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Everything posted by Bang

  1. The Hurt Locker, last night. I hadn't seen it. Excellent movie ~Bang
  2. Seriously! Buzz's hips are not THAT fat. He looks like a victorian woman! ~Bong
  3. I thought it was pretty obvious when the title came up in the beginning, but they did a good job with it. ~Bang
  4. "Monsters" saw it on Showtime this weekend.. indie movie about giant alien monsters in Mexico.. seemed like a decent enough idea,, a probe discovers alien life in the solar system, and in bringing back samples breaks up and crashes over Mexico, spreading the spores which take root, and now there's gigantic fifty foot tall octopi with giant spider legs roaming around. Half of Mexico and up to the Texas border is declared the Contaminated Zone, and the combined militaries try and contain the creatures. (We know this by the continual loop of cnn-like starlight footage of one of the monsters being shot at by fighter jets that we see on pretty much every TV) so then there's this photojournalist and his boss's daughter is trapped down there, and it's his job to get her across the infected zone and back to the states.. Sounds like it might be cool right? right. It is if you like long introspective indie-flick crap about whether or not she wants to get married, and his attempt to bang her while weighing the conflict in his own heart about his son, which has a whole back story, and the fact that he makes a living off of human suffering... and unless I miss my guess, there's supposed to be some monsters in here right? Not so fast. Lots more indie movie angst and douchery from these two .. and while we cross the entire Infected Zone practically on foot, we see one monster. In the end, two monsters show up and when at long last it looks like someone is finally going to get eaten, the monsters tenderly touch tentacles and the wandering couple learn the true meaning of love from gigantic space octospiders... who kill no one, eat no one, and only want to be left alone, if not for the nasty ol' military who wants to kill them. What a waste of time. ~Bang
  5. My. Little. Voice. Is. Fast. Enough. To. Tell. Me. You're. A. Dork. While. It. Was. Pausing. ~Beep
  6. some good ones this morning. I like the Lakers ~Bang
  7. And of course, the fat guy is the first one shot down... ~Bang
  8. We always do it a bit late in Super Bowl lull week. We're recording tonight,,it'll be out this weekend or no later than Monday AM got some good stuff too! ~Bang
  9. the funny thing about that cartoon is that the parents in the second frame ARE the kid in the first. So where does the problem lie, I wonder ~Bang
  10. Haven't looked in a few days,, I like the Snoop Dogg dog.. had me ~Bang
  11. Rictus.. I LOVE Gary Clark jr. Great video! Damn that just rocks! Made my morning. ~Bang
  12. Ah, if ever I needed a reminder that David Hetfield was just a gigantic poseur tool, there's that photo. ~Bang
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dsb5HH8m24Y&feature=related ~Bang
  14. I get it.. and reject it. Some people give up all expectancy to compassion thru their actions. Our world is better now that he's dead. What comes next is whatever comes next. But in knowing what Il did in his lifetime, it's good that his life spent oppressing and enslaving others is now over. ~Bang
  15. Some deaths should be celebrated. This is one of them Recognizing evil does not make anyone less for being happy it's gone. ~Bang
  16. **** him. I have no idea why I should give a damn. he was a terrible, horrible human being. Of all the billions on earth, he was one of the absolute worst. Nothing about his life was good. The only thing bad about him dying today is it didn't happen sooner. Why do you find it odd that people are happy that a brutal dictator who has done nothing but destabilize the world while murdering millions of victims is dead? I find it odd that you feel that is odd. You find it unnerving that people celebrate the death of a monster. I find that out of touch with reality. ~Bang
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