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Post and Skins Play Smashmouth Over Stories and Seats


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Originally posted by Art

It's called setup, SKF.

One day, I'll elaborate. Just can't at the moment :).

you've been very secretive today, this and the morton thing.

Living outside the DC area and untill now getting most of my Redskin news via the post, via the web, I have looked forward to its NATIONAL ENQUIRERESQ reporting on the soap opera that has been the REDSKINS the past 12years. So now if there is to be war, then so be it, it goes great with my morning coffee. Jenkins:puke: Wilbon:cheers: boswell:jerkoff:kornheiser :rolleyes:

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You know, somehow I feel a little responsible for all of this. If I didn't have a few beers in me after I got home from the first preseason game and fire off a couple e-mails to Nunyo attaching pictures taken from our seats, Jason never would have contacted me or my dad and that article might have been a hell of a lot tamer than it was.

Don't get me wrong, I don't feel bad about anything. I think the whole thing is pretty damn funny. I just feel a tad bit responsible for part of this. And yeah, I know if I didn't send the Post something, someone else would have...but they didn't have a copy of my "infamous" picture...or, as I like to call it, the "Photo heard 'round D.C." :)

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I received a computer rendering of the seats that they wanted me to switch to (not sure if it was accurate or not but i got one)... I dont remember them offering to let come see the seats but I would guess they wouldnt mind if I had asked to come see them.

The only shady business i have had is when I tried to move my seats together, cause I have 2 singles that are apart (before they had the obstructed ones) They constantly fed me a bunch of BS on putting them together. I had club seats which I wasnt going to renew but they said they would move my other seats together if I renewed or got someone I know to renew them. stuff like that is rediculous as well...if you can move them together why do I have to bargain with them or help be part of thier sales team

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Originally posted by herrmag

Uggggghhhh.... Time to cancel my subscription to the Post, and start getting the Times.

You do know the Moony family owns the Washington Times. Do you really want to give money to that family. I have never and will not give that family one dime.

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