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George Allen--my two cents.....


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One of the items that I read about quite a few years ago is tha fact that during scrimages George noticed that RB-Larry Brown wasn't firing off as quickly as he should from a set stance. Upon investigation he found out that Larry Brown was almost completely deaf on one side and as a result, couldn't hear the snap count, depending where he lined up at. Well, Allen had a hearing aid installed in Larry's helmet and he went on to win the NFC rushing title that year....<br />Also, did you know that it was George Allen that invented the hand-wrist pads that they use in most PKA tournaments?<br />AND NOW for a little bit of trivia....when Brown won the NFC rushing title that year.....who held the AFC crown?

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Historial point of order: the hearing aid story is true, but I'm about 99.9% sure it was Vince Lombardi, not old George Allen, who discovered Brown's left-ear deafness and got him the hearing aid. <br /><br />I have a book buried in some box somewhere that has the story. Might have to go dig it out just for old times' sake ... <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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Om's right. The story is recounted in "When Pride Still Mattered" by Dave Maraniss:<br /><br /> "Does that Brown hear?" Lombardi asked (RB Coach) Dickson one night at a coaches' meeting.<br /> "I don't know; he always turns his head one way when I'm talking," Dickson said.<br /> "Goddamn it, he must be deaf!" Lombardi said.<br /> They fitted an earpiece in his helmet, and suddenly the errors stopped... (W)hen Dickson walked out to the practice field a few days later he saw Lombardi standing with his arm draped around the rookie. "Son," Dickson said to him later during drills, realizing what the Lombardi drape meant, "you've got this ball club made."<br /> -Page 474

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