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Rypien question...


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I liked Ryp. I know his fame was short lived, but IMO that Super Bowl win will forever tie him to us. It kind of sucked seeing him toil around the league for years with teams like Indy and the Rams. His first four years were fantastic. 84 TDs and only 48 INTs in his first four seasons. I think Gibbs was alot of the reason he looked good.

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Originally posted by SlinginSammy HOF '63

I think Gibbs was alot of the reason he looked good.

I think at this point it is safe to assume that Gibbs was the ONLY reason. I always liked Rypien though. He quarterbacked the team about as well as anyone could the '91 campaign.

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As you can tell, Ryp is my fav. Redskin. I was 11 when he led us to the promised land. I will always remember him running and jumping up and down the sideline, arms pumping. Too bad, he didn't stick around long after that...one season? Anyways, he was a great QB for a few years and in my mind, will always he a great Redskin.


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Ryp had a mediocre 1992 season then totally blew in 1993. Then he spent the next 5 seasons with 4 different teams including a 4 year period where he was out of the league. A different team every season. Sad to see someone start his career as a star in this league only to slowly fade away and become forgotten except by Skins fans.


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It was definitely Humphries who had the "rare blood disorder." If memory serves, that, and other Gibbs specialities of the like, were a large part of the reason the league tightened the injury disclosure rules.

I can't recall if Ryp was ever on the list or not, but I do know he spent the first few years of his career here modeling ugly team sweaters and scribbling on a clipboard on the sidelines near Coach Gibbs.

Once he got on the field, he quickly separated himself not for his physical skills (read: big arm, accurate deep ball) but for his unbelievable football smarts. Gibbs called him the "smartest QB" he'd ever been around.

Sadly for Ryp, after the magical '91 season and subsequent contract holdout, he came to camp late the following year, and was simply a different QB. I've personally always thought the reported "minor hand injury" we heard about that summer after the Super Bowl in reality was much worse than was ever reported, because from his first pass in preseason in '92, Ryp's ball just wasn't the same. His "touch"---short stuff, even the intermediate and deep stuff he had been so witheringly accurate with---was simpy gone. It was night and day.

Maybe it was all mental, we'll never know for sure ... but I've always believed there was something mechanical that happened to his throwing motion involved as well ... something he just couldn't overcome.

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I think it really doesnt matter. What I remember Rypien is his achievement at the top of his game in 1990-1991yr. Most stay in the league for 15yrs without a ring.

Also...in the GRAND scheme of things. Rypien has not been faded by his drop in the NFL. The Guy has gone through a great deal of Tragic death of his kid, And alot of other things that are just more important to a man's character.

Ashame that there arent many NFL players like MR. Be a better leauge.

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Originally posted by Fan4life


I think it really doesnt matter.

Forgive me, but ... you think what doesn't really matter?

What I remember Rypien is his achievement at the top of his game in 1990-1991yr. Most stay in the league for 15yrs without a ring.

Also...in the GRAND scheme of things. Rypien has not been faded by his drop in the NFL. The Guy has gone through a great deal of Tragic death of his kid, And alot of other things that are just more important to a man's character.

Ashame that there arent many NFL players like MR. Be a better leauge.

Nobody here has suggested otherwise.

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