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Theresa Heinz Kerry needs prozac?


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Watching the news this morning they just showed a clip of Theresa saying nobody is qualified for the oval office...

Including her husband :doh: !

So now do you have the answer to the question you want...

She hates Pres. Bush and says you want 4 more years of hell.

BUT she loves her husband and says he is not qualified...

Its in readers digest....

My opinion: It funny till she has him running around on a leash in some home video ;)


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Guest Duckus

So Republicans hate Kerry because he is scripted and has no emotions. However you hate Theresa Heinz because she is passionate and says whatever is on her mind. :doh: YOU PEOPLE ARE SAD, and basically look for any dumb peace of sh*t to attack someone. Go get a life.....

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Theres no hate...

Only the left uses the word hate... I don't like some of his political views, but then again I don't like some of Bush's either.

How bout you get a life, it was funny.... laugh and moveon.org :)


You know Thiebear, I would give the article more credibilty if you hadnt taken it from such a right biased source as Readers Digest.


I fully support The Ketsup queen speaking everything on her mind, as openly and as public as possible. I hope we see much, much, more from her. In fact, I really hope Senetor Kerry fully stands behind his spouse and yells "Amen, Sister!" at the top of his lungs so he will show a sign of ultimate spousal support and complete solidarity with her and her ideals.

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Originally posted by Duckus

So Republicans hate Kerry because he is scripted and has no emotions. However you hate Theresa Heinz because she is passionate and says whatever is on her mind. :doh: YOU PEOPLE ARE SAD, and basically look for any dumb peace of sh*t to attack someone. Go get a life.....

I hope you were never so sad as to post in the "Bushisms" posts or any that Poke at the opponents of your suppoted candidate then.

what were your thoughts when you wrote these gems? Sad huh?



Are you saying that this only comes from the right?

Yeah, no one from the Dems has ever looked to cherry pick juicy Anti-Bush items at all, have they?

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