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Posts posted by Sebowski

  1. Quick picks:

    Mir by sub. I think he gets in some good combos with his hands to set up a takedown where he subs Mirko, with, let;s say... armbar

    Serra over Lytle by decision. Fight of the Night here. Lytle will win one round but Serra will win the other two.

    Bader TKOs Lil' Nog. Bader is rising fast. Nog is in his way.

    Sherk upsets Dunham. Classic Sherk comes out tonight and he lays his way to a decision.

    Stephens out guns Guilard. This one could be quick. I think Stephens weathers an early storm and then TKO Melvin.

    Beltran puts us to sleep in the preims en route to a decision win over Mitrione.

    McCorkle wins his debut against the new super slim 265lb Mark Hunt.

    Dalloway taps to Doerksen in another upset.

    Lots of upset picks. Should be some good fights. Not sure I'd deem it PPV-Worthy, but the matchups are all close with good style combinations.

  2. There's a Chael Sonnen Q&A on UFC.com that is just gold. Here are a couple quotes:

    "If Brock Lesnar was here right now I'd take my boot off and throw it at him, and he better polish it up before he brings it back to me. That guy comes around here talkin' about he's the baddest guy in the UFC!? Hey Brock, quit eating so many raw eggs and doing pushups, cuz it's effecting your realm of reality. Are you kiddin' me? I'd slap you in your face and you wouldn't do anything about it, Brock. (impersonating Brock) 'but I'm Brock Lesnar! I've got this five dollar haircut and a knife tattooed on my chest!' Well I'll shove it up your face if you get in Chael Sonnen's way."

    "If GSP said he wanted to fight me, the first thing I would say is the same thing I say every time I hear GSP talk: 'Gal-dang-it that guy sounds like a French-Canadian Minnie Mouse.' Then I'd say: Hey GSP let me ask you a serious question, do you have a designated driver, do you have somebody to get you home safely? 'Cuz clearly you're intoxicated. I'd say, GSP do you have a hankering for pain? GSP, did you lose a bet with God? GSP, bring your three thousand dollar suit, bring your three dollar date, and get the three cent tan beat off your socialist back."

    I was just coming here to post this. That is a funny dude with a death wish right there.

  3. With as much as Strikeforce fights in California and the fact that Barnett has chosen to no-show the hearings regarding the appeal of his last failed test (and subsequent failing of a repeat test), I wonder how he is going to get licensed. And I wonder how other state licensing bodies view that fiasco, or if they even care. For someone that was so adamant about saying that he did not use them, the fact that he does not really apparently care about his appeal is telling to me. Maybe he just enjoys wasting everyone's time.

    That was my first thought as well.I believe he has served his suspension though. By no-showing the appeal he accepted the sentence of a one year suspension. That time is up. He will just have to go through them again for his next one. I'm sure he'd be really happy to plan his schedule around non-CA Strikeforce shows though. He hates that commission.

  4. Let me know what you think about the Aprihop, I really like it. But I tend to like fruitier beers once in a while. :paranoid:

    I remember liking that one. It was just the right amount of apricot. I don't think I could drink more than 2 of them in a row though. Need to try it again.

  5. Hey quick question for the Beer gurus on here, is it ok to drink beer that has been sitting your fridge for months but has an expired date on it? I have some Stella Atrois that expired on July 16th according to the bottles, and I didn't realize it was in my fridge because I was drinking other beer. I am thinking it should be ok, but any suggestions?

    It's fine, just not optimal. Some beers get better with age, some lose flavor. Any beer that relies on predominantly hops should be consumed as fresh as possible. I'm sure there are a couple exceptions, but it is a good rule of thumb. Darker beers generally age well. Go buy a "fresh" Stella and drink them side by side. See if you notice anything.

    We expect a full report by Monday.

  6. There's an interview with Toney after the fight where he did sneak a word in to the effect of "he took me down because that's what scared people do." But that's really it, he accepted his loss and said he'd be back.

    I agree he could have easily gone the boxing fan-troll route after the fight, and he pretty much didn't. It's hard to tell what Toney's REAL take on MMA is. The guy changed his tone about the sport every day leading up to the fight. Some days he would go off on how "gay" it was, some days he would describe how much he loved it.

    I think deep down he thinks it's beneath him, but actually HOLDS BACK (imagine that) from constantly talking **** about it.

    I disagree. I think if it was as big as it is now when he was 18 he knows it's probably what he would have been doing. It is the closest thing to a real fight and he always considered himself a fighter. He said he wants to do it again. Strikeforce will feed him a striker. Arlovski anyone? Rogers?

  7. Of course, he's going to come across as a nice guy, after he was humiliated and humbled in front of the whole world. What else can he say, after being so dominated, and made quick work of, in such an undisputed way that no-one can argue ?

