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WP : No Matter the Seat, the Signs Look Good


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No Matter the Seat, the Signs Look Good

By George Solomon


Even from one of those new "obstructed view" seats at FedEx Field, the Redskins looked very good Friday night in their final preseason tuneup, overwhelming Atlanta, 27-0, in a game Coach Joe Gibbs wished had counted in the standings.

But Gibbs knows better. If the game counted, Falcons Coach Jim Mora Jr. would not have pulled superstar quarterback Michael Vick after three series, with the Redskins ahead 24-0, when it was apparent Atlanta could not keep LaVar off Vick.

A 3-2 preseason proved that Mark Brunell deserves to be the starting quarterback, the receivers are solid, Clinton Portis will be a dangerous runner, LaVar and Marcus Washington will lead an improved defense and rookie Sean Taylor is a budding star. The special teams clearly are better -- and John Hall's leg is a great asset.

Still, with the Redskins opening the regular season a week from today against Tampa Bay at FedEx Field, Gibbs is taking a wait-and-see approach. He's been away from the game for 11 years and knows he no longer has a dominant offensive line. He wonders if his defense under Gregg Williams will measure up as it did under Richie Petitbon. And he can't be sure the special teams will win games, as they once did.

"I'm anxious and nervous" Gibbs said Friday night of the upcoming season, sounding like the Gibbs of old. "Every game will be a life and death struggle."

Before training camp, Gibbs said he was apprehensive about how he would measure up after being away so long. That isn't a question anymore -- he's had a game-face from Day One on the job. And his coaching staff is first-rate.

What we don't know about Joe Gibbs's 2004 team is its character. In the Gibbs I era, the team was resourceful, competitive in just about every game, found ways to win and rarely beat itself. Gibbs always said he would win or lose with "his" people, solid guys he could count on.

Next week, we'll begin finding out about his new people.

Veteran Mark Brunell, with help all around, has proven that he deserves to be the Redskins' starting quarterback. (John Mcdonnell -- The Washington Post)


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The Redskins are better at qb, rb, te, de, dt, lb and s.

Depth is also better than in recent years with Brown at OG, Raymer at OC, Ramsey as the #2 qb, Thrash as the #3 or #4 receiver, Harris as the #3 corner and Pierce as the top sub at LB.

The team is thin at OT due to the injuries to Jansen and now Samuels. The depth is now on the field with Jones starting at RT. We now have only mediocre Marcus Spriggs coming off the bench. Tackle will be a concern as long as Chris Samuels is not 100%.

The coaching staff is perhaps a 100% improvement over the last one if we can quantify the differences we see.

Together all these positive changes to me add up to a team that doubles last year's win total, so 10 wins :)

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Originally posted by bulldog

The Redskins are better at qb, rb, te, de, dt, lb and s.

Depth is also better than in recent years with Brown at OG, Raymer at OC, Ramsey as the #2 qb, Thrash as the #3 or #4 receiver, Harris as the #3 corner and Pierce as the top sub at LB.

The team is thin at OT due to the injuries to Jansen and now Samuels. The depth is now on the field with Jones starting at RT. We now have only mediocre Marcus Spriggs coming off the bench. Tackle will be a concern as long as Chris Samuels is not 100%.

The coaching staff is perhaps a 100% improvement over the last one if we can quantify the differences we see.

Together all these positive changes to me add up to a team that doubles last year's win total, so 10 wins :)

Good assessment, Bulldog. :) I see us going 11-5 because the overall schedule is not that difficult on paper -- only six games against playoff teams -- and the number of inexperienced QB's we face. :)

If we can sweep the Giants and split with Dallas and the Buzzards, then we are 4-2 in the division and no worse off then Dallas and Philly. Then anything can happen in the playoffs. :)

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