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Everything posted by NoCalMike

  1. Well I was at the fight. $40 not bad for lower level seats, eh? It sucks that Faber broke his hand because he came out like a crazy man in round 1. I still think the bigger issue is that Brown is just huge at 145. This might be a problem for Aldo to when he gets his title shot coming up against Brown. Faber is used to being the bigger man, or at least the stronger man at 145, but it was easy to see that Brown is just naturally bigger. Faber was definately outstriking Brown, before he broke his hand, but anytime Brown got Faber wrapped up, he was just too strong for Faber to work him on the ground, and Faber constantly used all his energy to stand back up. The ironic thing is, tonight was supposed to be WEC's 1st PPV, but Vs network talked them out of it. So I wonder if Aldo vs. Brown is going to be the 1st PPV, or the rumored move of Faber going down to 135 to fight Miguel Torres. I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand PPV would be a good thing for the fighters since PPV revenue would get them bigger pay days, but for me, I am already spending money on UFC most months, and I don't have the spare cash for two PPV events a month. Of coruse if the WEC puts on a spectacular card, then it would UFC I would probably skip. Aldo vs. Brown should be interesting, but honestly I think Aldo will run into the same problem with the size & strength difference. Of course, who knows what Faber v. Brown WOULD HAVE looked like had Faber not broken his hand so early in the fight.
  2. Shogun vs. Machida is a very compelling matchup, as long as Shogun is truly back to his former self and his win over Chuck isn't just merely a case of Chuck being done as a top level fighter.
  3. The problem with coming into the ring/cage/octagon being purely a striker is, no matter how hard you hit, no matter how vicious you can land a punch, once you start to age, there is gonna be someone who can hit just as hard as you, but is younger and faster. Chuck Liddell had a very good run in Pride & UFC, but the problem is, he never adapted his game to the up & coming fighters. He decided he would always be able to get by with the same gameplan. Wandy is one of the most vicious fighters ever, but he has been through so many wars, that he might be turning into one of those fighters where every fight you have to flip a coin whether he will land first, or his opponent will, and if it's his opponent, he is going nighty-night. The problem with the UFC right now is it seems a lot of guys are forgetting the "Mixed" part of Mixed Martial Arts. It is becoming a company where the crowds would rather watch a bunch of sloppy-bar room brawl 3rd-rate striking, then guys actually come in with an all around game of wrestling/BJJ/JUDO/Grappling etc etc..... I remember on one PPV, I was at the bar, and the loudest cheers of the night went to an undercard fight merely cause it was too scrubs throwing wild haymakers for three rounds, as if that kind of club-level wannabe boxing takes any skill at all, where-as a guy that is black belt in BJJ taking on a gold medal wrestler, would probably get booed out of the building because there isn't enough punching.
  4. The thing is though Dana White's match-making is purely for business purposes. Why do you think he kept trying to keep Liddell in the LHW title picture. Why do you think Brock got a title shot with a 1-1 UFC record. Why do you think he went and bailed Rampage out after the hit & run incident. If GSP is down to fight Silva, and Dana White thinks it will make a ton of money, he will rush to get the fight signed. He could have told BJ Penn no, and that he had to give Florian a title shot first before fighting GSP, but then he would run the risk of BJ losing and then a superfight with GSP loses all luster. The UFC needs to come up with a more concrete system or rules and regulations as to just how guys are getting title shots. 1st step is an official ranking system, which UFC is avoiding at all costs it seems.
  5. What is wrong with BJ Penn holding and defending two belts? No one seems to have a problem with the prospect of Anderson Silva doing the same thing, now that he has begun fighting at 205. I mean if he keeps fighting at 205 it is only a matter of time before he gets a title shot.(Unless he gets beat back down to 185) MMA as a sport is still in it's infancy, it needs stars. It's needs guy skilled enough that they can do these types of things. The masses don't watch a sport where the belts are traded every other fight because no single fighter is THAT much better then the next. The masses want a champion to dominate the competition for awhile, until the next young dominant champ comes up and takes their place.
  6. I think a lot of people underrate Penn because of the period in time he spent as a lazy fighter. This would include his rematch with Hughes. Penn had Hughes choked out and the bell saved Hughes. Keep in mind this was during the era where people considered Hughes unstoppable. Penn gassed and then eventually lost. When Penn was in his lazy years he was still beating 99% of his opponents based solely on his talent level and execution. I like both fighters, I am a fan of both, I almost always root for both these guys in their fights, but Saturday I am going to be rooting for Penn. I think the difference here is that GSP is one of those guys who is good at a lot of things, but not ELITE in anything. Where as BJ Penn is ELITE in BJJ, and damn near Elite in his standup/boxing. I think the advantage goes to BJ because if GSP manages to take BJ down, he is going to be contending with a Black Belt in BJJ. Where GSP has the advantage is his stength because the weight class is his natural weight class, so he will be stronger then BJ Penn, but of course the same could be said about Sean Sherk, that dude was like one big bulging muscle, and he was dismantled by BJ Penn. If the fight goes past three rounds all eyes will be on BJ Penn's cardio because in the past, during his lazy years, this is where he was most vunerable. IE: 1st GSP fight, 2nd Hughes fight.
