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We talk about gardner, what about our so call superstar coles?


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I guess our receivers have a bad case slippery fingers, and i don't care what you say brunell sucks! He is palying like a rookie, he seems like he targets the primary receiver, and dosen't go through his progressions, damn, there are other receivers ****.

Oh my god , Brunell was just sacked. What a surprise. And again he goes down. I'm so tired of hearing, " Brunell give us the best chance to win. If we lose this game, I vote to bench brunell, and put Ramsey in, and hey quarter backs coach, whoever you are, put your coacjing into our future Ramsey, we live by him and die by him.

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Not a single mention of Coles other than the heading.

With that, what's with the dropped passes? My 5-year-old niece could have caught both of them.

Isn't he being paid top dollar for a specific purpose - to catch the football. Maybe Mr. Snyder should start reducing his pay checks for failing to perform as expected.

Maybe he needs to sit out a game so he can wake up to himself. Bring Thrash in to #2 receiver, Jacobs to #3 and McCants to #4.

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Coles is missing the key ingredient that I saw from his first reception as a skin, and that's his speed.

I think that his toe is bothering him more than he lets on. Unfortunately, we're not going to see the real Coles until next season.

That said, some of the drops are unconscionable.

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