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Difference W/ Parity


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If you think back to the Gibbs SB teams, including the year we lost to Oak, the one thing you can see(with some exception to the '87 team) is that those teams dominated many statistical categories. Especially in '91. I think that team might have led the NFL in a record number of categories. It was something around 2 dozen.

(I know I probably should have done the research before posting, but I have feeling someone will have more fun doing that for us)

The question is, since the salary cap, has any SB team been able to dominate like that at all? The Pats certainly haven't dominated any offensive categories until maybe this year w/ Dillon.

Do you believe the reason the Skins were able to dominate so many categories was because of coaching OR because of any unfair advantage we might have had with the lack of a salary cap?

Personally, I think it was more coaching than anything. The O-Line was the one consistent, and a bunch of those guys were underpaid ex undrafted FA's(Bostic, Jacoby) mixed with a couple studs(Lachey, May)

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I think you have to give a "nod" to the lack of the salary cap which allowed us to stock-pile talented players, but it still boils down to coaching.

Look at it, Snyder has opened his wallet ever since becoming the teams owner to bring in what was supposedly the best available talent, and it has gotten us nowhere. That's because of coaching.

The best example of why Gibbs is a superior coach was in the year of the SCAB players, when he coached a bunch of scrubs (scabs) to beat the Cowboys, who were REAL NFL PLAYERS. That is coaching at its finest!

It also didn't hurt that he engineered the biggest comeback and offensive explosion of Super Bowl history that same year, including many records that have yet to be broken, and some that are unlikely to be broken...... EVER!

Can you say 35 points in one quarter? 4 touchdown passes.... I *still* get chills watching the highlights.... (by the way, THANKS ZEB!!!!)

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Probably some from columns A and B.

Cooke was a profligate spender in his time which made Gibbs very happy but he also routinely got value for the dollar. The biggest thing we had going was our storehouse of players on the practice squad. I swear our total roster at times had more bends in the rules than any steroid scandal could ever match. But hey! People need a place to stay! :D

He spent just as freely on coaching which I remain convinced is a huge ingredient in this mix. Thank goodness we have a coaching staff which may well be one of the best ever assembled.

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I've come to realize while talented at some positions, I don't think we were as talented on Offense as we had thought. Besides Coles we didn't have a legitimate WR we could count on. Our interior OL was inconsistent for Spurrier's entire reign.

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