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Everything posted by RWJ

  1. RR brought in another OC because he will be running a different scheme, I believe.
  2. Pure speculation but do you think that Ken Zampese will help Scott Turner mentoring him or do you think that Ken is an excellent teacher who will bring Haskins along in this new O. Also, do you think we will need to build a very strong, solid O Line for Turner's O to click on all cylinders?
  3. Who would make sense as QB coach under Scott Turner?
  4. These Scott Turner rumors seems to be growing legs and arms. Personally, with KOC not wanting to be here I want another OC on our team.
  5. McDaniels is from OH so chances are he accepts the Brown's job. If the Giants were to give him a huge amount of money and authority he might accept their HC job but I got a feeling that he wants to be closer to home and accepts the Brown's job. Just guessing.
  6. With all due respect, HigSkin's and I respect you and your posts but personally, I wouldn't put too much confidence in what Burgundy Blog post. He basically repost what legit others post. If you check out his profile on twitter I think you will find that to be true. I could totally be wrong but that's my thoughts. He may be point on with the info and the sources he's mentioning but personally myself, I don't put any credence in what he says. Again, I would love Scott Turner as our QB coach with us somehow convincing and hiring Shurmur as our OC.
  7. IF KOC goes that's what I would like to see happen.
  8. Good ideas and interesting ones. RR probably goes with another guy who was his OC or he worked with that was OC. Shurmur, Shula, Chud etc..
  9. With Keim concurring it's going to happen, it's just when McDaniels is hired. I think the same about Shurmur as you do. Chud would be nice too, if he's available. Other names to keep an eye on is Mike Shula, current QB coach for the Giants, imagine that. LOL. He was RR's OC in Carolina back some year ago. I think that RR is going to go hard after Shurmur though and if we can convince Scott Turner to become our QB coach, I'd be satisfied.
  10. There you go. Breer is spot on and doesn't post unless he's sure about what he hears. Thoughts, SIP? Who do you like as OC and QB coach for the Skins?
  11. If we could convince Shurmur to come here and get Scott Turner as the QB coach, I'd be OK with it. Shurmur is a proven OC as that got him his HC gigs. Hate to lose KOC but it's like the writings on the wall that he goes with McDaniels and I'd take Shurmer OC/Lil Turner QB coach if KOC leaves.
  12. I'm hoping McDaniels goes to the Browns instead of the Giants if he gets a HC gig.
  13. True. Whatever will be will be.
  14. All of this stinks to me. We should be pushing the Shurmur to DC as OC hard. RR should lay it on the line and say Do you or don't you want to be here as our OC to KOC, then move ahead.
  15. I wasn't the one who got hyped up, my friend you were. All is well with me. Good day.
  16. Easy, Big Boy. We all are speculating, right? You give some valid points and I stated mine. It's all good.
  17. A lot of possibilities and all we can do is speculate and wait. Good points though.
  18. The Giants, Cowboys and Panthers are all looking for HC and McDaniels will get one of them and who's to say that KOC and McDaniels haven't already talked about it.
  19. Good point. Hoping for Shurmur but you bring up a very good point. RR can try. Leaves us limited if RR is going with who he's had before. Mike Shula or Norv's son Scott. Scott is still a work in progress but I'd go with him if KOC wants to pair up with McDaniels. We all know McDaniels is the hottest name out there right now. Seem like KOC is just waiting and Skins know it.
  20. My thinking too or whatever HC job McDaniels gets even though he's under contract with the Skins. Our best scenario would be Shurmur if RR can convince him to be our OC and Scott Turner as our QB coach in waiting.
  21. Don't think so and don't know but when you have a OC under contract and he's wanting to leave to go to another team I think a rule like the Jon Gruden rule for coordinators should be in place. Your OC leaves and you get nothing in return. Maybe this can be looked at the NFL meetings.
  22. HigSkin it's been looking that way to me too. Well, Shurmer would be a good get but now maybe the focus comes back to Scott Turner if Shurmer pursues other opportunities. It would be nice if the NFL had in place a deal to where if you allowed the individual under contract to lateral to another position that you give the team allowing him to leave while under contract a draft pick or picks to let him go to the team he wants to go to.
  23. Then if allowed in the NFL the team that McDaniels is hired to give up a draft pick to secure KOC as his OC if RR is ready to move on from KOC to antother OC. Just a thought.
  24. They only thing I think they should do is offer KOC an extension with more money so he stays on longer than a year to be our OC.
  25. The way I'm taking this SIP is that Mills III is the only interview and the others mentioned have been hired. Hopefully, KOC is our OC and Scott Turner takes our QB coach position.
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