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Everything posted by Chachie

  1. HA! While I truly appreciate the message, I am not a fighting man. Just a life-long fan, thanks to a father who raised me on the love of boxing. I'll stick to the couch and enjoy the ride from there.
  2. Thanks to both of you. I had seen that one LeBanner KO where the opponent got up and got in his face after the ref stopped it and LeBanner dropped him for good measure. Cro Cop sure doesn't get a break in the dangerous opponent department. He should warm up to a bout like this but he just keeps taking the big fights.
  3. Not familiar with LeBanner. Got any info, Bowski?
  4. Most of you guys actually participate in MMA. I'm a 41 yr old weakling who sits back and judges with no experience. I just know that dude was toast after the first takedown. His face was screaming, "Kill me now!"
  5. Yeah, he gassed in like 30 seconds. When he stood up from their first roll on the mat, he was done. From there it was a matter of time.
  6. That would indicate to me that his fighters keep on losing then.
  7. Another reason to love MMA. You get on your bike during a fight and you will ride into the sunset after. I really liked Khalib but he's just proven too soft too many times.
  8. I went 5-3 on outcomes, once again not very good on "win by." Ed Herman should be shown the UFC exit at this point. I'm shocked that Stout lost. I owe Rich Franklin a personal "my bad."
  9. I should say first that my call on Rich franklin being a broken fighter was ridiculous. Secondly, Kaleb Starnes has no heart. Good night all. I'll tabulate and report on my picks tomorrow.
  10. Just ordered the fights and I'm getting PUMPED. I'll have to sneak peeks of Calzaghe/Hopkins throughout the night.
  11. My new method has been to not see the weigh-in, ignore all MMA hype sites, and pick with reckless abandon. I've had a much better '08 than I did an '07, so here goes... Herman vs Maia- Loves me some Ed Herman despite his blockheaded demeanor. Don't think I've seen Maia which doesn't mean I should ignore him but I gotta go with the stooge. Herman by G&P but not before almost getting submitted early. Stout vs Clementi- Sammy KOs Rich. MacDonald vs Doerksen- Is Joe a TUF fighter? Who cares. McDonald subs him. Danzig vs Bocek- Mac by decision. Bisping vs Mcarthy- The Count by decision. Starnes vs Quarry- So hard to pick this one but I have to go with Quarry's toughness over Starnes' talent. I like both fighters a lot though. I think I'm actually rooting for Kaleb. Franklin vs Lutter- I've already gone out on a limb and called Franklin a broken fighter. What a classy guy, what a good man for this sport but he cracks tonight and loses by rear naked choke to Travis, whom I haven't been impressed by yet. (Go Rich. I love ya man.) The Main Event- Matt "the Terra" Serra defends his belt vs George St. Pierre- I have a sig bet with SkinsOrlando on this one and I've got St. Pierre. Orlando wants to slap a sig on me pretty badly so I hope Matt's heavy hands and bullish groundwork don't make lightning strike twice in the octagon. GSP by KTFO.
  12. Absolutely and I remember noticing that as well. In that moment, Rich is saying, "Damn. My career is over." I mentioned this vaguely already in this thread, but I'll go ahead and be clear about it now- Franklin is all class and heart, but he's done. Silva broke him and I think Lutter (who's not nearly as good as pre-Silva Rich) will beat him.
  13. Yeah Brock has taken the hard way in. No offense to Kimbo Slice, but Frank Mir would mop the octagon with him.
  14. That was scary. Dude was on Mars for a night.
  15. Excellent post. Styles make fights. Period.
  16. I can't see any IFL fighter beating Arlovski. I think big Ben's about to meet his maker.
  17. At first I scoffed at this matchup but as I ponder it, there are a lot of interesting ways this fight can go before Fedor submits him mid-way thru the opening round.
  18. Like I said before, if you're taking Serra we're on.
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