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ramsey doing it right


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i have a good felling about this kid--he will not hold out ala shuler--he is signing a waiver to show up at voluntary camp for the next 3 weeks--he wants to learn spurriers system now and be ready as fast as possible--he will be the only rookie qb at voluntary camps--carr and harrington wont be-no contract-they arent going to sign the waiver

this kids attitude is great--its like i just want to play football-wow what a difference then the qb of 1994s class--

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I think/hope you're right. But the offseason workouts are not training camp. The key will be to get him in t-camp on time so that he is ready for the contact scrimmage(s) and early preseason games, where he can get a lot of work under fire. Just signing the waiver does not necessarily mean that he will be in camp on time, but I hope it's a good sign.

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Originally posted by bsmsss

i have a good felling about this kid--he will not hold out ala shuler--he is signing a waiver to show up at voluntary camp for the next 3 weeks--he wants to learn spurriers system now and be ready as fast as possible--he will be the only rookie qb at voluntary camps--carr and harrington wont be-no contract-they arent going to sign the waiver

this kids attitude is great--its like i just want to play football-wow what a difference then the qb of 1994s class--

dude--ever heard of punctuation--and capitals--reading your posts makes me think--i'm on drugs--or maybe--you're writing beat poetry--see you somewhere--down the road man

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Jkam, I think that while training camp is obviously HUGE, Ramsey going to these voluntary camps is also huge. There are some people this year who wont do it, and only bad can come out of a situation like this. I think this is a huge step for the skins with Ramsey. I think this shows maturity, and a willingness to be great. I think this guy will be the best QB out of this class.

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David Carr should be in camp considering he was signed before the draft.

I like the idea of him being there early as well and it shows me that he knows that Sage is determined to be the starter or number 2 guy atleast and it would be in his best interest to be prepared for the end of the season and 2k3 to avoid another Heath and Gus situation.

But we will always have QB controversies.

When was the last time we didn't have one?

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I think Ramsey and his agent know two things:

1. He is not a franchise pick and thus the team is not under intense scrutiny/pressure to get him signed and into camp on Day 1.

2. Spurrier is a quarterbacks 'guru' and runs his system according to a pecking order you can't really predict. Just because Ramsey is the #1 pick doesn't mean he is going to play or even be the first guy off the bench. In fact he may never be the #1 here at all perhaps if Rosenfels becomes Spurrier's favorite young quarterback.

Now I am not saying that is a certainty, but with Spurrier's stubbornness regarding his offense, I could see him sticking with Rosenfels down the road if he has confidence in him and Sage gets on the field and plays well.

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Great sign, the kid so far is making all the right decisions. definitely more mature than shuler was, who seemed to have the maturity level of an 8-year-old, as well as the brain.

In essence, these voluntary camps will be Ramsey's training camp. He'll go into training camp knowing the playbook, and his teammates, something just as important but often over looked.

Early impressions of this kid are nothing but positive, except for the blurbs two weeks ago talking about how many ground balls he threw in mini camp:rolleyes:

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