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Let's Take a Look Back, Shall We?


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I think we need a little break from the "Why Not Trade Steven Davis" and the "Who We Gonna Draft?" threads, don't you?<br /><br />I'm talking about what are some of your favorite plays, not games, in your Redskin memories?<br /><br />Let me start, and I'm sure my age is going to show:<br /><br />- MNF, 1974-ish?, Kenny Houston stops Walt "Skoal Brother" Garrison on the last play of the game from the one to preserve a low scoring, like 9-3, Skins win over Dallas. Ken Houston, HOF'er, BIG hitter.<br /><br />- Fast forward, 1982, NFC Championship. Dexter Manley tips Gary Hogeboom screen pass (Dexter had earlier KO'd Danny White), Darryl Grant gets the INT and high steps into the end zone. Skins win 31-17. You had to understand that Dallas was a BEAST back then. Oh yeah, I thought my older brother was gonna have a heart attack, he got so pumped and screamed so much on that play.<br /><br />- Same year, SB against the Dolphins, Riggins 4th and 1. He11, that's everyone's favorite play. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> Revenge from 1972 is ours. I hated that '72 game, by the way. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="frown.gif" /> <br /><br />- My memory is a little cloudy on the exact year, but the "No, Danny, No!!" Tom Landry screaming play on 4th down, late, from about mid-field. Skins stop them and go on to win a huge game.<br /><br />- 1987, SB vs. Broncos. Trailing 10-0, second quarter, Doug Williams comes back into the game after taking a nasty lick on the knees. Ricky Sanders on the fly for 80 yds. The Broncos and the world are stunned. 28 more points in the quarter. Game over.<br /><br />- Don't know the exact year (1989 or 90, I think), but I was sitting in an airport somewhere waiting on my flight and watching MNF, Skins at Broncos. Wilburrrr Marshall picks off a tipped pass just a hair above the turf and takes it to the house. Skins go on to a big win.<br /><br />- 1991 SB, Clint Didier crossing pattern in the end zone. Ryp hits him in stride. Skins romp.<br /><br />- 1999 Divisional playoff game at TB. BMitch takes second half KO to the house to get us back into the game. I know, we lost that one in a nasty fashion, but that play was simply incredible. A blast from the past.<br /><br />Whew, those are some of mine, what are some of yours?<br /> <br /> [ February 01, 2002: Message edited by: RedskinFan4Life ]

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Guest fuji869

Here are some of mine:<br /><br />1982 NFC Championship: Dexter Manley hits the Gary Hogaboom pass and Daryl Grant grabs it for a TD, Redskins go to Super Bowl XVII.<br /><br />1987 Divisional Playoffs @ Chicago: Darrell Green’s 52 Yard Punt return for a TD.<br /> <br />1997 First Game @ Jack Kent Cooke Stadium: Gus “Bang Your Head” Ferotte his Michael Westbrook for a 50+ yard TD in OT.<br /><br />1999 @ San Francisco: Brad Johnson hits Larry Centers of a swing pass that Larry takes to the house for a TD and the Redskins win their first NFC Eastern Title in 8 years.<br /><br /> </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> 1991 SB, Clint Didier crossing pattern in the end zone. Ryp hits him in stride. Skins romp. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Just to let you know Clint Dider was not on the Team in 1991. It was a shock to may Redskins fans when was cut during the 1988 Training Camp following a Super Bowl he scored a TD in.

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You are so right, fuji. That was the '87 SB with Didier. My bad.<br /><br />It sure is nice to get SB's mixed up, isn't it? Maybe someday soon we'll have that problem again. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />I'm glad you mentioned DG's punt return in Chicago. That was priceless.

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Thrilling:* Green Machine running down Dorsett.<br /><br />Funny: * Yepremian rumblin, fumblin, stumblin ,and clearly not passin. Bass to the house. <br /><br />Fist pumpin, Blood pressure rising Hit:<br /><br />*LAVAR`s hit on Troy(where am I) Aikman <br /><br />In your face, how did that taste play:<br /><br />*82 NFC champ game. Nelms 76- yarder against Dallas.

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My list:<br /><br />1. Biggest Play in Modern Team History - Riggins 43 yard run for a TD on 4th and 1 vs. Miami in SB XVII to deliver the first championship since 1942.<br /><br />2. Most Athletic Play - Darrell Green hurdling Cap Boso on the 52 yard punt return vs. Chicago to advance to NFC Title game in 1988.<br /><br />3. Scariest Play - Theismann getting his leg get bent behind him on Monay Night game vs. Giants in 1985.<br /><br />4. Most Satisfying Play - Charley Taylor's TD over Mark Washington to put the exclamation point of the 26-3 win over defending champion Dallas in 1972 and advance team to first Super Bowl.<br /><br />5. Most Forgettable Play - Marcus Allen's 74 yard reverse of field run for a TD in SB XVIII.<br /><br />6. Weirdest Play - 1992 end of game fumble by Emmitt Smith in the end zone that was recovered for a TD by Redskins after a mad scramble. Smith claimed he had the ball in his hand but one of the Redskins took a bite out of his wrist to force it loose in the pileup <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

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Additions to my list:<br /><br />The simple mindedness play: Gus head-butts the stadium, stadium wins<br /><br />The strangest none play: Sean Gilbert"God wants me to hold out for 5 mill.(well Sean, god want us to trade you.) <br /><br />The rip your heart out play: 1999 div. playoff vs Tampa. defense sacks Shaun King and he fumbles the ball which W. Dunn picks up and runs for a first down and the ball game.

