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Draft: Strong Disappointment


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<sarcasm>Frankly, I'm very surprised with the Skins apparent draft philosophy how we missed the opportunity to pick up a couple stud linebackers to develop behind Lavar Arrington, Jeremiah Trotter and Jesse Armstead.</sarcasm>

Ya know, who would've thought the Skins who have Stephen Davis would be drafting a running back in the SECOND ROUND. We could have picked up Clinton Portis who went a few picks ahead of Betts if we were going to go this route. Clinton Portis IMHO was the best back in the draft and will be a great pro. Dr. Jeckyl (Marty Schottenheimer) has been replaced with Mr. Hyde (Vinnie Cerrato) this year.

I am starting to get that let down feeling on this draft. I think it was an opportunity lost for the Skins who added depth in their strongest areas. Who among us would have said "Let's get more cornerbacks and more receivers... DuhOH! We've got three quarterbacks with Shane Matthews coming here and Jeff Blake a distinct possibility. When is the last time we have taken defensive line in the first round? I think it was Kennard Lang or something. Inexplicable to me.

Great moves going down to pick up more picks...

Horrible decisions made with those added picks. I rate this a total scratch.

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Reagan, I'm not as strongly against things as you. For example, I find it impossible to be critical of the Redskins for not taking Portis when he was taken ahead of the Redskins position. Hey, we could have traded up, sure, but, I think the way this draft fell, positions of need simply weren't as valuable on the draft board as some of the positions left.

Once Thompson, Fonoti, Gurode, Triplett, Tank Williams and the like fell away, we were left with a choice of Weaver, who I would have agreed with, or best available. We must have pretty much swung into best available mode after our targeted areas were hit so hard by everyone else. The draft was a disappointment.

But, there was a distinct need for a running back that none of us really remembered. We have NO BODY behind Davis. Davis hasn't been so durable so as to leave this spot totally unmanned. We'll add someone else as a veteran later, but, this wasn't a completely off the wall pick.

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Art, you have some good points. Each year I look for defensive line help and I always get sorely disappointed. I was really bummed out when we missed out on Courtney Brown. The loss of Ndukwe Kalu caused me to beat my head on the wall. With the exception of last year where I thought that we should have taken Fred Smoot with our first pick (lucky Skins) I have been a harpie on the defensive line. I am nonplussed on the Renaldo Wynn situation, but Marvin Lewis apparently coveted the guy for years and that's good enough for me. I hope there is a Sam Adams or an unretired Siragusa in our future. This is killing me. Just killing me. You do make me feel better though.

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The real first three picks were:

1. Jeremiah Trotter - a late addition to the draft pool, that took three weeks in the making, because - he is only 2-3 yrs older than today's draft choices, he had led his team in tackles all three years as a starter, he gives immediate impact to the MLB at a Pro Bowl level, which we haven't had since, Gouveia, and he helps solidify, what is now arguably the best set of LB's in the NFL.

2. Patrick Ramsey - The only big name contract we'd have to secure for a rookie.

I will tell you now, that all the teams that grabbed anything more than 3 big names, is going to have headaches, even if it's their man. They will have to sign them, which automatically won't be easy, put them in camp to catch up, then hope they fit.

The Washington Redskins mystified a lot of people, but we went after players that fit what we can do, while maintaining a budget impacted in 2000, by a bunch of overpriced misfits, and a couple of players currently on the roster, who had restructures done. No offense to anyone, but we have covered this dead horse numerous times, and yes even I forgot it, because I wasn't recognizing NAMES!

Names, SO WHAT!!!! Yeah it still is nice to have some of them and hat's off to those did well in the draft. We should stop basing our criticism on things we haven't realized yet. So Brian Bosworth was a huge bust, and how about the Indianapolis Colts taking a MLB, last year and the bust he was. For every 10 that pan out, another 10 don't .

Then there are the middle rounders, that's where the unsung heroes and situational players are. When the board said RB, Iowa St. I scratched my head and couldn't figure it out at first, now I know exactly what is going on. I am learning and my crying and whining and jumping up and down has stopped!

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