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Everything posted by @DCGoldPants

  1. Alright, at least giving the Hardyz the tag titles was smart.
  2. the damn thing is on my b-day and I'm still not going to order it. The card is awful.
  3. I thought the Rock looked fine. He's just leaner. Not skinny. He doesn't need to be all huge for wrestling anymore. The whole Jambronie beating, pie eating part had be laughing.
  4. The show went on for a long time last night. I thought it would end at 11:05, but went another 10 min. Ahh, Val Venus. He was so awsome. Those storylines were so much more fun to watch. I bet the folks in this thread could sit down and design a storyline for the whole WWE that could last from this WM through the next while staying fresh.
  5. Seeing the Rock just reminds you how weak the top of the Mountain is these days. Maybe because its broken up in a few brands. But I'd take the main eventers from like 96 to 2002 over the guys that are on the top not. Rock Austin Angle HHH Taker over Edge Orton Cena Batista Van Dam (When he came to WWE)
  6. unless you're Flair who won't just hang it up. Jeez, either stop it, or get an outfit that doesn't make you look even older.
  7. Yep TK. Tell you what though. Something sexy about Mickey James. Not that she shouldn't be. She's a good looking woman. But her character isn't trying to be sexy.
  8. Mick Foley is out right now, Vince thought he was going to be the guest ref. Dumb Dumb Dumb Now Shane comes out, tells Vince the board of directors voted 5-4, and they lost. The Ref is....Austin. stupid......and exposed by people here awhile ago. The old Austin Music rocks though.
  9. what a mess of storylines. If TNA wasn't so difficult to watch, they would have been huge by now. You have the Tag Titles mixed with the World Champ. The stupid Vince vs. Donald situation. WM looks boring as **** right now.
  10. ugh, how lame. Austin as the Ref? Ok, so we know he's going to try to screw Vince's guy.
  11. I think Austin has serious neck and back issues. If Vince picked a lighter guy, then maybe. But I think the Rock would be perfect for this. For all we know, its in a contract he has still. He will appear at WM if asked. Trump is all about loot, the Rock had that angle with his $600 shirts. Etc, Etc. I think it would be genius. Plus, have the Rock win and leave, its not like Umaga feuds, he's just a big hired gun.
  12. Wait, so Trumps pick was really Lashley? I thought for sure it would be a real shocker. Like The Rock.
  13. I guess TNA tried to show their best matches last night. I wasn't really that impressed. Guess I do what for the lights and sounds, and not the actually wrasslin'
  14. Mickie James is looking more like a Divi, and less like a female wrasler' than before. eh? I don't even check out the other shows, so seeing guys like Batista, Taker and Lashley were kinda cool. Lashley is freaking HUGE. I still think they need more stables in the WWF/
  15. Vince's problem right now is that he has only a few headliner stars, and 3 shows they have to fill. The smart move would be to combine the Raw and Smackdown rosters. Build up a series of factions. Then your main events could be bigger on a regular basis, and more guys would get T.V. time with expanded Tag-Team and Cruiser Weight stuff.
  16. I don't understand this why HBK going for the Gold now. He's most fun when part of a tag team anyways. How is it you see Mick Foley come back every 12-18 months, but I can't remember when Stone Cold or the Rock at least had a Wrestlemania match. I still think the Hardyz joined DX months ago, and that Punk kid. Then when HHH went down, they could focused on the Hardyz, or maybe then HBK going for it all.
  17. ok, here is what's sad about this thread. It starts as a "I heard that there WILL be 75th anniv Uni's" Then you get the "I wish they would focus on winning" reply. Which is totally fair. Then you get the otherside who can't stand to hear anything negative about the team. If they are winning but the Uni's are ugly. Then its "They are focused on winning, uni's don't mean jack". If you're losing but they look sharp in their new uni's then its "This is a business, they are in it to make money....and they are good at it". Why can't it be "Yeah, they do look sharp, but they still need to focus on fixing their disfunctional front office and get their heads into winning"? I'm sure there are enough people at the Park to focus on both.
  18. No, I think its more likely a technical issue. When something like that happens. You'll hear JR yelling "Somebody in the back, send some help!" and stuff like that.
  19. I totally forgot about the extra hour, and didn't see hour 2 either. Something went wrong at the end because there was nothing from King or JR during the last 5 min. Just video of HHH and Michaels bleeding. Weird.
  20. Kenny is young, they can still mold the guy into whatever they want. Look at crazy Haas. To be honest. RKO should full time add Nitro, his chick and that other guy. DX should add the Hardy's and Mickie James. Then they should just go from show to show, attacking each other.
  21. Hopefully they pull out all the stops for you. They f'd up this DX/Rated-RKO thing. Flair shouldn't be involved. It should be Punk, or the Hardys.
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