    He could have said:

    "he just laid on me for 4 minutes. That's all they do in that gay "sport", if you can even call it that. Just a bunch of guys trying to hump you. That's why I tapped. He wasn't hurting me. I just wanted him to stop sweating on me and humping me. Sorry, Randy. I don't swing that way. If he ever came to a real sport like boxing I'd kick his ass. I'm done with that mma BS. You can't pay me enough to let another man lay on me. I ain't no whore."

    or something like that.

  8. Absolutely. I'll be sure to bring 'Bowski some black and tan Dogfish Head.

    Half Shelter Pale Ale, half Jolt Cola.

    It's a plan. Probably late fall/early winter with everything subject to change.

    If I get tickets to the winter classic I'll hit DC before or after.

  9. I agree. I think this feeds in to what I was talking about with BJ's distaste for conditioning. He is the ruler of his camp, he gets the final say as to when they train and don't train. It is time (and has been for a while) to jump ship and get to an elite camp. Simple as that. Blackhouse has invited him over, AKA would whip his butt in to shape, just find somewhere else to go.

    The problem is, and I just talked about this, is that BJ knows if he switches camps they won't take it easy on him. I think he would pick his Hawaiian lifestyle over daily extreme conditioning without a second thought. It's the reason he is a moderate waste of talent.

    They know how to chill in Brasil. Blackhouse could be a perfect fit.

  10. Well either one, we have witnessed BJ Penn finally hit the wall and he is done as an elite fighter, or two, he is back into "I am bored, and lazy and will just take a paycheck mode"

    I don't want to shortchange Edgar, he did get some takedowns, and he definitely earned his victory, but Penn just lost to a guy who can't even throw a combination on his feet. I think maybe once in the entire fight(when Edgar had him against the fence) did Edgar even throw more than a punch at a time.

    Maybe my frustration is aimed at the wrong guy, I think I am more bewildered at Rogan & Goldberg's nuthuggin' I know they have to sell the fight and when it looks like one a fighter is going to win, they probably have to go into overdrive to hype them as the best thing ever, however I look forward to Inside MMA next Friday, to get some real commentary and analysis of this fight and not the "Frankie Edgar has so much speed" version.

    Don't get too excited. Nobody loves Frankie more than Franklin McNeil.

    Thoughts on the card:

    -Nate Diaz's standup is way better than I gave him credit for (although it could just be his freakish reach @ welterweight)...nice job Nate, you still taunt too much but I can tell you're getting better

    *Edit: Marcus Davis looked just like ET

    -K Flo didn't look motivated at all, wtf Kenny? He's had his sights firmly on the title for a while now and in his last few fights he's looked focused and ready to go, but tonight in his homeland, he looked as flat as ever...did he go out drinking last night in South Boston or what?

    -BJ, wtf man? :( I hate to say it but I think BJ is succumbing to age. It happens to every athlete at some point, it's just hard to see a dominant guy like Penn start to flounder. Not sure what's next for him. I don't think he's got the strength for 170 but 155 is full of wrestlers that can do what Frankie did tonight. I guess it's back to the drawing board.

    Agreed on Diaz. He is getting better and better on his feet. I don't think he could ever get past the wrestlers of 170 though. Maynard rode him for a decision at 155. Fitch, Kos, maybe even Hughes could do the same. Hughes would be an interesting fight. I'd like to see him get the loser of Serra-Ltle though.

    I think The Flo was motivated and stuck to his gameplan. It's just that his gameplan sucked. He was being very conservative in his standup which is nothing new.

    BJ, BJ, BJ.....

    I always said him and Diaz suffer from the same "fighter" mentality. They don;t gameplan. They just fight. They are too confident (egotistical?) to force there will on someone. They just try to fight where ever the fight is. I blame his camp for the bad gameplan and the lack of in-fight adjustments. I blame BJ for picking his camp. Where the hell does he go from here? I can't think of one fight for him at 155 that interests me. I doubt there's one for him. Gomi rematch? I don't think he should fall that far down the ladder. It would sell though and might keep BJ motivated. Maybe switch camps, let Gomi win one here soon (he wasn;t touched in his last fight. Should be ready to go), then do the rematch. Of course, Gomi would have to do his part and win a good fight.

  11. If Dana White ever puts Toney on a PPV again.....my god, that was a disgrace. Did not belong on a PPV card.

    Ok BJ, lets get down to some business, no dancing around this time. Get in, shoot, take him down, choke him out. Game. Set. Match. New Champ!

    Sounds good to me. Go get him Baby Jay!

  12. Just popped open a Lagunitas Little Sumpin' Sumpin' ale.

    Great hoppy taste. Reminds me of Sierra Nevada. I'm trying to taste more west coast beers and this one's a great start. Very good pale ale flavor.

    The West is the best, my friend. When I make it back for my next family visit I'll bring some stuff that you can't get out there. Maybe we can do a craft beer UFC night.

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