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Guest fuji869

Let me add one more to the list.<br /><br />1992 - Dallas vs Washington @ good ole RFK Stadium. The Boys are driving for a TD that could put the game out of reach for the Redskins. Aikman throws the ball into the endzone and Andre Collins intercepts it and returns it to mid field! <br /><br />I remember I was watching the game in my fraternity house with a bunch of guys who were going for Dallas. I jumped out of my seat ran out the door then up and down the hall way. One of the many times I have lost it during a Redskin Game and my biggest celebration in front of Cowboy Fans!

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The plays that brought out the most <img border="0" alt="[Cheers]" title="" src="graemlins/cheers.gif" /> from FB2FNG: (in no particular order, TRUST ME!)<br /><br />1. The Lavar Arrington hit on Troy ACHEMAN that effectively put ACHEMAN in the brodcast booth!<br /><br />2. Darrell Green's INT return for a TD in the 83 divisional playoff game versus the Rams(51-7 win). <br /><br />3. Riggo's 43 TD run in SB XVII.<br /><br />4. The infamous Jason Buck "Fall on the ball" TD play versus the Cowboys in 92. Who remember that one?

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1979 - The "Awful Memory" Game, BUT ... Riggins had a real nice, long TD run around the right side to put the Skins up 34-21 in the 4th quarter. Anyone old enough to remember THAT game knows what happened afterward. Hurts to this day.<br />But that was a nice play.<br /><br />1972 - SuperBowl. Kilmer throws to an open Jerry Smith in the end-zone ... and finds the goal post!<br /><br />1983 - Joe Washington catching a late TD to cap off a big comeback vs the Raiders at the end of the regular season (we would lose to that same Raider team a month later in Super Bowl XVIII).<br /><br />1990 - Preseason game vs Atlanta in Chapel Hill, NC. Brian Mitchell, on his first play as a pro, takes the opening kickoff 100+ yards for a score.<br /><br />1992 - Wilbur Marshall stealing the ball from Elway (or was it Kubiak?) and taking it in for a score on "Monk's" Monday night game.<br /><br />2001 - Lavar Arrington racing up the sidelines vs Carolina to salvage the season and prevent further embarrassment.<br /><br />I could go on and on. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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Maybe I misse it, but I'm surprised nobody mentioned this one....<br /><br />Darrell Green batting down the ball in the corner of the end zone to seal a 17-10 win over the Vikings in the 1987 NFC Title game at RFK. That will always be one the most satisfying plays "of my career" <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />Of course, DG's punt return against the Bears was great and the Jason Buck-Danny Copleand play against Dallas are also some favorites. <br /><br />And I must admit, that Deion's punt return against the Bucs in 2000 in OT was VERY exciting. I'll say this about Deion...the guy is the ONLY player in the post-Gibbs to make the stands (or at least the camera booth) shake. That play is great because the the camera can't keep still and the crowd is deafening--- also, Summerall's call is great. <br /><br />That play is the ONLY Norv-era play that I truly love. I sold about 85% of my Norv-era game tapes, but I kept that one. That was a great moment. <br /><br />I think the camera may have shook a little after Westbrook's OT TD against Arizona in 1997, but Deion had it shaking DURING the play. I guess that's the appeal of Deion-- even while his skills had detoriated, most fans didn't like him, and the team was a monumental disappointment-- he STILL provided what was CLEARLY the best single moment of the season. <br /><br />But, if I had to pick one, it would be that batted down pass by Darrell in '87. <br /><br />I didn't think we were a SB team (we probably weren't-- thank God the Vikings beat the 49ers that year) but that play put us in the big game. I'll neve forget the team pouring onto the field after that-- great, great feeling.

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At the risk of starting a civil war ... I've always held that Darrin Nelson was already in the process of bobbling/dropping that ball before D. Green's hand got there. Result was the same ... but I'm thinking if Nelson catches it clean, Green swipes at it but the catch is good, and the Vikings tie the the game.<br /><br />Of course, we go on to win in OT anyway. Some things are just meant to be. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />I can close my eyes and still see Gibbs on his knees before the play, then a look of sheer exhaustion/release/relief on his face just after ... and Clarence "CNN" Verdin (it was him, right?) leaping up and down like a jumping jack and pounding him in the chest.<br /><br />Lord, what memories. <br /><br />And who will ever forget Fred Smoot's interception against McNabb, and the lateral to Champ, and Bailey streaking down the near sideline to seal the win against Philly in the 2004 NFC Championship game? <br /><br />Talk about stadium's rocking ... The Big Jack nearly levitated.

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