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E-mail from Iraq


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Hey everyone, I thought I'd share with you the latest e-mail I've received from my brother, who is currently in charge of a combat medic unit oustide of Baghdad. It gives you a little glimpse into what's really happening over there, something you won't see on the evening news. Please remember my brother and the rest of our brave fighting forces in your prayers. Here's the e-mail:

Hey What is goin on? nothin new here, same shiat. Had two people

killed this past week. both from IED blasts (booby traps). Head wounds. last night

had an attack, two 155 rounds as IEDs

then as the patrol turned two 500 lb. IEDs blew, six injured. we

evacuated them to LSA Anaconda. Two are in for surgery. Everyday its

the same shiat here. We are set up in a blocking pattern north of

fallujah. I'm not directly involved, but i am left at the Battalion

Aid station monitoring the radio. I have two ambulance crews here,

one is out to the west in support of the operation. I have my line

medics out one doctor is also out west. one is left here. we are

paper thin. I have to keep our OP manned at night, also have to keep

a medic at the front gate.

We heard the explosions from the main

highway last night. Everyday it is something. I was outside of the

wire a week ago on a combat patrol taking 6 detainees north to FOB

Remagen. We got caught in traffic on the Samarra bypass because of an

IED ahead of us. Another patrol stopped the traffic. Man, I can tell

you I was on the edge of my seat. We were at a standstill on the

bridge with iraqi's all around us. I was waiting f

or one to attempt to pull my door open. He would have got the

business end of my M-16. Although it is hard for me because I don't

have an M-4 like most everyone else. somehow I would have blasted


Everynight you can hear the explosions along route Tampa, HWY 1.

About three days ago a car bomb was detonated in front of the city

council bldg. in Ad Dujayl, 16 killed I don't know how many injured.

I tell you we are paper thin, I have my guys sleeping for 4 to 5

hours and then back up for more. I hope by now you have received my

pics. The enemy is getting better at killing us. The have learned how

to place the rounds for more effectiveness. They are using platter

charges to kill more. they are also starting to prey on our combat

patrols more than regular trucks. someone is teaching them well.


about the ING (Iraqi National Guard) company commander that quit in fallujah? They are

pussies. Last night the ING that were responding to the attack

turned and went back to thier base insted of staying a

nd fighting. Last week with the city council attack, some one had

informed them of the meeting. I don't trust any of the ING. I wish

the Air Force would just carpet bomb the whole effing country. I am

tired of seeing our guys ending up in pine boxes. Let these

Insurgents go to Allah in a Ball of Flame. They ruthless, they don't

know what democracy is. We should level Fallujah and pick up the

pieces afterwards.

It is crazy what we do. Driving up and down these

roadways is crazy. I will show you pics of what happened even with

the uparmor on the trucks. Softball sized chunks cut through the

armor. They have learned how to defeat our armored vehicles. The

attack from three days ago killed the gunner, amputated the foot off

another, and when the medic went to help get the gunner out, the

vehicle caught fire. while that was going on, they came under small

arms attack by AK-47's.

I can't wait to be home again. I think I am done. Julie doesn't want me to leave again, nor do I. I want to finish my 20 years, but can find another way to a good

retirement plan. Not trying to sound like a pu$$y, but there are

better things to do with my life than this. I am proud to have done

my duty, but I'll let others have the chance at being the platoon

sergeant next time. I am ready to live the rest of my life peacefully

with my wife and children.

Sorry for going on, blah, blah, blah.

Hopefully we will be back by the New Year. 45 days until the RIP,

Relief in Place. The Rainbow Division will be taking over here. I

hope to leave them the majority of the stuff we acquired. We will

leave our uparmored ambulances and cargos. Will also leave them the

majority of out expendable class VIII supplies. Anyways, I am doing

fine, all is well. Try to stay caught up with the NFL, but our AFN

sattelite dish keeps losing the signal. Counting the days till i'm

back home, give my love to all. always -Erik

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You think the US would have learned the repurcussions of fighting the enemy with one hand tied behind it's back.

Break out the big guns, the Moabs, the Daisy Cutters, and the MOPS and level these damn cities. Maybe they'll think twice about attacking us when we show them how ruthless and effective our weapons can be.

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