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What are the chances that this week's game at the Meadowlands will . . .


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. . . resemble the '99 game at the Giants' house? In that game, Davis, Brad Johnson, and Mike Westbrook had huge games en route to a 50-21 thrashing of the Giants.

Any chance that the injuries to the Giants, the mutinous atmosphere amongst their ranks, and their thin personnel may actually be laying the foundation for another such game?

Hmmmm . . . doubt it, but just wanted to know what others think . . .

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In that game the Redskins were reeling from the devastating opening loss to Dallas. The Giants were coasting in off a nice opener.

In this situation the roles are reversed, so I don't see us blowing the Giants out. Though it will probably happen eventually, I doubt the Giants will be ready to just throw in the towel in week 2. They'll come to play, the game will be close. Or at least, closer.

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Yeah I think its a good possibility. Kurt Warner can be rattled. Remember last year when he came to Giants stadium with the Rams and had about 6 turnovers? So you know Greg Williams is going to blitz the hell out of him and I dont think their revamped OL will be able to protect him.

I predict the Redskins 34, NY Giants 13. I'm predicting the Giants turn the ball over 4 times and beat themselves.

If the Giants do play well, then this mutiny crap is being overblown. But I dont think it is. :)

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50-21. Ah yes, I remember that one. What a great time. I was at that game, along with Ancal. Took one of my wife beaters - sorry, um, undershirts - and painted it like a Dexter Manley jersey. Screamed my stupid head off. I like to say that I had a critical role in the scoring of all of the 50 points.

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This will be a tough game for us, IMO. This is the Giants home opener, and they'll most definitely want to rebound after the poor showing against Philly.

Even in a game that Philly dominated, there were quite a few missed opportunities from NY that could have capitalized on and made it a closer game. With that being said, final score: 48-6 Washington :laugh:

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he Giants running game is not a whole lot better than the Bucs. That puts a lot of pressure to score points with the passing game. That is pressure that Kurt Warner and that offensive line can't handle.[/Quote]

Tiki Barber and a much improved Ron Dayne is not better than Charlie Garner and his 25 yards against you last week? Come on now.

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