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Everything posted by Kalu44

  1. It was an amazing season. I agree. But how do you explain his accuracy issues on simple plays this year? Look, I’m not firmly in any QB’s camp. I’m just telling you reasons why I think the FO will pick JD. I really like Maye, just wish he was more accurate. Even his scripted Pro Day had some strange misses. Hopefully he cleans that stuff up in the NFL.
  2. I don’t know if JD had peaked or not. I never said he was going to continue his upward growth. He very well may have peaked. If so, he is pretty good as-is. Not sure why it took him so long. Maybe it was ASU, maybe it was just him. Maye hasn’t had enough time to show growth yet over JD, simply because he is younger. That’s the point. We’ve seen JD grow in the last 2 years. Perhaps Maye will too, or not. Just saying the FO will probably take the guy who has improved with age, over the guy who that is yet to be determined.
  3. I’m not saying Maye can’t. I’m saying there is no proof he will (no crystal ball). He may improve, or he may not. While with JD, we have already seen it. Personally, I want to take Maye, but I think JD is the safer pick right now given his body of work. I also never said JD can “continue” to improve either. Just saying he has improved, and that is yet to be determined with Maye - not his fault he is younger. What will he do in the next few years?
  4. I've been back and forth a bunch on these two QBs... Daniels - very accurate, good pocket presence, good deep ball, best wheels in the class, and very good read progression. Arm not as strong as other QB prospects, and of course his small stature. He has played longer than most, but i like that he has improved the longer he has played. Something switched on, and he has been really good since mid-2022. Maye - not as accurate, bigger windup, footwork needs some help. Looks the part (but more and more, i don't think that even matters - plenty of past QBs "look" the part, but have not panned out). Has a very good NFL arm that can make all the throws. Is young, so we have no proof that he can get better in time, like Daniels has shown already. Both have risk. However, if you are going to swing, it might as well be a BIG swing. There is no guarantee Maye will improve with time, while Daniels has already shown that growth. I think that is a huge deciding factor. Add the fact that Daniels is a true dual threat QB, putting intense pressure on the defense, and I think the Commanders select JD, and hope he can remain healthy. I'll stand behind Maye if he is the pick, and hope his accuracy gets better.
  5. This is exactly how I see it playing out if we draft Maye. New England is going to get a huge haul from the Raiders. I think it’ll come down to Maye having the ability to make NFL throws. If the team thinks they can correct his other flaws, then that is the pick. JD has less flaws, but you can’t teach having an NFL arm. Either you have it or you don’t.
  6. Well said. This is where I’m at too. Both QBs are talented, both appear to be hard- working good kids. I think Maye might have the longer career, but that is based on perceived durability, not talent. I guess I prefer the longer steady ascension/career, than a shining bright star from the start, that fades quicker. I’ll support either of course. One question. I haven’t seen asked is - can we design run plays for JD, or do you think that is too risky given his frame? Also, it’s 4th and goal, can we QB sneak with JD? Maye at 220lbs should be no issue in that critical scenario. I don’t watch much college tape, so just wondering if JD was used on a 4th and goal sneak often.
  7. IF true (big if), this feeds into the ongoing fact that JD wants to be "wanted." Fragile ego, diva vibes? Small red flag there.
  8. That sack where the lineman held JD with one arm, while raising his other arm in victory....tells me JD plays at 200lbs max, lol.
  9. JD has mentioned multiple times that he want to go to a team who believes in him. That Team is the Raiders. If Commanders draft JD, I don’t think it will come across the way JD would like. I think JD wants the Commanders to basically come out and say he is their guy and they are drafting him. That is the type of feeling JD craves. He doesn’t want to be interviewed with a bunch of other QBs. That signals to him that the Commanders are not 100% sold on him and are still weighing options. Let him go to the Raiders then, no big deal.
  10. By all reports, Daniels has the best read progression of any QB in the draft. That is why I am leaning his way at the moment.
  11. JD does have elite progression reads from everything I’ve read. I value that trait probably above all else in terms of a QB. You can get away with an average arm, if you can go through your progressions quickly and read defenses.
  12. Allen seems to have reversed his attitude on this team. I’d rather not trade him at this point, and create a hole at DT. His contract is also reasonable for his production.
  13. Both QBs have pluses and minuses. It will really come down to the visits next week. One QB will blow them away with football intellect, scheming recognition, ability to read progressions quickly, charisma, and demeanor. That’s the guy we pick. These guys are all talented, but you need a face of the franchise, and a guy that can lead a team. PS: does anyone else think Maye is a fast talker? Seems like a Seinfeld episode.
  14. I'd love to be able to quote myself, then your response when replying - so others can follow along the conversation. Not sure how to do that. It used to work for me in the past.
  15. No, just to be able to reply and have the previous posts show. This post is an example on how my original post (asking the question) doesn't show up, only your reply does.
  16. Mod question - i cannot seem to multi-quote a reply. I hit the + multi quote option, but only 1 quote appears in the reply box. What am i doing wrong?
  17. True. That will be an awkward conversation if we draft him, especially after JD keeps pounding the point about wanting to be drafted by a team that believes in him.
  18. Peters mentioned on the latest Keim interview, that he like a QB with a ton of experience, so that would point to Daniels over Maye.
  19. I think it’s important, as it shows their communication skills. How comfortable are they speaking to a group? How will they handle the media after a rough game? How will they handle any public adversity, should it arise? How does that all translate to being a team leader?
  20. Forgetting their individual talent for a second, Drake appears to be more mature than Daniels (at a younger age I might add). I see a little Tom Brady arrogance in him too. Daniels keeps saying the same thing over and over about a team that “believes” in him, and I didn’t understand his last 20 seconds of answering the slide question. He also looks down a lot when he talks, almost a little shy? Daniels might have more talent, but I think Maye might end up being the better leader.
  21. General question here. Does Maye go through his progressions well? I keep hearing that Daniels does (and see it on film reviews), but don’t think I’ve heard that about Maye specifically. It wouldn’t shocked me if I missed it though.
  22. There is so much posturing going on in the media right now, it’s comical. These rumors and “sources” are probably 50% misdirection from teams to get their targeted guy to fall to them. The only thing that matters is the Skins FO and talent evaluators, the rest is just noise.
  23. Maybe Peters feels the same way? Perhaps he identifies his own Brock Purdy in the later rounds (Pratt), and just takes a sure thing like Alt at #2. Or maybe it’s Alt and a trade back into the 1st for Penix Jr. Who knows, but you’re right - it’s all exhausting.
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