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Ramsey Gets the Ball to the WRs

Ignatius J.

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Somewhere in between the outs to gardner and the long bomb to coles it hit me. Ramsey is actually getting the ball to his wide recievers. Brunell doesn't do that with nearly ramsey's consistancy.

Brunell's best drive as a redskin consisted of a pass to coles, and then a bunch of dumpoffs together with portis demolishing an already devastated miami team.

I am willing to acede that Brunell is the better QB for this team. But I do not believe that Ramsey is nearly as bad as some people have made him out to be on this board. I just feel it is interesting that in starting situations, ramsey has done a better job at getting the ball to our recievers than brunell has.

You could say that brunell has a better grasp of the offense, that he knows when to go to the checkdown, but I don't know if that's it. Most of the time when ramsey makes a mistake it's not in misidentifying the reciever. He seemed to throw towards open recievers. There was he one play where thrash just wasn't looking for the ball. Ramsey was under pressure and placed the ball perfectly. Thrash just wasn't looking.

Ramsey went 5 for 10 for 81 yards, Brunell went 7 of 9 for 79 yards. And Brunell was paired with a better offensive line as well as a better runningback for longer. Ramsey may be inferior at this point, but to call him garbage compared to Brunell is either way undervaluing Ramsey or WAY over-rating Brunell.

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Ramsey's problem is missing the easy throw. The open TD to Thrash early. Then, he had a what looked like a fade route run like a seam that he had Thrash open if he fires it in, but he popped it way over his head. Those two throws are why Ramsey can't start right now.

He has a better arm. When he just drops and fires, he's a pretty QB. It's when he goes for placement that he struggles with his consistency some. You can't leave the easy play on the field and start for Gibbs. That's what Ramsey just did. And it's something he's done while playing for Spurrier. Who can forget the wide-open touchdown to Coles to open the Panthers game that he bonked. Or even earlier this preseason when Coles is 5 yards behind the Panther corner, Ramsey lofts an INT.

I really think some of the problem is Ramsey's been told to work on his touch and when he does that he starts to lose his control. I'd really rather just see Ramsey drop and fire. That's when he does his best work.

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