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Posts posted by OVCChairman

  1. 41 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:


    Why don't they ever call those blocks in the back in that situation?  The rules don't count on screens?  That is an impossible block they drew up and the center didn't really come close to sticking it legally, but no chance of a flag.

    I honestly can't remember the last time I saw clipping called during the course of offensive play in an NFL game.



    Yeah it's so inconsistent, and visibly incorrect at times that it's frustrating. 


    What I want to know is how we got called for 2 roughing penalties against Detroit, one where a hand brushed the helmet of Stafford, and another where Allen (if I'm remembering correctly) landed on top of Stafford in the action of a tackle... meanwhile Smith was getting driven into the ground with regularity against Pittsburgh but it was not called a single time.  


    IMHO the rule book is TOO big.  Stupid rules that the refs have to watch for that have literally no effect on the game play get called all the time.  The old 12th man penalty while he's running off the field is the dumbest rule in the book.  If the 12th guy on defense is 1 step from the sideline and CLEARLY not engaging in the action of the play that should not be a penalty, and the Refs should not be required to watch that action instead of watching the actual play beginning and alerting on an issue that does actually effect gameplay.  If they would simplify the rulebook so that rules don't change based on situation... like if an offensive player fumbles forward and it goes out of bounds then the ball comes back to the spot of the fumble... UNLESS he fumbles into the endzone and it goes out of bounds, then it's a touchback..  another stupid rule. 

    • Like 2
  2. 15 minutes ago, JSSkinz said:

    So they flexed Browns @ Giants week 15 instead of Hawks @ Skins.




    If we were @ Seattle, I bet they flex us. 


    On top of that, Cleveland is playing @ New York so how many Rockefeller Square pictures and videos will we see during commercial breaks.  A 'contending' Giants team IN New York 5 days before Christmas gives NBC some serious optics.  I GUARANTEE that played a role.  +


    The SNF football game in Week 16 is Titans @ Packers... no chance NBC is giving that game up. 

    • Like 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, GOATFrerotte said:


    I like Chase Young. If it's the teams fault he isn't producing more than that's another excuse. The bottom line is his production numbers are not good. I have no clue why you guys can't just admit that, lol. It's hilarious the way you guys will skate around the basic fact that his pass rushing numbers are pretty poor and if you expected his numbers to be this poor when we drafted him then we just have different expectations. 



    There is no fault... this rotation makes the defense more efficient 


    It's about stopping the opposing offense to give the team a chance to win... stats are a result, not a goal

    • Like 4
  4. 1 minute ago, Malapropismic Depository said:


    That play shows his tremendous athleticism, as well as awareness.

    But I also noticed he was completely unblocked.

    Both things can be true.

    Without his athleticism, that does not happen.

    But if one guy blocks him, with just 1% effort, it wouldn't happen either.

    Thanks to his talent and instincts, and thanks to the Steelers for not blocking him.

    Letting CY go unblocked on any play is just asking for trouble


    I believe the shifting TE, no 85, was supposed to chip him and Chase beat him so bad he looked unblocked. 

    • Like 4
  5. 25 minutes ago, GOATFrerotte said:


    You're literally just making up stats. Let's just take last year first 12 games for Nick Bosa and look at the drastic difference between the two compared to elite rushers in the league. There's just no way to justify this other than saying Chase Young simply isn't ready to be a dominant pass rusher in this game. Was I hoping he would be? Yes. Is it disappointing that he is this far off from being one of the better rushers in the league? Yes. I don't know why that is an unreasonable position to have. 


    2019 First 12 games vs Chase Young First 12 games

    QB Hits

    TJ Watt 28

    Joey Bosa 22

    Nick Bosa 18


    Chase Young 6


    QB Pressures

    TJ Watt 46

    Joey Bosa 42

    Nick Bosa 32


    Chase Young 10





    He's not, you're ignoring it because it doesn't fit your narrative. 


