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Redskins-Cowboys should be good


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Seems that the team that can overcome their own obvious shortcomings will win it. Let's take a look...

Skins: O-Line. Jansen being gone is really showing. I don't know if the rest of the line is in a funk or what but they sure are playing at a subpar level.

WRs. Coles looks like he's lost a step as far as speed and agility and Gardener is...well, Gardener. Jacobs turning it up will improve the WR corps.

QBs. If Ramsey performs like he did last time the Skins played the Boys, it's over. Brunell can be dangerous but needs time. Will the line give him some?

Boys: D-Line. Call me when the Dallas D-line sacks a QB. I may not answer because I may be a moldy corpse by then, however. The two lines seem to cancel each other out.

Secondary. Newman has blown some plays lately and Roy Williams can't be everywhere. If the young CBs continue to improve it may pose a problem for the Skins.

RBs. "Handoff to George...he's at the thirty...the thirty one...the thirty two..." Wow. Replacing Hambrick with another immobile stiff. Good thinking Jerruh. If they sit George and rotate Jones and Lee the RB position is no longer a weakness.

In conclusion I think that it comes down to the passing game. I think the blitzes by the Boys will rattle Ramsey/Brunell more than the Skins blitz will rattle Testaverde. Johnson/Glenn/Bryant as a trio are better equipped to bail out a put-upon QB than Coles/Gardener/Jacobs. If Testaverde doesn't get hurt, Boys win. If he's injured and one of the Boys' young QBs has to play for any length of time then the Skins win handily.

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I'm worried, The manner in which the giants regrouped on defense and locked us down has me worried. I'm sure dallas will bring that safety into the box and go man to man on the corners.

And Dallas has better corners then NY, I'm not selling out but I must say I'm somewhat worried about Monday Night..

Go Vikes..

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