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  1. No where near accurate. There is no pocket today which should be obvious. The only thing we need to draft is an O line. 90% of the time you are saying it is his fault? Are you related to Larsen, Paul, Leno or Wiley?
  2. Another poor coaching decision by Rivera. This dude is epically out of his league.
  3. Yeah, I think I am fine with EB being given the axe as well after that 4th and 1 call.
  4. Not to mention Dallas has been penalized a lot today too. We are lucky to not be down 35 to 10.
  5. I know. Forget leaning forward for a few more yards, we just throw you forward for those yards.
  6. No tackling skills at all with this group on the field. Just painful to watch.
  7. These DBs are just epically bad. Just getting lost in coverage and beaten with just single moves....moves that are nothing more than a change in direction. Just bad.
  8. OMG....had forgot all about those. What the hell have we done to the football gods to be saddle with coaches like this? Do we need a sacrifice or something, lol?
  9. Romo is smoking something....He just said that if they go on to lose, that last throw by Howell will be looked at as the reason, I guess? Never realized how bad Romo was at color commentary, but he is awful.
  10. Can EB turn to a different page? One that has ZERO delayed runs up the middle on short yardage?
  11. Maybe, but I would say everyone on that defense is up to being replaced. Coach on down to the waterboy/girl.
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