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Everything posted by visionary

  1. EGYPT http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/201141216755944186.html Reuters is now reporting that Mubarak had some sort of heart incident while being questioned today! SYRIA http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/201141212342295758.html YEMEN http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/2011412163147534399.html Swaziland http://english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2011/04/2011412104937925784.html ---------- Post added April-12th-2011 at 03:31 PM ---------- http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/12/us-egypt-mubarak-idUSTRE73B1D120110412
  2. Intriguing inside analysis of Yemen's situation. Countering worries of instability and islamist motives. tzLHjTuX1Qg oNtvtuVfQXU http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-12985617 Very interesting article. Too much in there for me to just copy and paste, so I suggest giving the whole thing a read, if you want to know more about the IC situation. I'll give a brief overview: Bgagbo started out as a teacher and a union leader and an activist for human rights and democracy while the first dictator president of Ivory Coast was becoming more and more autocratic. Bgagbo was jailed and exiled and became an enemy of Ouattara who was the first president's prime minister near the end of his reign. The first president was replaced after his death by another man who came into power through a coup, and this man eventually lost an election to Bgagbo but stayed in power anyway. Bgagbo through the help of his political support and that of his militia overthrew him. Afterward he became increasingly dictatorial himself and quickly began persecuting foreigners and migrants and cracking down hard on them in the name of crushing rebellions. He used religion and ethnicity as a weapon against the northern Muslim population and his enemy Ouatarra. I read another article this morning I think where it mentioned how he had called upon his loyalists at times over the years to cleanse parts of Ivory Coast of migrants because they were hiding rebels and spies.
  3. YEMEN http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/2011411113334453950.html SYRIA http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/2011411143055997548.html **** Assad seems to be losing his grip on his people, city by city and area by area.
  4. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/2011411135325204241.html ---------- Post added April-11th-2011 at 11:17 AM ---------- Latest news from the Ivory Coast is that the UN forces did not arrest Gbagbo. According to the UN, Gbagbo actually surrendered to Ouattara's forces and came peacefully. Ouattara's tv station showed footage of Gbagbo looking sad, tired, and weak, sitting next to some other men who were arguing with him, supposedly in the Golf Hotel where UN and Ouattara people have been staying. The tv station also called for Gbabgo's fighters to join the Republican army in the dialogue for the peaceful future of the Ivory Coast
  5. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2011/04/201141113114812183.html http://english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2011/04/201141113442914400.html UN spokesmen are now saying on AJE that Gbabo has been taken into United Nations custody and protection. He is no longer in power. The AJE reporter in Abidjan says that Ouattara's private tv station now reports that Gbabgo is being given medical treatment. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/2011411113334453950.html Al Araybiya reported earlier that Saleh had accepted the mediation, but now the opposition had rejected it, assumedly because it offered him immunity again. ---------- Post added April-11th-2011 at 10:31 AM ---------- http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/201141183150760920.html
  6. YEMEN http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/201141014319852355.html SYRIA http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/201141011216603387.html
  7. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/10/us-egypt-mubarak-summons-idUSTRE7391SY20110410?WT.tsrc=Social%20Media&WT.z_smid=twtr-reuters_%20com&WT.z_smid_dest=Twitter
  8. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/201141013563766482.html Yeah, poke the beehive some more, Mubarak. Brilliant idea! And is he planning to sue his entire country? :pfft:
  9. BAHRAIN http://blogs.aljazeera.net/live/middle-east/live-blog-middle-east-protests-april-10 SYRIA http://blogs.aljazeera.net/live/middle-east/live-blog-middle-east-protests-april-10 m2-JY6-I90A pqyYh_nv_LI uUtosOYQoU0
  10. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/10/us-palestinians-israel-barak-idUSTRE7390JJ20110410
  11. The latest from yesterday's protests across Yemen. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/201149124152735826.html EGYPT The night passed without any major attacks. Protesters held the square all night and there was no sign of military or police willing to make a move on them, despite the warnings earlier in the day. http://twitter.com/#!/meshelmay
  12. Great pictures! Good luck to yourself and everyone out there. I hope the military doesn't crack down even more tonight. Stay strong, but be safe too (if possible). Ok, more on Yemen. This is from a little earlier: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/09/us-yemen-idUSTRE7310ON20110409 Yemen recalls envoy from Qatar, row over Gulf plan I still haven't found any article about the shooting in Sanaa. Here's a tweet though: http://twitter.com/#!/JebBoone Also some people might recall that over the past days there's been some concern about the number of odd tear gas injuries. There was a video a few days ago showing a man apparently having a seizure in response to it and supposedly this was just one example of the hundreds of victims. Here's some possible new info about that: http://twitter.com/#!/Hamoud_Saleh http://twitter.com/#!/JebBoone
  13. Thanks for the reply. Much appreciated. That's kind of what I figured. Although I just read that the military has said they will use force to clear protesters in Tahrir today if necessary. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/20114921821599558.html Might not want to quote all those pictures by the way. (Not to be confusing, but I just edited this post to add stuff I saw on AJE website) ---------- Post added April-9th-2011 at 04:33 PM ---------- I'm seeing reports on twitter that Yemeni security forces have used machine guns to fire on protesters in the capital Sanaa. I'll see if I can find an article about this.
