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Posts posted by 88Comrade2000

  1. 4 hours ago, No Excuses said:


    There is too much of a divide between urban and rural America for there not to be full blown chaos up ahead.


    At this point, the only thing that can save this country from complete dysfunction are sane Republicans who drop the GOP, hold their noses and vote for the Democrats until the GOP is forced to abandon the extreme right faction and return to the center.


    I have hope of that happening down the line. A good example is the VA10 district. It went by 10 points for Clinton but still elected a Republican (Barbara Comstock) to the house. Previously, the district had voted for Romney. So there were thousands of Clinton/Comstock split ticket voters. This happened in A LOT of districts all across the country.


    It will be this group of voters that will have to send a message to congressional Republicans all throughout the country in 2018 to grow a spine.

    NO! NO! NO!

    The GOP made their beds.  In every election from now on, the GOP must be wiped out of existence.  Something new will have to replace the GOP but the GOP needs to be eliminated.

  2. My cousin's wife in Bangladesh just had her interview with U.S. immigration. She should be getting close to coming over, if Trump doesn't put an end to that.


    My fear is what happens after the next terrorist attack.  Is Trump going to round all Muslims?  I'm 48 now and have been in the U.S. since I was 7-8 months old and a citizen since I was 9 or 10.  Trump will have to shot and kill me, I'm not going anywhere. 

    • Like 4
  3. 4 minutes ago, bearrock said:


    I'm not sure anyone knows, but I would certainly hope not.  Contact your parent ahead of time if you can and give them a number of an immigration lawyer who can be reached in case of any trouble and you should also take that number with you.  I think ACLU is really being on the forefront of all this, so it might be a good idea to have their local chapter contact info as well.  Short of the world turning upside down in the next few days, they can't discriminate against US citizens.  If they do, your parents would have a Bivens action on their hands (suing for violation of constitutional rights).  Depending on the outcome of Ziglar this term, so may a lot of people detained today.  Hope your parents have a safe and uneventful travel.




    Talked to my mom earlier  and told her their were protests.

  4. 1 hour ago, LadySkinsFan said:

    Republicans in Congress are cowards because they know this is wrong.


    I heard that there's a protest at the White House tomorrow between 1pm and 3pm.  I don't know if this is true.

    To paraphrase Daryl Hall.  All our eyes are watching you, we see your every move. All our eyes are watching you, watching you.


    If we survive until the next election; we must watch every single thing the GOP and Trump, Pence and the GOP does. Try our best to stop them where we can but where we can't make a list. Then in 2018 rise up and throw out every single GOP politician in the U.S.  Impeach and remove Trump and Pence as soon as the new congress takes over in 2019.


    A better way would be to use the 25th amendment to remove Trump but noone would have the balls in the government to do that.

    • Like 2
  5. 8th update.


    Teams' new hires

    1. Jaguars- Promoted Doug Marrone to head coach.

    2. Broncos- Hired Dolphins DC Vance Joseph as coach. 

    3. Bills- Hired Panthers DC Sean McDermott

    4. Rams- Hired Redskins OC Sean McVay.      

    5. Chargers- Set to hire former Bills OC Anthony Lynn

    6. 49ers- Everything is pointing to Falcons OC Kyle Shanahan being hired, once the Falcons season is over.





    Black Monday 2017 will bring better options.  NY Jets, Browns, Bengals, Ravens, Bears, Lions, Vikings, Colts, Saints are teams whose coaches will be on hot seats. I also say Texans Bill Obrien may try to et out of ouston next year. Finally, Jay Gruden could be on the hot seat also.

  6. 3 hours ago, Hersh said:

    That is funny because it's completely accurate. I was just thinking that we are seeing Congressional GOP members struggling with what to do, but why isn't anyone saying that Trump should have a plan because that's what he said on the campaign trail. I mean, I want them all to share in the irresponsibility of claiming repeal and replace and not having a ******* plan ready to go after all this time. 

    Replace?  There never was, never will be a plan to replace.  They want to not only want to repeal Obamacare but Medicaid and Medicare and Social Security. Trump will probably veto that and then we will see if they have the balls to impeach and remove Trump and replace him with Pence and then Pence can repeal everything.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

    Jaguars expected to make Doug Marrone their full time head coach. Yeah. Good luck with that ?? if I was a Jaguars fan I'd be drinking right about now...

    It's the Jags, noone really cares.  Look like Tom Coughlin, their first head coach, will be hired as an executive also.


    I keep on reading about Bill Obrien leaving the Texans after their season ends this Sunday. He won't be fired but he could be traded.


    Updated my list again.


    The 2017 Hot Seat is going to be long. Some coaches saved their butts for this year but next year maybe their last chances. Other coaches are making changes but no excuses if they fail in 2017. Jay Gruden would be in that category.

  8. 7 hours ago, drowland said:

    Shouldn't Jim Caldwell be on the potential surprise list?  The Lions GM didn't hire Caldwell and there have been talks he might bring in his own hire or possibly promote one of their coordinators.  Not sure if the Lions backing into the playoffs changes anything.  Especially if they get blown out in Seattle.

    Jim was on the fire list at one point but I think he bought himself another year.  It's Detroit after all, not that high expectations there.

  9. 9 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:

    To the team but to everyone else, it will be later today.

    Hope his health stays good in his retirement.

    Well, it's official now.


    I've updated the list. It is 3 posts back from this one.  Looks like 4 hot seat coaches got a reprive:  Hue Jackson, Todd Bowles, Mike Zimmer and John Fox. Still could change.  We have 6 openings - 5 firings and 1 resignation as of 11am.  I think there will be a couple of more changes at least in the next week or two.

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