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Posts posted by EvilMonkeyBoy

  1. I am so confused. What is that??

    As best as I can tell a group wants to build a Christian complex called "The City of Love" inside Oklahoma City, and they believe Kevin Durant has turned his back on God by signing with Nike over UnderArmor because they believe that the company Nike literally is the manifestation of the Goddess of Victory, Nike. Therefore all Nike athletes worship false idols.

    It gets even crazier from there.

  2. What the hell did I come home to? Got here just in time to see the team scramble and fight to cut the lead.... to 17. Ugly. UGLY!

    The way this team is playing (losing) to good teams I'm starting to doubt their playoff chances. The rest of the decent teams in the east are getting better, we're not rising to the challenge.

    Cleveland is definitely improving, but even with their win last night the Bulls are far from figuring it out and Toronto has been pretty vulerable as of late. They've had some rough games out west for sure but like Steve said, schedule-wise there was plenty of reasons to expect a decent sized L.

  3. http://deadspin.com/wjla-in-washington-d-c-is-reporting-cbs-turner-nba-an-1680096868


    I've never been a fan of paying low skill players big money. Deandre Jordan is a super athlete, a rim protector, and a rebounding machine. He also creates much of the "lob city" stuff by moving very well without the ball. Tristan scores on put backs and when the defense gambles by leaving the 5th option unguarded because even his own team mates fail to hit him with passes when he's all by himself.

    I'm with you on the money and description of his game, he was a fool not to take it. I think he has legitimate value as a player though. Just not at 10+ mil.

  4. Blatt can't say that to the media, even if he feels that way.


    Cavs really gave up Wiggins for what will end up being 1 year of Love.

    Oh I know he shouldn't/can't, but he's not coaching my favorite team so it doesn't really matter to me what he says to the media. That is one entertaining quote. Though the full quote makes the snipped version seem out of context. It sounds like he was referring directly to his current deal and not his abilities.

    It should read, "Kevin's not a max player yet, is he? What? I mean, what does that mean?"

  5. I also think that on nights where they don't have any outside shooting, my concerns about the Bulls "More Bigmen, please" offseason popped up. Pau and Noah just don't mix on the court. That team has some serious spacing issues. Not Pistons before they waived Smith bad, but it's there.

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