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Posts posted by 88Comrade2000

  1. Central Intelligence. eh, not setting in would've paid to see, but the wife just loooooves the Rock. :(

    it was okay. I laughed out loud several times, but the story was pretty weak. Rock is pretty funny, but Kevin Hart is the same guy he plays in every movie. His stand ups are funny, but he can't act for ****. C.

    I just saw it.  It was alright. I'll give it a C+.


    Next up for me is "Independence Day: Resurgence".  Need to watch the original again, it's been years.

    • Like 1
  2. "X-Men: Apocalypse" got a B from me.  Good movie, though not as good as the X-Men: First Class.


    "Alice Through the Looking Glass" also got a B from me.   It may have flopped but I had no problems with it. Enjoyed the story.


    "Now You See Me 2" gets an A from me.  If you liked the first one, you should like this one.  This movie continues the story and has some surprising twists and turns.  There's a part of it, that I felt was better than the first one and there's a part I felt was missing from the first one. Still, I loved the movie.



    Next up for me: The Conjuring 2.

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  3. The Nice Guys.  It's awesome.  Gosling plays the moron to Crowe's wise guy.  The yarn gets a little frayed around the edges at points, but you don't care because you're having such a good time.  I really miss these kinds of flicks.  Testosterone charged, irrelevant, popcorn stuff.  Shane Black fans should be proud.

    I agree, great movie. Gets an A- from me.  Saw it today.

  4. Flockhart has agreed to stay with the show. But this show belonged on CW from the beginning. Networks like CBS/Fox generally have no patience for niche sci-fi shows (although I'm glad Sleepy Hollow is getting a 4th season).

    On CW, SG can bring in half the ratings and still be a solid pickup every year, provided it doesn't cost 3mil per episode like it did for CBS.

    Plus now it won't be a struggle to time/coordinate crossovers to the other shows. Alternate earth's notwithstanding.

    Abbie was half the show.  I don't think the show will do well without her. I know she was killed off because the actress wanted out. 


    Wonder where CW is going to find the room for all these shows. The only show they canceled was the new show "Containment" that just started airing.

  5. That's interesting. Guess SG didn't pick up high enough ratings for CBS to renew it. I've enjoyed the series for the most part. CW doesn't have quite the reach, but in a cable world anyone who wants to can get it (even people who stuck with rabbit ears like me and don't get cable)


    I expect some changes for Season 2.  The budget is going to be slashed. Going from CBS to CW, means less money to produce the show.  That's why they shifted production to Vancouver. I would expect cast changes, as not everyone will want to go to Vancouver. I think Calista Flockhart will either replaced or recast. I don't see her going to Canada to do a show, she only appears on for a few scenes. Also, CW is a step down from CBS. 

    With CW, being the home for the DC Universe; there maybe hope for a Season 2 of Constantine eventually.



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