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SS must have not been impressed afterall!!!


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Oh I LOVE this ploy. It is the typical Dallas/Philly fan ploy.

When they KNOW they are wrong, but don't feel like admitting it, they quickly switch subjects to my spelling.

I know I suck at spelling.

I also know that you are a douche bag.

Okay I am wrong!!. You win. Jerry Jones is a moron.

If this moron can spot talent( Jimmy Johnson and Co.), I am willing to give him a chance on the Quincy Carter reach.

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Look, I am as big a Redskin fan as the next person, but since when did Shane Mathews become a savior? I just see another average (at best) ex-gator QB coming into camp. I still think we should have tried to sign Dilfer or Blake. The only good thing about this is that we won't have to throw Ramsey into the fire.

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Coupla points:

1. While Elway was clearly expected to be the QB of the future, he was NOT handed the job right off. The Brocs went into that season with (I think) Steve Deberg as the starter.

2. Jones didn’t ‘spot’ Jimmy Johnson, he already knew him. And to prove Jerrah’s an idiot, he then ran the guy off!

3. Craig is certainly gone, but I think the presence of Matthews is more of a threat to Wuerfful than Sage. Wuerfful’s primary attribute was that he knows the system, but Shane will now take that slot. I think we’ll go with Matthews, Rosenfels and Ramsey as the three.

4. On another note, I love how this makes monkeys of those who were guaranteeing that Wuerfful would be the starter because Spurrier’s massive ego had to prove he could make the guy a winner. :)

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This thread is not about anyone being a savior.

This thread is about QCards moronic statements. "Wow, I thought from previous posts found on this forum, it meant Quincy Carter was a bust. "Double Standard" - in it's purest form."

Now, what is he talking about? Where is the double standard?

I will tell you. He is saying that when the Boys signed Hutchinson, it was a sign that QC was a bust. But when we signed Mathews, it wasn't because any of our guys were busts, so there must be a double standard.

Well, QCard is being a close minded moron who is blinded by homerism in this thread..

The FACT is, Jerry Jones talked up Carter as the next Troy Aikman, and then signed a MILLION DOLLAR contract to ANOTHER QB. Maybe he sees the light. Maybe he realizes that QC is going to be a bust and sucks. Or maybe he did it for competition.

But the fact is that the Skins have said all along that the competition at camp would be open. No one in the organization named or talked up any one of the QB's as the franchise QB, or the starter.

So there is NO double standard.

That is the point of all these rantings.

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My Daddy can beat up your Daddy.

Glad that is out of the way...

Q will show whether or not he is our QB of the future this year. If not, Hutch will be thrown in there a little quicker than thought. You see, he is a project. A great talent who needs to get back into football. Great insurance, yes insurance, for the future or maybe a nice draft pick in a trade. Chad is a nice gamble that will not cost too much. I think we paid a little too much for him but not that much. Good move on Jerry's part. (he is making a lot of those recently...scary) I like the Cowboys situation as of now. I might not after this season, but I do now.

Either way, as long as Emmitt is playing, we have a good chance at beating you guys. If they allow wheelchairs on the field, we may own you for years to come. ;)

Sorry, could not resist. :D

Great site guys. Always like your updates.

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Good post Jackva. You are unfortunately right about Emmitt.

Qcard is quickly becoming King Palooka on this board. Somehow the Redskins' signing of Mattews makes Quincy Carter a legitimate starter ... amazing what the troubled mind can rationalize in the offseason. :)

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