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Posts posted by Hersh

  1. On 6/5/2024 at 7:14 PM, TheDoyler23 said:

    Bradish is getting pushed back - maybe going on the IL. 

    Ugh. How many elbows can this team injure in 8 months!? 


    At some point you gotta look at the training program. I actually think that the use of analytics/spin rates, etc is a big reason we see more injuries. 

  2. I would be surprised to see Holiday again this season unless injuries. His strikeouts are still high and the pitching at AAA seems to be pretty bad these days. They should start getting him some time in the outfield as well cause he's not playing SS at the MLB level for the O's. 


    O's infield should be set this year with Westburg, Henderson, Stowers, Mountcastle/O'Hearn. 



  3. 2 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


    The same goes both ways, and the narrative seems to have taken hold that the economy is bad and everything is too expensive, even if the vast majority of traditional macro economic indicators are pretty positive.  Most people care way more about their checking account balance than anything else, so if they think it's gotten harder to make ends meet in the last 4 years, I worry. 


    Of course it goes both ways, but Biden didn't end Roe v Wade. I don't buy at all that the narrative about the economy has taken hold. The vast majority of those people claiming that economy is bad would immediately change their answer if Trump was names supreme leader tomorrow. 

    Side note: Another losing issue for the GOP which is happening in a lot of states like NC, Vouchers. The lack of spending on public schools and retaining teachers will be an issue with voters come November. 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

    Or would Trump get SCOTUS to somehow invalidate the 22nd amendment? That seems more likely than him not running in 2028. 


    That said, I still see Biden at 286ish EC at worst. And +9mil in pop vote. 


    People ****ing hate Trump and the GOP being tied to him will make people vote against him. 


    I think what people don't realize is that it doesn't take a high percentage of former trump voters to either vote for someone else or simply not vote for there to be huge consequences. I firmly believe NC is in play this year for Democrats for the first time since Obama won. It's crazies up and down the GOP ticket down here and the race last time was relatively close. Democrats are far more organized this go round. 

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  5. 10 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:


    Perhaps, but the fact that people are willing to dump our democratic ideals just to put someone in power who will elevate their "in group" at the expense of others also indicates that our education system has done a poor job of not only educating students on American exceptionalism, but on the evils of totalitarian and communist ideologies.



    The problem with this is that we know there are very well educated people that are all in on Trump. You think someone like JD Vance or Tom Cotton or any of these ivy league educated pieces of **** don't know the evils of authoritative rule? They know but they don't care. Most of the Trump supporters know too. This is purely about being conditioned that Democrats are bad no matter what the issue is. Watch the GOP twist themselves into a pretzel making arguments or flat out lying. If you go down a list of issues and remove political affiliation, vast majorities side with the Democrats on issues. 



  6. 13 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

    We should probably start marking down all the names here who are saying Trump is winning. Fair warning, I'm going to be insufferable when Trump loses bigly again. 


    I don't think this will be all that close of an election. The polls we have seen to show Trump close or ahead have been so laughably bad. They've showed Trump winning or being tied with women and younger voting blocks and there is zero chance that happens. This is going to be a Roe v Wade election again throughout the country and we've seen the results of that. 


    The only pause I've had recently is the Israeli-Palestinian mess. Netanyahu is and will continue to do things as part of their actions to help Trump. 

    • Like 1
  7. 18 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


     Christ, this was a terrible read.  



    That's the crux of it, IMO.  Party over country all day for them and it's deep in their blood.  And I do believe China is right, someone rationalize ethics and morals away.  This **** will hold her nose and vote for Trump because she just answered her own question.  Never vote Democrat.  Ever.


    People think there's strength in digging in their heels and making stances.  There's some truth to that.  But there's also strength in being able to change your mind on things and have a better understanding on why you might have been wrong previously.  Nicole here seems to have some thoughts but I'm sure she'd be blackballed by her MAGA friends if she ever changed her mind on anything political.  





    What made it particularly bad was her level of shear stupidity. We have a booming economy and record low unemployment with massive investments in public infrastructure and yet they will tell themselves:


    "Should a Republican choose Biden – someone we know is not a conservative and who we believe is actively derailing the country's economy, reputation and social fabric – just to avoid Trump?" 


  8. 19 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


    If a 25 year old isn't in the plan for a team that's tanking, who TF us?


    In hated the trade when it happened, still do.

    look at what OKC did. That’s the blueprint. Get as many young, multi-faceted players as possible and build that way. Wiz aren’t gonna prioritize wins for at least two more seasons. Kuzma is next on the list to get traded. Hopefully this off-season. 

    I’m happy for Gaff. Dude has a chance for a ring. 

  9. 4 hours ago, balki1867 said:



    This person gives a nice synopsis of the last out.  According to her, the umps got the call right-- the ball is still alive even though the ump called the infield fly rule, and the runner can be called for interference even if it was unintentional.  And I give credit to the 3rd base ump that he called it as soon as it happened, well before he got to the ball and caught it.


    I'd still be pissed if I was a Sox fan.


    That was the umpire making the game about him and not letting the players decide the game. The intent of the rule isn't what was called. All that call does it make people hate officials more. 

    6 hours ago, DCSaints_fan said:

    A similar play was called against the O's a few years back ... bottom line runners need to pay attention.


    First clip



    What is a runner supposed to do in either situation? In the clip you posted, the runner stopped moving and the other clip, the runner was walking back to the base. If neither is the right thing to do, it's a bad rule and umps should be aware of the impact they have on the game. 

  10. 50 minutes ago, Destino said:

    That was a great basketball game.


    Followed by a great Inside the NBA. 

    22 minutes ago, abdcskins said:

    Edwards can run cold just as much as he runs hot. Mavericks are gonna win this series. 


    He's been so good, it's tough to remember that he's only 22. 

    • Like 2
  11. 34 minutes ago, samy316 said:


    Inside the NBA is the only sports show I've ever seen where people who know nothing about the NBA will watch that show, just for the laughs.  My mother and sister know nothing about the NBA or the players, but I've had my sister reach out to me to DVR Inside The NBA, just so she can laugh along.  It's really going to hurt in the short term not having a staple like Inside, it's without question the best sports show of all time.  It hurts doubly in that ESPN will be still broadcasting the NBA for the foreseeable future, especially with their wack ass coverage and their collection of worthless studio hosts and analysts (save for Mike Breen and Hubie Brown).


    It's a terrible move by the NBA not to figure out how to keep the show. It will be sad but I expect an epic Gone Fishing on their final show with everyone that's a part of putting the show on. 

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Destino said:

    I blame coaching here. In crucial late game situation you have to have good designs for inbounds plays. The last two in regulation were garbage. The first being the critical turnover.


    also the defense on the game tying three was trash. Clearly the pacers weren’t told to either immediately foul or ignore the interior focusing purely on three denial. 

    awful coaching. 


    Agree with the bad design on the inbounds pass. You can't draw up anything that goes towards your own basket like that. However, that turnover with about 27 seconds left when Haliburton just lost the ball with no one around was awful. 

    That was a pretty epic choke job. 

    • Like 3
  13. 1 minute ago, CRobi21 said:


    He was another major let down behind Porter. Last year if kcp got an open look it was almost automatic. Now he's a ghost out there this year


    Nuggets will be looking to make changes this off-season. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, Destino said:

    Porter has been **** in so many playoff series and it’s been disguised by winning. He earns max money to mix shots.


    the issue now is jokic and Murray won’t pass it to anyone but they lost all faith in them ten minutes ago.


    to be fair, the others aren't even looking to shoot. Gordon should've taken a three and played hot potato with it. 

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