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Just a thought?

Big Daddy

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<IMG SRC="http://www.extremeskins.com/ubb/titleg.gif" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.sportingnews.com/nfl/teams/logos/redskins.gif" border=0>

This site has all the potential one would ever need! Great Job! Just a couple of suggestions......

Can you make the background color white instead of black? And, can you use all redskin colors for text and other items? The white background seems to show so much better.....But overall, everything looks great!

Is it possible to insert our own User Image?

If not, will it ever be made avail? This would add a little character for the member!

Just a thought......

Big Daddy

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Big Daddy -

Thanks for the props! Regarding your concerns:

1) Can you make the background color white instead of black?

- That's borderline heresy smile.gif . Bottom line: No. It's part of the "character" of the site.

2) And, can you use all redskin colors for text and other items?

- With the exception of the grey on this UBB... the entire site actually IS done in Redskins colrs (ie. white, red, gold). Keep in mind though... doing EVERYTHING in gold, white and red is VERY restrictive and gets sickening {gulp} after awhile.

3) Is it possible to insert our own User Image?

- The images you see (ie. The Waterboy, The Rookie, The Coach, etc) are RANK pics. The whole "ranking" system establishes a bit of seniority on the board. I think this ADDS to each member's character.

- However, I CAN replace it with another hack/script where the user gets to choose what icon/graphic they associate themselves with (ie. avatar hack). You can choose from a pull-down menu. HOWEVER, this would require me to make dozens of graphics for selection.

- In close... you can achieve the SAME function of the AVATAR hack by simply adding your OWN picture as your signature as you have already done (you can go to your profile and add it there). That way you achieve the best of both worlds (RANKING and CUSTOMIZED GRAPHIC).

4) If not, will it ever be made avail?

- Possibly. Until then... keep posting your personal graphics as your signature. It's essentially the same thing... and keeps me - I should say Blade - from having to make graphics to suit everyone's preferences.

Appreciate the feedback. Thanks again.


"Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having to come by their ignorance the hard way." -- Bokonon.

[edited.gif by Die Hard on July 06, 2000.]

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<FONT COLOR="red">Die Hard,</FONT c>

<FONT COLOR="red">How many images can you post at once? Is it 8?</FONT c>

The Redskin stuff always looks nice but this,

makes my day!

<IMG SRC="http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Gym/8840/anti-dallas/cowsuck1.gif" border=0>

Big Daddy tongue.gifiece:

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Big Daddy -

1) How many pics at once?

- Use your discretion. There's a "minimum" limit of 15 posts per topic per page. So if EVERYONE posts 8 images (ie. 120 pics)... that page will take very long to load (the pics will anyways... but the text should appear almost immediately). It's also an issue of bandwidth... since I'm allowed certain amount per month. If people start getting carried away... and it's taxing my bandwidth and causing the server to slow down... I'll forewarn them. Of course if the abuse persists... I'll shut down the ability.... temporarily. I hope it never comes to that... since I enjoy the graphics very much smile.gif

So I advice people NOT to get carried away.. as this UBB already has enough pics to download of its own. One or 2 per post.... as we'll see as we go along how it effects things.

2) Can I find out who's online?

At the front page of the UBB... at the top left below the Extreme Skins banner... there's a script there that tells you who's "online." "Online" refers to who's at the Extreme Skins message board... NOT who's connected to the web.

By knowing who's logged on the UBB... you can message that particluar person(s) directly thru a post AND/OR initiate a "live chat" with the HearMe software.

It's a cool little gimmick that lets you know who's surfing the UBB with you at the same time.

3) Can you find out who is online and where they are at?

In reference to the entire web? Yes and NO.


- With reference to the UBB... if you see someone is "online," than they're at the site. However... there is no program/software/script that pertains to the UBB that could perform that function. In fact... the ONLY people that would have that kind of information would be each individual person's ISP... and that's NOT public information.

- Also... if a registered member entered in an ICQ or AIM username or # (which can be access and/or changed thru the "profile" link up top)... those programs will actually let you know if that person is online (if they've set up their options to allow it). You can initiate immediate conversation/communication with the aforementioned software.



If you look at the bottom each person's posts... you'll see a row of icons below (ie. profile, www, email, aim, icq, icq addme, copy, edit, delete). If the "icq" icon is green... it means that that person IS online. If it's red... it means they aren't. That changes "dynamically," meaning if you read my posts from YESTERDAY... and you see that my icon is green... it means I'm online at the time your reading that post. It's pretty cool.


It will NOT however let you know exactly where I am. That in itself would be an invasion of privacy. However, if you really wanted to know... thru a chat you could ask them. If then they wanted to tell you... well... that's a different story smile.gif

Hope that answered your questions!


<IMG SRC="http://www.extremeskins.com/logo.gif" border=0>

[edited.gif by Die Hard on July 09, 2000.]

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That sums it up! I will try to keep the pics low for reasons specified! That online thing is cool! I'm sure I will find myself checking that regularly!

Get my note on a member having troubles with his password?

Big Daddy

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