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"Sit down #21, we are going to talk about your future with my team."<br /><br />"No, you don't understand Marty, this is about what you can do for me, keeping me in the limelight, and getting me millions for above average play."<br /><br />"First #21, my name is Coach to you, and there are no prima-donnas on my team. You do what I say, when I say it, do you understand?"<br /><br />"Look Marty, I don't get where you are coming from, I mean, you actually want me to work hard, practice, and do what I'm told. That sounds kind of old school and constraining to me. You do understand that I'm Dieon, I'm Prime Time. I do what I want when I want, whenever the mood strikes me. I am my own highlight film, and what I want for me is what I do. If you can't deal with that, I'm going to have to talk to Dan and get us a new coach."<br /><br />"Well #21, this is how it is. Mr. Snyder is letting me run the team, I am the coach, and you are waived as of this moment, and the door can hit you on the @ss on the way out. We play, win and lose as a TEAM. You are not a team player and I don't care what the cap hit is...you are gone."<br /><br />Later at a press conference Dieon calls......<br />"Man, that Marty dude just don't get it.....<br /> <br /> [ January 25, 2002: Message edited by: Die Hard ]

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Right now, i don't see why Marty would ever cut Deion based on his attitude. Cap space to reward ratio yes, but attitude no. The two sides are obviously in a standoff and they aren't talking. But if Deion comes back from baseball, i don't see a problem developing unless he fails to report to camp even after being cut from the reds.

Marty even extended an olive branch to Deion, and the ball is now squarely in deion's court. Why do we expect players to be loyal to teams when teams are not loyal to players? At least Deion didn't give up last year like some players seemed to. I certainly wouldn't be suprised if the cut happened, deion is taking up 3.5 million, but if we can make it work this year without cutting him, then marty will keep him. I don't think attitude will be a factor.


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I just want to see Coach marty having slimetime busting his a$$ to earn that 8 million signing bonus. With him on the roster however or defense will only be that much better


Yes I'm paid to think and I need a raise

[edited.gif by NavyDave on June 05, 2001.]

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you're right. maybe i spoke a little early. After hearing the stuff Keyshawn Johnson was saying it seemed like deion's attitude was rather tame in comparison, but yeah, a guy saying point blank that he doesn't want to be on this team isn't a smart play. However, i'm gonna stick by my statement. If we need the money he'll be gone. If we can make it work with him, we will probably wait him out. I think marty realizes that this is the optimum startegy. Marty is slowly gaining the upper hand.


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Given the circumstances, Deion's verbal diarrhea sounds contrived.

Even the idea that the Redskins might find themselves in a position to force his be-jeweled hand may just be making him squirm enough to up the ante. Trash Marty, make it that much more difficult and/or uncomfortable for the team to retain him (not to mention getting his name in ink yet again).

Maybe I'm giving him too much credit for smarts, but then again, seems to me that kind of smarts is a requisite characteristic of the truly accomplished narcissist.

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The article this am in the Post was pretty revealing re Deions frame of mind: The more of a cancer Deion can make himself, the more Marty will be inclined to cut him, is my guess on Deion's thinking.

I'm starting to hope Marty can retain him until the last possible second in order to ice him as much as possible.

I hope he doesn't show for training camp.

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I disagree, SkinsThug, and tend to agree with Om. I think Deion's getting scared.

Baseball's about to reject his arse, other teams are about done with their big free agent acquisitions, and Marty's talking about keeping him.

That trash Deion was talking was someone trying to force Marty's hand. I doubt that it will have any effect whatsoever.

If we have the money to bring him to training camp, then we have the money to bench him for a year if he slacks off. And that would end his career - sitting on the Skins bench, losing money if he doesn't show for practice or games, and being forced OUT of the limelight except as a curiosity.

I wonder, what are the cap savings next year if we release Deion AFTER June 2002? If Marty has a long term vision, it just might be useful to keep Deion this year so that we have more cap room next year. There may be an economic benefit in 2002.

And it just might send a message to arrogant, egotistical aholes like Deion that we can screw with them too.

