the KO. GSP does not take punches well, hard to imagine him taking a knee through the nose well either.

    ---------- Post added May-1st-2011 at 12:58 PM ----------


  8. Just had a Bourbon Barrel Gonzo on tap. Awesome stuff. Plan on being a big part of kicking that local keg.

    ---------- Post added April-26th-2011 at 11:42 PM ----------

    Picked up a 4pk of Young's Double Chocolate Stout in 11.2oz bottles...not sure why not a 12oz....

    Damn metric system...

  9. Mayhem doesn't deserve either fighter.

    General thoughts on 185

    I think Bisping-Sonnen makes the most sense of the contenders.

    Wand-Belfort rematch in Brazil would have been so awesome. I'm pissed Dana let Wandy have the Leben fight instead.

    I agree with SU on Akiyama. He must have pictures of Joe Silva cross-dressing.

    Too bad Marquartd couldn't get it done and is running down to 170. I thought he had a chance to make at 185. That is going to be a tough cut for him. I remember him manhandling Kampmann at 185 and sending Kampmann down to 170. I don't know how Nate is going to make 170.

    I say give Mayhem Alan Belcher.

    What's Maia up to?

  10. This kid is retarded:

    0:38 - 0:50 is pure gold :ols:

    That was worth it just for the last shot. :ols:

    ---------- Post added April-13th-2011 at 09:38 AM ----------

    Just for the sake of nerding out for a minute :geek:

    Imagine if the UFC did a Champ vs. Champ supercard to unify the belts:

    Overeem vs. Cain

    Hendo vs. Jones

    Jacare vs. Anderson

    Diaz vs. Shields

    Melendez vs. Edgar

    Fixed. :box:

  11. Maybe it's the PC thing to say but he went on record and said it. That matters because the companies you want to do business in the future will see what you did and not trust strikeforce in the future. Business is about trust and if Zuffa takes the best fighters from Strikeforce and puts them on the UFC promotion before their contracts are expired strikeforce is dead. I believe him when he says he wants strikeforce to exist there is always going to be a option B in MMA and Zuffa wants to control it. By having the two most active promotions that pretty much destroy the odds of a real competitor materializing to challenge the UFC.

    I don't see it as stealing a fighter from Strikeforce. They can let some UFC fighters fight in the Strikeforce cage too. They can go back and forth now if that is what Zuffa wants.

    ---------- Post added April-12th-2011 at 02:27 PM ----------

    Sonnen is just to funny to not like at least a little.

    "They have not given me a date but I'm pretty sure it's going to be very soon. I think he wants to get me in there as soon as possible. The director has been very stern with me. He was stern with me face-to-face. But he's also been very fair with me. He leveled with me, I would love to play poker with director Kizer, I'd clean him out. He's got no poker face. He'll tell you it straight, he'll tell you exactly how it is. And he told me I could come before his body as soon as I got done with the federal thing and look forward for a second chance. I think it will happen right away. I think it could happen as soon as this Friday. ... I'm real confident that we'll be in there within the month of April and we'll have resolution ... I had contact with the UFC, I reached out to them. I said, 'Guys, give me the worst guy you've got under contract' and you've got to understand, my focus has been in a lot of different directions. Dealing with the federal government is a tough thing. Losing a title fight that you put everything into is a tough thing ... I called them up and I leveled with them, I said, 'Give me the worst guy you've got under contract.' They said, 'Chael, Wanderlei won't fight you.' I said, 'Alright, give me the second worst guy you've got under contract.' They said, 'Chael, how many times do we have to tell you -- Cro Cop's a heavyweight.' I said, 'Alright, is there anybody available? How about Bisping? Is his dance card open? And they said, 'That might be a possibility.' That's where we left off. That just isn't my focus. My focus is making things right with Director Kizer."


  12. from Dana White. He said they would not be moving any fighters until contracts expired and that at that point both promotions would be free to openly bid on them. The intent is to keep strikeforce alive and well (and own there main competition in doing so). With the top two promotions in thief pocket they are even more insulated against competition than ever. I don't see them throwing that away for Diaz.

    That is the PC thing to say. Doesn't mean they don't control everything they want to do, save maybe having to throw a bone to Showtime or CBS to make a fight work.

  13. Diaz didn't fight Mayhem, did he?

    My bad. I knew he was 2-0 at 185. The other guys was Frank Shamrock. Assumed Sam was talking about past opponents and didn't think about it.

    ---------- Post added April-11th-2011 at 06:33 PM ----------

    As I understand it UFC and Strikeforce fighters can't "switch" unless their contracts expire. The same parent company owns both but with sponsors and TV contracts in place they can't send fighters to the other promotion without endangering those contracts and possible being sued depending on the language.


    Not sure where you're getting this idea. Strikeforce has always been known to have open contracts. Daley fought in the UK a couple months ago because he wanted to. They have a certain number of fights they probably owe Coker/Showtime/CBS...(depending on their deal), other than that they can fight elsewhere. The UFC has exclusive deals, but they are their deals. They can do whatever they want with them. If they want a fighter in strikeforce they just have to rip up or rework the deal.

