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Worst Offseson Trades


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You're not giving up on Portis already are you? The Broncos are 1-1 last I checked and Portis has scored in each game this year. Of course the Broncos also got Bell and he's been on the field so much. Come on man, it was one game. The team was in euphoria following the Tampa win and now they know they need to execute to win. I can't even believe you are saying we got taken behind the woodshed on the Portis trade.

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Originally posted by ntotoro

Explain, please...

Champ gave up, at the very least, two catches to Jimmy Smith today and dropped a pass when they put him on offense (the exact reason he never went on offence anymore here). Hell, at least CP put some points on the board today and our CB's aren't exactly getting lit up like some people thought they would once Champ departed.Nick

Amen. I agree with you, also Cliton Portis played a decent football

game despite to two fumbles, dosen't he get any credit for

the blocking he did, hell he knock the f*** out of somebody(don't know the name) .

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Originally posted by ntotoro

Explain, please...

Champ gave up, at the very least, two catches to Jimmy Smith today and dropped a pass when they put him on offense (the exact reason he never went on offence anymore here). Hell, at least CP put some points on the board today and our CB's aren't exactly getting lit up like some people thought they would once Champ departed.Nick

Amen. I agree with you, also Cliton Portis played a decent football

game despite to two fumbles, dosen't he get any credit for

the blocking he did, hell he knock the f*** out of somebody(don't know the name) .

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Originally posted by HeHateMe

I must admit though, I am getting excited at the potential of Buffalo's first rounder.

It only gets tougher for them.

After a bye, they have New England. Still have the Jets twice, Seattle, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Baltimore and then New England again (to name a few).

As each week passes, it looks more and more like a top 10 pick.

I hate to admit it, but I think you may be right. You guys moved down and still got your guy, while potentially setting yourself up for a top 10 pick. Someone did their homework in the Cowboys front office.

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The only thing I didn't like about the trade for CP was the pick we included in the deal. Denver mugged us. However when one looks at who got the most vaue, both teams win. Denver got what they need most, a CB that can play. We got what we needed most (thank spurrier) a running back. Also you have to take into consideration that champ didn't want to sign with us, so we didn't lose a player at all. We got rid of a guy that wasn't going to play for us.

Why is it people can't accept the concept of win win. Both sides got what they wanted and that's the end of it.

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Originally posted by txkid

I mentioned that the other two trades were worse. I just feel that the Skins gave up too much for CP.

How do you figure?

First, are you a Cowboys fan or a Skins fan? Just curious because your moniker leades me to think you may like the Boys?

Regardless -- any real football fan should be able to think on their own enough to realize that comparing the two now is not really smart. On one hand you have CP playing in a new O, with a bunch of other guys playing in a new O. He didn't exactly inherit ideal conditions to come in an play in (as fat Lenny the Hut should realize -- but no, he likes to take the cheap way out.) Give him this year, and possibly next before you draw the definitive on him.

As for Denver -- let's see what QG will do over the course of the season. He looks good, and he probably is. But he played KC in game one, who is 0-2 and got smoked by the Panthers without Davis. He shouldn't even be compared in the deal, as he is depth the Broncos had regardless, but everyone seems to add him to mix when discussing things. He also has an advantage over CP in that he is playing in the same system with the same guys and same coach.... much better conditions to excel in.

As far as Bailey goes... he's good. But time will tell you that he in not a game changing player the way Portis (or even QG so far) is.

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Originally posted by Gilgamesh

Feel bad because Jerrah and Tuna passed on the best backs in the draft for an undersized kick return specialist.

How about we wait a while and see how the "top" RB's in the draft compare, before we launch statement on their relative worth.

As the saying goes, many a fool was born due to premature statement(s).

I seem to recall Clinton Portis was neither among the "best backs" in his class nor among the highest rated.

Also Julius Jones could be a total bust but if Dallas ends up with a top 5 pick (and a 5th, to go along with last years 3rd) from Buffalo through trade will be viewed as brilliant by all objective observers.

Feel REALLY bad that you are one QB injury from being WAY below .500 at the end of the season.

But don't feel bad for us. We'll be fine.

Funny thing is for all the talk by Redskins fans of "Old man Vinny", 2 games into the season Brunell is the one on the injured list missing games, while that "old man" has thrown for close to 700 yards.

Honest question if Brunell goes down for an extended period are YOU confident that Ramsey will lead Washington to a record above .500? Personally I have serious doubts about Washington sniffin' .500 with him under center. And that's not because I think he's horrible. Rather he's young inexperienced and playing in a new system for the first time.

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