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Going To Miami This Weekend...

red zone

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Just wondering if any of you folks are familiar with Miami? My little brother is a Dolphins fan (yes, we have both had long seasons) and we are heading down for the Monday Night game vs. New England.

We are staying for a couple nights and I'm curious if anyone can recommend places to hang out, eat etc?

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Dont go until around 3 am. That's when it will start jumping.

The Mint Bar is a cool place.

Outside bar, you cant go wrong with the Clevelander.

A cool, small, but cool, sports bar is Finnegans Way.

All are on Beachfront Ave. A1A. Or Ocean Drive.

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Originally posted by red zone

You guys are all on point! Mangos and the Clevelander have been mentioned as hot spots quite a bit. What is the "dress code" at these fine establishments this time of year? :cool:

I'm not sure if there is a dress code on South Beach. My advice: dress nice. I'm assuming you are looking for women, not girls.

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I'd also recommend Dolphin Mall. I'm not a big fan of malls, but man, the females here are un-real.

Dan Marino's restaurant is pretty good too. Forgot the name of the mall it's located in, but it's a nice place to eat. We went in there about 6 deep decked out in Redskins gear from head-to-toe.

Nude beaches are always interesting.

Bayside is great as well. It's in the city, down by the piers. Definitely stop by there if you have some time.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Stay away from the all nude beaches. Trust me.

Nothing but Swinging Richards and 60 year old woman resembling the neighbor in Something about Mary.


This is true.

I actually only made it to one nude beach. I didn't get undressed, but had the crowd been a little different, it's possible I would have been butt naked at some point.

Also, I never realized how much "larger" (talking about weight here) people enjoy being nude in front of other people.

I still recommend it. Especially if you've never been. Maybe you'll get lucky and hit a good beach.

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Originally posted by thito_da_skins_fan

They're in Tampa. I believe it's a 2-3 hour drive. Maybe shorter, I dunno for sure.

More like 5-6 hours. I live an hour north (and a bit east) of Miami, and it took us about 4 and a half hours at between 75-80 mph to get there.

As far as Miami goes, I'm not really a big fan. Unless you're in certain places, it pretty much sucks. Find out those certain places and you'll be alright.

Also, if you're looking for a place that's a little less crazy but still really cool, try Las Olas Riverfront in Ft. Lauderdale. After midnight it's pretty nuts.

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Yo, thito_da_skins_fan,

Women over girls for sure. Although as a happily married, brand new father of twins, I will serving as more of a chaparon for my baby bro'. Got to make sure he gets home and all...;)

OBTW, did you go to the 'Skins vs. Dolphins last year? We went but had no time to "look around."

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