  7. UFC 85: Spike Makes Right....as in Airing it on Spike would be the right call..... Oh and I was at Arco Arena last night for the Faber/Pulver fight....the crowd was a sellout and on fire......it seemed like every other fight had a guy fighting out of Sacramento, CA,
  8. I don't think it has to do with Pride fighters being overrated. For one, the rules of UFC and Pride are different, and I think the rules of UFC hurt guys who have fought most of their career in Pride. Shogun for example, he has devastating knees and stomps, but those are illegal in UFC. In Pride, when he knocked an opponent down, he could knee them and stomp them, that was a big part of his game, and now he cannot do that. It takes time to adjust your fighting style. Secondly, people forget, UFC, PRIDE, IFL, BODOG etc....these are ALL Profressional Fighters, and everyone has a fair chance at winning/losing. That is why UFC has such a hard time setting up long term "big fights" because too often Dana White counts on certain guys winning, which will set up a superfight in the future, but then the wrong guy wins and all his advertising dollars go wasted. Also, this "UFC Fighter" vs. "Pride Fighter" comparison is garbage too, because as early as five years ago, so many MMA fighters went back and forth between promotions because the sport wasn't as big and fighters had to fight more often to make money. Quinton Jackson is an elite fighter because of HIM and his trainers, not because he comes from Pride or because he is now in UFC. A lot of casual/new fans to MMA don't understand the dynamics of the sport and they just want to jump on the bandwagon of the next big thing everytime they see a show.
  9. Wrestlemania is ALWAYS a better show then it looks like it will be on paper, because everyone goes all out, and most every match gets a good amount of time. I am hosting it at my house, the party starts about 1pm....everyone is bringing food and drink(s)...it is gonna be a bash!!!
  10. I think Tito Ortiz has a chance in this fight. Anytime two top-tier guys are fighting for a second time, you never know what kind of tricks your opponent will pull out this time around. With that being said I still think Chuck Liddell knocks out Ortiz by the second round....... Of course the winner of this fight probably has a date with Rampage Jackson next, which isn't good for either Tito or Chuck.
  11. Before he was just Rikishi he was a "Headshrinker" hehe...
  12. Umaga is Vince McMahon's answer to Samoa Joe. You see, Vince is incapable of having minority wrestlers on the roster without invoking some type of racial stereo type. He can't simply have a big Samoan Wrestler, the guy HAS TO BE some "islander savage" type gimmick.
  13. I'll be the first to say now that the Jarret face turn is going to fall flat on it's face and is further proof of why his ego is only going to let the company so far unless it is held in check. When fans are booing you with "GO AWAY" heat, not "heel heat" it is a sign they don't want you around, not that they want you to turn face and hold the belt all over again........ugh.
  14. I wish Benoit went to ECW....but it looks like he is back representing Smackdown.
  15. If Quentin Jackson and Silva every came to the UFC, they would easily be the kings of the Octagon. Those two are bonified BADASSES. Silva is a scary mofo, and I'd like to see him avenge his loss to Tito Ortiz, from very early in his MMA career.
  16. Same here, well actually, there is usually one match or two per week that I am entertained by, and knowing the genius Paul Heyman is when it comes to character development and storylines/creative writing, I am convinced that I will eventually tune in and see a better product. Heyman just needs to give the inches McMahon is giving him, turn them golden and eventually he will be given a mile.
  17. Remember guys, The Big Show is just holding the belt because of RVD's 30 day suspension. Meltzer has already reported RVD's huge ECW push will return as soon as the suspension is over. As far as TNA goes, yeah they do offer a lot of good matches, but their storylines are horrible. Also, they suffer from the same thing WWE does, backstage politics. For every bad thing Triple H does to hold people down in WWE, Jeff Jarrett is doing the same in TNA. When Paul Heyman commented on TNA and what he thought, he hit the nail on the head, Abyss, Samoa Joe, and AJ Styles should be the top 3 guys, and Jeff Jarrett should not even be in the title picture...PERIOD, but because he is the head booker as long as an on-air talent, he will continue to push himself as god.
  18. Sabu had vicoden, which is not on the banned drugs list, but he got fined since he didn't have a prescription. RVD had weed, so he was suspended.
  19. Well tommorow night on ECW, it is Edge vs. RVD for both belts. I dunno if that is going to get changed though, due to Edge winning the WWE belt on Raw tonight.
  20. I think the Sandman gimmick is that he is going to come down and clobber the hell out of these stupid gimmicky guys, until one day he ends up running into one that actually fights back...which COULD BE how they debut CM PUNK or someone else on the roster.
  21. Anyone else lurk and/or post at www.thesmartmarks.com ? It is a great wrestling(for smart marks, that is) and general discussion msgboard.
  22. This week was tenfold better then Week 1. Thank you heyman.
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