    If Chase Young is not asked to pass rush on every play, then you can't get mad when he doesn't get a sack.  There are a lot of plays that his is not rushing the passer, he's got gap control, run defense, or edge contain.  Add to that a fair amount of times the other team is literally gameplanning to slow him down.  Additionally he does not play 100% of the snaps because we have the franchise leader in sacks playing the same position he is.  Bosa did not have Ryan Kerrigan eating up obvious pass rushing situations from him.  Look at Bosa's snap count vs Young... Bosa played 777 snaps his rookie season across 16 games, Young through 11 games has played 423.  Bosa played 76% of San Frans snaps... Young has played in 68%. 8 % may not be a ton but there is likely a very stark contrast in the situations he's one the field... hence the analogy of the batter getting ABs.  If he's not pass rushing specifically then there's a lack of opportunity for those all encompassing stats you're prioritizing. 


    Young plays primarily on downs that can result in a run or a pass so the assignments and responsibilities aren't "go get the QB."  Go back and watch the game yesterday, there were MULTIPLE situations where you could tell Young was intentionally not going up field.  He engaged the blocker, then stepped back and jumped into a potential passing lane.  More than once he took it away.  That's by design because we knew Ben was not going to sit back there and take sacks all game.  

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  6. 12 minutes ago, GOATFrerotte said:


    Grown men making statements about putting others on ignore because they disagree about a players production, lmao. I've seen it all now. 


    All you are bringing up is excuses for a lack of production. My argument is his production numbers are pretty bad. There is no way around that. You can believe the excuses you come up with or you can be like me and be disappointed that the numbers are so bad regardless of the reasons. I had higher expectations from our #2 pick. I don't care about his double team rate, his pass rush win rate, or whatever weird PFF stat you can come up with that avoids the discussion about actual production. 



    no... YOU are bringing up your OPINION about what PRODUCTION provides value.  


    WE are trying to tell you that there IS PRODUCTION that you are choosing to ignore.  Stats lie all the time.  Jameis Winston broke records in Tampa Bay last year throwing for 5100 yards (319 ypg)... the team went 7-9.  Tom Brady is in the same offense and he's thrown for 3300 yards through 12 games (275 ypg) and the team is 7-5 and comfortably in the playoff race.  Is Tom Brady  not anywhere near Jameis? 



  7. 1 minute ago, Mr. Sinister said:

    Christ. Did the camera crane break and they just decided to roll with one of those old kiddy cameras with the picture slides? 




    are you talking about the tweet I shared?


    That's All-22.  Its a subscription package through NFL.com that basically gives you coaches film... hence the break down of the play across the scroll on the top.  It's not a broadcast camera. 

    • Like 1
  8. 44 minutes ago, GOATFrerotte said:


    He touched the qb once two weeks in a row. I guess that's a start. For a reference point, TJ Watt has multiple qb hits in 7 straight games. I guess your guys expectations are just very low. But you're the 3rd person to bring my name up this week when I wasn't even saying a word about Chase. Guess you guys want me too. 


    13 minutes ago, OVCChairman said:




    Pretty sure I saw Chase touch Ben 3 times in this highlight package....  I mean.... 

    • Haha 2
  9. 1 minute ago, Warhead36 said:

    The football IQ of our collective fan base has degraded so bad its sad. This is the same fan base that trashed Kyle Shanahan and Sean McVay too.


    30 years of losing football creates a fanbase that's apathetic and no longer very knowledgeable.



    So it's not just me?  I was seriously starting to think I was losing it... 

  10. 49 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


    Yeah I have no idea why that poster propped up Mark Brunell as the example of the most consistent QB here. He was consistently bad, that's about it.  



    Brunell was not the point.  Good lord.  The point was Cousins was far and away the best thing we have had at QB and he got vilified.  This fanbase was wanting to get him benched and run out of town long before the franchise tag and money became too rich.  I said Cousins was the best and most consistent qb we have had in the last 30 year outside of 'maybe Brunell' which should tell you everything you need to know... that we have been terrible at QB and even when we have a semblance of ability this fanbase is still not happy.  


    I never said Brunell was a good QB or tried to argue he was anything more than he was...

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