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Went to the Canes/Leafs game yesterday. What an awesome time! Tailgated two hours, hit the game, which was a classic, and partied in the parking lot with some Leaf fans for an hour afterwards.

I know there's quite a few members from the area and I just wanted to say that Toronto sent some of the roudiest, friendliest, classiest fans I've ever been around. I don't know how many we met, spoke with, traded barbs, food and drink with ... but every single one was both enthusiastic in their support for the Leafs AND absolutely polite and friendly in their interaction with the Cane fans. Even after the eventual loss of their beloved Leafs, though disappointed, they were very classy.

Top notch!

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I head that there were about 4000 Leaf fans at the last game and a guy from my office drove the 14 hours to go see the game.

There was actually a big article on the front page of the sports section in a Toronto paper about the hospitality shown to Leaf fans by Canes fans. Basically saying you guys shared your beer and food with weary leaf fans who drove down to see the game.

Id invite you up to Toronto to see a game but the tickets sold out in less then 10 minutes and sadly i didnt get any. There are plenty of tickets for the Toronto Blue Jays though....lol

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poor Leafs. Toronto is as luckless as the Boston Red Sox have been in the past 30 years.

One of the original teams, the Leafs haven't won a Cup since the 1960's.

They have always been willing to spend the money to acquire good players, the mix has just never seemed to work out for them.

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It is good to hear that the Leafs have classy fans.....hopefully they say the same about us at their digs.

I haven't been a hockey fan for long because I don't know all the rules that control the game. All I know is that I absolutely love the intensity and contact of the sport and the action seems to never quit. Also, some of the moves the players make on that frozen surface is quite amazing! Maybe some day I'll be lucky enough to go to a "live" game.

I have noticed too, that there aren't many black players in hockey....wonder why that is? I was pleasantly surprised to see that the Canes have a non-caucasian player at goalie with Mr. Weeks and he sure came through for us at clutch time when Irbe was out. Come to think of it, I bet this Weeks fella has one helluva story to tell about his path to the NHL. Who knows; if the Canes make it to the Stanley Cup and Weeks plays a significant role, we might be witness to the NHL's "Jackie Robinson"....??:yes: :yes: :yes: GO CANES!!!!

PS-Would somebody also tell me WHY the media coverage refuses to give the Canes the kudos they deserve for their accomplishments this season?:?: :?: :?:

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