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Ruh Roh


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First of all, NavyDave, what the hell are you doing watching this soccer! :) I thought that was against your religion.

Secondly, Carolina didn't back into anything. They lead their divison all season and they won three series in the playoffs against three very good goalies and each one in 6 games. Furthermore they were not far from winnng the first three games against a superior Detroit team (though they also could have been swept ... that's the breaks). Anyway ... how is that "backing in?"

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Carolina had a miracle season just as the Caps did against the Wings in '98, just as Florida did the year after.

this happens in hockey more often it seems than in the other major sports. more upsets, more lower seeded teams reaching the championship round.

Yes, Carolina won a weak division with none of the other teams finishing in the playoffs.

If the Hurricanes were in the other divisions they would have finished in 3rd place.

I am not saying this to be down on the team, it is just reality.

I would be very surprised if Carolina follows this up with a repeat performance next season.

It is just as likely as with the Caps in '99 that next year will bring injuries and a guy like Ron Francis at 40 won't repeat his playoff run.

Those are the odds, my friend. :)

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I would not favor Carolina to make it back to the finals, perhaps not even the conference finals either. They play a style that is conducive to close games and they did a remarkable job of winning those 1-goal games this post-season. Can't expect that to continue forever. HOWEVER, to say they backed into anything during this run seems to be saying that what they did was not valid.

If they could acquire a little more offense (OK ... a lot) I'd like their chances a lot better.

In any case, I had a blast going to all the playoff games. This entire region is buzzing about hockey like never before.

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