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Near Death Experiences


Which non-Gator backup WR should NOT be cut?  

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  1. 1. Which non-Gator backup WR should NOT be cut?

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I had one just the other night.

Upon returning from the Carolina /Montreal playoff game I informed my wife that I'd had such a good time (without her or the kids, drove 75 miles, tailgated, attended said game, got home late on a work night) I was going to the rest of the home playoff games as well.

She froze ... looked at me .... you could see the wheels turning in her head. Tightened her mouth. Didn't SAY anything, but I know if she'd had a gun ...

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The hard part is knowing if they are all so similar because they are a published story that everybody hears about. Think about it like going to sleep with the TV on and dreaming about the Sopranos or what ever else is on the TV.

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Well Orangeskin, I don't really know any more about NDE experiences then anyone else. Only a couple of articles which I have read and having seen a couple of these people interviewed on television. I am obviously not a medical doctor, but being a skeptic by nature, I will tell you what I do and do not believe. Of course, you already know my viewpoint on the Bible and God, so I won't get into that. But at least I did spend 4 years of research making up my mind on that.

Until someone comes up with some positive proof beyond what I have heard and read, I don't think any of these NDE people were REALLY DEAD. Consequently, I don't think whatever their experience was, it proves that there is an afterlife. Whatever they said they "saw" or "experienced" while unconscious or "clinically dead," I would categorize as a dream state. I know I have had some pretty vivid and realistic dreams in my lifetime also, but just because I dreamed I was in ancient Egypt last night, doesn't make it so. :laugh:

Maybe our definition of being "clinically dead" has to be medically tweaked for some individuals. I know in India some of those guru guys can put themselves into metaphysical hibernation states, where they have no detectable pulse. As far as detectable heartbeat or brainwaves, I don't know if that has been tested. But maybe the life support machinery was not working right on some of these NDE people, or registering correctly when they were considered "dead."

Are there any in particular that you want me to read about Orangeskin, because I haven't got time to read them all?

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My guess is that angels and voices are imagined or made up, and the white light is an internal sensation caused by the brain trying to kick start the body back to life again.

Or, the peacefulness, feelings of calm, and even the more hallucinatory effects may be caused by the brain (mind?) releasing endorphins into the system as a final measure to protect itself from the psychological horror of it's own demise.

I'd look to a chemical answer before I looked elsewhere.

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I'd look to a chemical answer before I looked elsewhere.

Nice try, Terry. I've been trying to sell folks that concept for years; parents, teachers, district attorney's ... :cool:

Seriously, seems to me this whole "near death" experience question is something best viewed through the prism offered by our old friend Occam and his pre-electric shaver. Perhaps we should rule out natural physiological processes before breathlessly ascribing metaphysical ones ... it's not as exciting or Springer-worthy, but it's probably the sensible way to proceed.

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Inmate - You're confusing me. First you say that you only believe in what you touch, see, smell, hear, and taste. That's reasonable. But then you venture to say that the doctors don't really know what the hell they're talking about when the proclaim someone is dead? Are you saying that there is some kind of dream state between life and death? I doubt somebody about to die would suddenly fall asleep, and then by chance, their heart suddenly stops beating. Even if you DON'T beleive in the afterlife, these people felt SOMETHING, after they were pronounced clinically dead by a professional.

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Posted by Orangeskin

Inmate - You're confusing me. First you say that you only believe in what you touch, see, smell, hear, and taste. That's reasonable.

Hmm. I never said that anywhere. I said I studied the origin of the Bibles for 4 years and then changed my mind and abandoned my beliefs in my religion and all holy books. I haven't researched or studied NDE literature and experiences, so I'm not ready -- at least not yet -- to jump on their bandwagon as apparently you are.

Posted by Orangeskin

But then you venture to say that the doctors don't really know what the hell they're talking about when they proclaim someone is dead?

Where did I say the above. I never said that either. I just implied that I have some doubts, and things need to be thoroughly investigated. I mean Joseph Mengle was a doctor too, but just because he was, I sure as hell wouldn't believe in the TRUTH of his Nazi, anti-Jewish proclamations on his study of identical twins! And I don't recall ever reading where the AMA [American Medical Assn] issued a statement either, that human beings are now dying and returning from the dead. :laugh:

Posted by Orangeskin

Are you saying that there is some kind of dream state between life and death?

I would imagine in some cases there is, at least for some peope, before they finally kick off. I mean I have read about people who have been in comas for years, and then suddenly revived. They obviously didn't suffer any brain damage, so what was going on inside their brains all this time? There must have been some brain activity, so I would assume they were in a dream state or dreaming something. And then I have read about some people who were in comas for months and then suddenly died without reviving. So you tell me?

Posted by Orangeskin

Even if you DON'T beleive in the afterlife, these people felt SOMETHING, after they were pronounced clinically dead by a professional

Hmm. I can't really comment on that -- although I have my doubts -- as I am not a medical doctor. I believe Blade is a surgeon. I would be interested in reading what he has to say about NDE experiences. :)

Hmm. Why do all you guys have to ask ME so many questions? Then I have to write essays and then Om gets on my case. :rolleyes:

Besides Orangeskin, you haven't said specifically yet what YOU believe or don't believe about these NDE cases.

And while you are at it... where's the friggin Biblical verses you were going to find regarding God's prohibition on suicide? :laugh:

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