  14. Any comment on what happened last night and military explanation today? I'm seeing different opinions on twitter. Personally I don't put much stock in the military after their lies and statements today. (in other news, I just added a bit more info from Reuters on the Abidjan mortar situation in my post above) ---------- Post added April-9th-2011 at 03:53 PM ---------- http://twitter.com/#!/meshelmay
  15. Al Jazeera English television has been reporting for about a half hour now that Gbagbo's forces in Abidjan have launched attacks on the hotel where elected president Ouattara has been staying under UN protection. The UN troops were able to push them back, but now there are reports of mortar fire on the hotel from farther away. At some point it seems like the UN/French forces will have to bomb Gbagbo's compound and end this. LMAO! A few minutes after I reported this, Reuters mentioned it on twitter. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/09/us-ivorycoast-outtara-un-idUSTRE7382SU20110409 That seems like a long distance. Take them out in any case.
  16. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/20114914714209594.html ---------- Post added April-9th-2011 at 02:27 PM ---------- Pictures from Yemen: http://yemenrightsmonitor.blogspot.com/2011/04/faces-of-tagheer-square-sanaa-by-raja.html
  17. I saw that yesterday. The government's been doing a lot of arrests and kidnappings in Bahrain. They don't seem to want any kind of dialogue with the people now. Bad stuff going on in Yemen today too. In Taiz I'm seeing reports that more people were shot by security forces again. In Sanaa peaceful marching protesters were heavily teargased and then laid into by plainclothes security goons who also harassed and robbed reporters. AIl this news is getting so depressing. Between Gaddafi's forces being close to entering the heart of eastern Libya and all the people getting attacked and killed by their government in Middle Eastern countries, Israel and Gaza, Gbagbo's indefinite holdout, Nigeria continually moving back their elections and now bomb attacks going on there....
  18. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/20114921821599558.html http://twitter.com/#!/meshelmay http://twitter.com/#!/degner http://twitter.com/#!/AmrBassiouny ---------- Post added April-9th-2011 at 01:02 AM ---------- Seeing some people on twitter complaining about the actions of the protesters, pretty much blaming them for going beyond politics and acting like thugs and vandals. (on the other hand this is exactly how most protests go after Police/troops attack crowds of peaceful protesters Personally I don't get what they want them to do, just give in to the military/police and let them arrest, detain, beat, harass, molest whoever they want?) Anyway, here's a picture of Tahrir Square this morning after protesters started retaking it. In other news, the military has said the protesters were all Mubarak ruling party remnants. Clearly not the case, and it just makes the military looks worse to lie.
  19. Heavy gunfire around Tahrir Square has been bursting out every few minutes for the past hour or so after the attack on the square. Neither CNN or AJE is covering it at all though. Too busy talking about the budget. People watching coverage on Al Jazeera Arabic however can hear large amounts of gunfire in the background of phone calls. ---------- Post added April-8th-2011 at 11:27 PM ---------- Al Jazeera English finally made some mention of it and showed part of one of videos from Tahrir Square...then moved on to other news... ---------- Post added April-8th-2011 at 11:42 PM ---------- What the **** is going on in Cairo right now? http://twitter.com/#!/ianinegypt http://twitter.com/#!/meshelmay ---------- Post added April-8th-2011 at 11:51 PM ---------- http://twitter.com/#!/meshelmay
  20. BREAKING NEWS! I am seeing all kinds of reports right now on twitter of soldiers and riot police breaking into Tahrir Square, arresting protesting soldiers, and possibly firing on the crowd. People in nearby hotels are cowering in fear and talking about massive amounts of gunfire going on outside. From all reports it sounds as if some sort of massacre is going on in Tahrir Square right now. It seems that the Egyptian army has declared war on the people of Egypt. ---------- Post added April-8th-2011 at 10:12 PM ---------- Too many rumors and hearsay going on right now. I'll leave most of it until more concrete reports come out. Here's some apparent videos from the scene though. http://twitter.com/#!/acarvin E5pVU2HvgVs G793yhiMA5k 1b7JfE7ia9o Disturbing as hell. http://twitter.com/#!/TeaEveryPlaceIB http://twitpic.com/4iiv5k http://twitpic.com/4iitzo http://twitter.com/#!/degner http://www.incendiaryimage.com/sketchbook/tahrir-cleared-by-army-police-with-violence
  21. Some more news from Egypt. From watching CNN a little while ago. The crowd in Tahrir Square is still very large and they seem to have blocked off some streets leading to it and plan to sit-in overnight at least. Part of this may be to protect the soldiers who have supported them from being arrested. Earlier today 15 uniformed soldiers/officers were in the crowd rallying people against the military leadership and calling for it to give way to civilians and stop harassment tactics on the people and protecting Mubarak and his close allies. They asked those in the crowd from the military to raise there hands and dozens did so. They then said that if the military council wants to court-martial them and execute them they can do so in the square in front of the people and the world. Some pictures from Tahrir Sqaure: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mosaaberising/sets/72157626331427249/ ---------- Post added April-8th-2011 at 06:30 PM ---------- This is getting beyond ridiculous. Someone just needs to arrest him or take him out. I thought the UN said he had almost no forces left? http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/08/us-ivorycoast-idUSTRE73014Z20110408
  22. http://blogs.aljazeera.net/asia/2011/04/08/will-indian-protests-end-corruption
  23. http://twitter.com/#!/lilianwagdy http://twitter.com/#!/sarrahsworld It would be nice if some of the protesters would lend vocal support to helping people in Libya too...lol
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