  14. That would be my favorite matchup both can bang, both have great chins and both are BJJ black belts. I'd still put my money on BJ to win the fight but it would end up being a very entertaining standup war.

    Nick is one of my favorite fighters to watch because he fights. But the reality is he is'nt gonna beat the top tier WW in the UFC consistently enough to be a champion. The level of competition from Daley, KJ Noons,Cyborg,Mayhem,Scott Smith's of the world is alot different then fighting Fitch,BJ, KOS,Alves etc.

    Don't forget Mayhem and Smith were at 185.

    ---------- Post added April-11th-2011 at 12:43 PM ----------

    i think he loses to Paul Daley to be honest

    Daley has no ground game, but Diaz's wrestling isn't that great and i just dont see him lasting long on the feet against Semtex


  15. I personally hate how much a takedown has influence over a fight. Jardine took him down 4 times, but did nothing else at all in the fight, which mousasi t'd off on his face.

    I thought Jardine dectiated enough of the first round to win it. It was close though.

    What really drove me crazy was that at the start of the third Ranallo and Shammy were talking about how close the first round was and that it could have gone either way. Then they turn around and start screaming that it was one of the worst decisions they have ever seen. :ols:

    Mousasi just seemed lazy in the first. I guess he thought he would walk right through Jardine. He didn't turn it on until the second.

  16. I can't believe how appaled Ranallo and Shammy were about the Draw. I had it a draw too.

    10-9 Jardine + -1 Mousasi for the blatant low blow = 10-8 Jardine; 10-9 Mousasi; 10-9 Mousasi: 28-28= Draw

    I thought that the Daley stoppage was premature. Even had a thought McCarthy was trying to get in Dana's good graces by ending Daley's night early... Crazy fight. Glad to see the better man win.

  17. As a Diaz fan and a Daley hater, I am worried about tomorrow night. I'm worried Diaz will go in there like he always does with his chin out, no gameplan, and try to prove he is tougher and better at boxing than Daley. I think Daley has a better chance to win than most are giving him.

    WAR 209!!!!!!

  18. :rubeyes:

    Pros who picked Diaz: 26

    Pros who picked Daley: 3

    Pros who couldn’t decide: 2


    I think I'll go ahead and pick the favorite here, as well. Everyone and their mother knows how Daley is approaching this fight. I think Diaz is too sly in his approach to let Daley get inside his reach. Daley slows down, can't crack Diaz' chin, succumbs to strikes late.

    Frank Shamrock: Nick [wins]. Destroys him with THC-laced BJJ and gangster boxing.


  19. I'd like to see Penn-Alves if Penn insists at staying at 170. I wold much rather see him go back to 155 and stay there. If he fought Edgar like he fought Fitch (you know, with a gameplan), he might still be champ there. He is too small for his cardio weakness to handle the big wrestlers at 170.

    Alves is fighting Story though.

    I think they are waiting to see what happens with Shields-GSP to name Fitch's replacement.

  20. http://mmajunkie.com/news/23055/jon-fitch-injured-forced-to-withdraw-from-ufc-132-matchup-with-b-j-penn.mma

    Jon Fitch injured, forced to withdraw from UFC 132 matchup with B.J. Penn

    by MMAjunkie.com Staff on Mar 30, 2011 at 7:15 pm ET

    Jon Fitch's road to the UFC welterweight title just got a little bit longer.

    An undisclosed injury has forced Fitch (23-3-1 MMA, 13-1-1 UFC) to withdraw from a planned UFC 132 meeting with former champion B.J. Penn (16-7-2 MMA, 12-6-2 UFC).

    MMAjunkie.com (www.mmajunkie.com) confirmed the change with sources close to the event. MMAWeekly.com first reported the news.

    UFC 132 takes place July 2 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, and the night's main card airs live on pay-per-view.

    A timetable for Fitch's return has yet to be established, and it's currently unknown if the UFC will seek another opponent for Penn or attempt to reschedule the fight.

    Fitch and Penn were hoping to settle the score from their February meeting at UFC 127, in which the two fought for three rounds only to have the bout declared a majority draw. The winner would likely be in the driver's seat for a potential shot at the winner of April's UFC 129 bout between current Georges St-Pierre and top challenger Jake Shields. If St-Pierre wins and elects to take a superfight with middleweight champ Anderson Silva, the Fitch vs. Penn II winner would have been almost guaranteed a spot in a bout to determine the division's newest champion.

    After earning eight-straight wins to open his octagon career, Fitch was granted a title shot against St-Pierre in August 2008, and he was defeated via unanimous decision. The bout remains Fitch's lone loss in the past eight years.

    Meanwhile, Penn recently returned to the welterweight division after losing his lightweight belt and an immediate rematch to Frankie Edgar. Although he briefly considered retirement, Penn instead returned to 170 pounds and posted a quick, 21-second knockout of Matt Hughes to set up the first Fitch meeting.

    For more on UFC 132, stay tuned to the UFC Rumors section of MMAjunkie.com.

    I don't know how I feel about this. A draw needs settling, but I'd rather see BJ fight someone else.

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