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Terry, assuming (if only for the sake of argument) you are indeed supporting the idea of bringing him back (you're not, are you? smile.gif ):

The idea of forcing Deion to dress out for games, and then stand around on the sidelines in a uniform of devoid of grass stains (well, strike that ... even when he plays he doesn't get himself dirty), and know that the cameras are on him in all of his pristine, benchwarming glory IS quite appealing on a certain level, but ...

On the other hand, the idea of that same man running him mouth all week in practice, in the locker room before the game, on the sidelines during the game, etc., etc., etc., scares the hell out of me. If ever there was a guy to whom some players will gravitate, for better or worse, it's Deion Sanders. Everywhere he goes, some guys just can't seem to resist basking in his reflected glory. Anybody here (other than PT21, perhaps) doubt that Deion would be whispering sweet somethings in anyone's ear who was willing to listen?

Seems to me they invented the cliche "locker room cancer" to describe this guy in this situation.

If he's gonna play ... I'll suck it up and hope he plays well.

If he's not ... I say start the chemo now, before the disease spreads.

[edited.gif by Om on June 05, 2001.]

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I'm torn on this OM.

The revenge factor says bury his butt on the practice squad, or even better - feed him to the wolves and watch (for a series or so in a game we have a handle on) how far his skills have declined.

But the locker room cancer argument is a good one, and we need to be especially careful with a new team trying to find itself under a new coaching regime.

But there is another factor, and that is Marty. While he may not be able to control Deion's mouth up to a point, I do believe he can influence the other players and limit the damage.

It's delicious situation in many ways, kinda like a Jackie Collins summer fiction, just the sort of lightweight, soap opera of a situation, fluff reading to carry us through the remainder of the dog days until camp starts. At the very least, Marty should keep him around for that laugh.gif

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Do we have to let him interact with the rest of the team. Can we tell him to show up after everybody is out of the locker room and get dressed. Then if he isn't out on his Bench two min before kickoff or practice he gets fined.

Tell you what, we he can finally have a position named after him, "the Deion." "The Deion" can be that position on the little one person bench down around the 5 yard line.

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Is it really possible for the skins to do anything to Deion without jeopardizing the team chemistry. I dont know that it is. I think we need to go ahead and part ways and move on. Then there is the part that says make the s.o.b. suffer. Usually when dealing with an ******* like Deion he will think he wins no matter what the outcome so it seems silly to stoop to his level.

Cut his Sorry butt already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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One thing that appears by all accounts to be universally true about Deion is that his teammates have all liked him on their team. That's been true even during difficult seasons like last year, and with poor coaching situations like Glanville and Jones in Atlanta, Switzer in Dallas and Norval . . .

I think you're right in that he's scared. He's also embarrassed. If he indeed is brought back, there's no way that this would continue. He and Marty would find a way to patch things up and to make the season work. HOwever, the ONLY reason for the Redskins to bring him back is that they think either 1) he can start (still a possibility, but a luxury that they may not be able to afford) or 2) they want to get him to renegotiate to try to negate the cap hit next year. And I have a very difficult time believing that Deion will agree to the latter. So it ultimately comes down to affordability, and the Redskins will find out over the next several weeks whether they have enough cap room this year to sign their draft picks and sign the FA's they want and still keep Deion. Whether they cut him now or on May 31, 2002, they still take the same cap hit next year.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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You guys forget one thing about team building. If the Deion is not there in practice and at training camp, he will NOT be part of the team. If we keep him and he comes in around the first few games, noone will pay him any attention. He won't be part of the "Team". He can say or do what ever he wants, but it will fall on deaf ears. I have seen this many times in groups I've been in and in the Army. I agree the best thing to do is let him go...but I have to admit getting some satisfaction out of watching him dangle in the wind somewhat. smile.gif


2d Infantry Division Warriors..2nd to None

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Adding fuel to the All-Deion-all-the-(Prime rolleyes.gif )-Time fire ...

This will doubtless raise a hackle or two:


And this is only to harken back to a dicussion we had about a certain sartorial choice made by His Cornerback-ness a few weeks back:


Feel free to consume mass quantities.

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