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Everything posted by @DCGoldPants

  1. Agreed. Let him "win", and then decide to retire on his own. Actually, let him beat Vince....then retire.
  2. Somebody needs to tell Flair and JBL that they should Wrasle' wearing sweatsuits.
  3. exactly. The Nation vs DX was so funny. remember X-pac as Mark Henry? Road Dogg as D-Lo? HHH as Vince or the "Crock"? "I just got back from the bathroom......and you shouldn't have smelled what the Crock was cookin!"
  4. They don't have a lot of guys who sport mic skills. That's why they need to bring back the "Stables". You have enough big names to have their own sections, and get lesser known guys some face time. Jericho HHH Orton Edge (I think he might) Cena This could be spread across "brands" So, you'd have rollover that makes more sense. For Example, I'd like to see a stable of.... Jeff Hardy, HHH, Matt Hardy, HBK, CM Punk, Ashley You'd get all those folks in a ring to run their mouths at the begining of a show, but for the matches, you might only get the Hardy's with the others a ringside.
  5. I want to like TNA so much. Its just poor production values. The wrestling is cool. But, they try to much out of the ring stuff for their own good. I understand WWE doing it, they have more tools to work with. Is that really Angle's wife?
  6. If there was something Jeff Hardy needed to do to convince Vince that he should be champ. That was just it. Holy ****.
  7. This is the one I want to go back to. But, keep helmet logo the same as today.
  8. Could somebody mock up what it would look like if we wore the color scheme from the 70th anniversary uni's, but with the current design?
  9. I like the current design. But, when they have to wear burgundy jersey's, I wish it was this color, but on the current layout.
  10. 1. I've given TNA enough chances, but they keep letting me down. Tons of talent, awful use of it. 2. The Jericho thing wasn't great. We all know it. 3. I keep saying it. Bring back the "factions" in WWF. Storylines are better. Factions can spread across shows so the storylines are together, and viewers might watch more than just RAW.
  11. What they should have done is had the runner in a sweatshirt with the hood pulled up. Then when he came down the ramp, it was really Jericho who then crushed Orton. That would have been cool.
  12. They are so close to figuring this all out. Y2J to fued with Orton while it seems everybody else is hurt. We've already seen guys like The Hardys and Punk being able to fit in with HHH and HBK. You have plenty of women out there. Its time to bring back the "stables". This doesn't mean you need to call one "DX", even though you know they would. But, here is how I would break a few down. 1. HHH, HBK, The Hardy's and CM Punk and some Diva 2. Orton, Hass, Benjamin, Melina and someone like Umaga (Who Melina keeps in check) That's how they kept things going. Because every week it was really a few matches through the night, but it was stable vs. stable.
  13. Are they going back to the DX stuff since it seems both HHH and HBK hate Orton.
  14. New rule. When you choke like they did two weeks ago. They have to wear this jersey the next game. With pink pants and helmet. The coaching staff is in Pink also. I would suggest Purple, but that's just gay.
  15. As long as they give the title to a guy who can actually fight alittle. No 7 Foot giants, or 500 pound gimics. Personally, I'd go with Val Venis or Super Crazy. Just kidding.
  16. Then need to start over I think. With all the talent issues, and roid questions. They need to rethink everything. My suggestion would be to get rid of the branding thing. Take away all the titles, and start fresh with these titles. 1. World Championship 2. Heavyweight Tag Team 3. US Champ 4. European Champ 5. Hardcore (ECW title) 6. Lightweight Tag Team 7. Cruiser Weight 8. Women's Championship 9. Women's Tag Team That's 9 belts right there. That way, you have belts stay with a show. So, forget all this roster nonsense. If your the world champ, you're on Raw. If you lose it. You can go after other belts, but they might be on other shows. If you win a belt at a PPV, you got to that show as long as you have the belt. Then you bring back the whole "Stables" idea. create 4 or 5 teams across all the shows. Let them fued like DX vs. the Nation. It'll be funny.
  17. I heard that it was going to be a surprise. I thought it would be today, so fans would flood the store at halftime to buy em. I actually thought that when they went in after warm-ups, they might come out in the throwbacks. Maybe at home against the Giants.
  18. I saw that also. Oh Micki.....why have you forsaken us? Oh well. Guess we'll have to pick another Divi to love.
  19. Maybe that's the point. At least 2 guys who can work together are holding the titles.
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