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PFW: The Way We Hear it - K. Jones suffers from bone spurs


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Aug. 23, 2004

It’s still early, but observers say that the offensive players are not fully grasping the new offense of head coach Joe Gibbs. Part of the problem might be the fact that Gibbs has not thrown the entire package at the team yet, which has affected QBs Mark Brunell and Patrick Ramsey the most. Most still feel as if Brunell will start, and he has the lead over Ramsey, but neither has been outstanding. The play of the offensive line is also a work in progress, and no full-time replacement for ORT Jon Jansen has been found. Kenyatta Jones, a converted guard who is suffering from bone spurs, and Ray Brown are the leading candidates, but both have been just OK so far.http://www.profootballweekly.com/PFW/NFL/NFC/NFC+East/Washington/WWHI/default.htm

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If Jones can't go, it would be interesting to try Ray Brown at RT. He's an extremely capable guard with outstanding pass-blocking skills. In the plays I watched with him against the Panthers, he looked very good -- but that was against the second-stringers, and at guard. Even so, he looked great.

It would be a tall order to make him a RT, but I think he's got the skill to pull it off. My main concern at his age would be strength, endurance and susceptibility to injury. I fear he would wear down, leading to lapses, ineffectiveness or injuries from fatigue.

What a nice homecoming story, though, if he could pull it off. :)

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The issue of the bone spurs was brought up on WTEM earlier last week in regards to Kenyatta Jones' seemingly limited range.

I didn't know that Ray Brown was being looked at as a possible fill-in at RT, I thought he was brought in to be a reserve at OG and possible starter there in case Derrick Dockery has to move outside.

I also think the acquisition of Marcus Spriggs puts him in the mix at OT as well.

Even though Dockery may be the best RT the team has right now, this will be the last option explored as finding another RT would allow for the least amount of dislocation elsewhere on the line.

I am amused by all the talk about Brunell and his readiness to play qb for the Redskins.

NFL media types have the Ravens deep in the postseason with largely wet behind the ears Kyle Boller at qb, yet doubt that an 11 year vet with a 85.2 career ranking could learn and execute a new offense in time for the Redskins to be competitive :laugh:

Yep, getting Brunell was a mistake. We should have traded for AJ Feeley instead :rolleyes:

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This is the first I've heard of K. Jones being injured.... what's up? I didn't think anyone was injured from the Phins game. I didn't get to see it... older sister's wedding... but nothing I read indicated Kenyatta was having an injury flare up. Please expound.....

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They didn't trade a 3rd rounder and dish out that cash for Brunell to ride pine.

Ramsey will be brought along slowly by Gibbs so that he gets to learn the whole system, while Brunell gets pounded by linemen. By week 6, Ramsey should have a solid grasp, and if he's not already in because of an injury, Ramsey should be starting.

As far as RT's go, Bugel should get the line in a decent shape, at least enough so that they hold together. But you can't lose the searn of a ship and expect it to hold together for long. The big problem will be total durability througout the year. If 1-2 more guys fall, it's going to be downhill.

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I disagree. If Brunell does not get hurt I see him as the qb here for all of 2004 and perhaps 2005 as well.

At 34, Brunell is far from done. He could be a top echelon qb here with Gibbs and Portis/Coles as his running mates.

What people forget is in Jacksonville is that Brunell was stripped of his offensive line and skill players one by one after 2000 and the line problems contributed to his injury problems.

He will get good protection here and has both capable wide receivers and a franchise back.

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Originally posted by bulldog

I disagree. If Brunell does not get hurt I see him as the qb here for all of 2004 and perhaps 2005 as well.

At 34, Brunell is far from done. He could be a top echelon qb here with Gibbs and Portis/Coles as his running mates.

What people forget is in Jacksonville is that Brunell was stripped of his offensive line and skill players one by one after 2000 and the line problems contributed to his injury problems.

He will get good protection here and has both capable wide receivers and a franchise back.

I agree.

Brunell kinda reminds me of Joey T in the Gibbs system. I think they have a lot of the same abilities. I think Brunell is perfect for this system.

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