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Today 08-19-04 Kffl Says:


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Redskins | Barrow Expected to Miss Dolphins Preseason Game

Thu, 19 Aug 2004 13:12:05 -0700

Jason La Canfora, of the Washington Post, reports Washington Redskins LB Mike Barrow (knee) is expected to miss the Saturday, Aug. 21, preseason game against the Miami Dolphins.


Redskins | Taylor Will Not Start Preseason Game

Thu, 19 Aug 2004 12:53:45 -0700

Jason La Canfora, of the Washington Post, reports Washington Redskins rookie S Sean Taylor will not start the Saturday, Aug. 21, preseason game against the Miami Dolphins, according to Redskins assistant head coach Gregg Williams. However, Taylor is expected to see action with the first team.


Redskins | Arrington Sits

Thu, 19 Aug 2004 04:24:47 -0700

Associated Press reports Washington Redskins LB LaVar Arrington (knee) did not practice Wednesday, Aug. 18.


Redskins | Samuels Sits

Thu, 19 Aug 2004 04:24:36 -0700

Associated Press reports Washington Redskins OLT Chris Samuels (mild concussion) didn't practice Wednesday, Aug. 18.

So far, that is all being said here.

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I would like to see Portis get some more carries. A Ferarri is nice but if you never fill it up with gas and let it rip then all you have a big pretty paperweight. Everyone is scared about injuries but you have to get practice in or the offense will get demolished once the season starts. It sure hasn't looked great so far.

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Well, at this point I'd rather have the offense look rusty for the first few games rather than lose any more players to serious injury.

Seriously, our injuries are OUT OF CONTROL. I really think they should abolish the preseason altogether and just run half-speed, light-contact scrimmages.

At the rate we're going, we're not going to have 53 healthy guys left by September...

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You have to take this in context. While many of these players are injured, most of these injuries wouldn't affect their regular season status. They simply don't want to risk it.

Plus, GW has mentioned that Barrow, though not practicing, is still working hard on the sidelines, very involved in the practices, and quite frankly, needs very little practice in preseason, as experienced as he is. Although, he does need to gel w/ the 1st unit; but I feel like he isdoing that by staying invloved on the sidelines.

Portis and the run game must come together...that's true. But Gibbs is notoriously terrible in preseason. He never shows what he's doing....ever. Hence the closed training camps. He is super cautious in everything, and that includes player's game status'.

So don't worry guys. Preseason is for evaluating depth.

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No coach ever shows what they are going to do during the season. How many flea flickers, fake punts or end arounds have you seen this preseason from anyone. The TV annoucers say it like it's some brilliant invention that Gibbs has thought up to run a vanilla offense but really it's just how preseason is played. The NFL will never get rid of the preseason it's such a good money maker for them.

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Originally posted by Invictus56

No coach ever shows what they are going to do during the season. How many flea flickers, fake punts or end arounds have you seen this preseason from anyone. The TV annoucers say it like it's some brilliant invention that Gibbs has thought up to run a vanilla offense but really it's just how preseason is played. The NFL will never get rid of the preseason it's such a good money maker for them.

You forgot Steve Spurrier!!!!


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Originally posted by NVskinsfan

Rest them up and play the camp fodders for the rest of the pre season!

I don't want to see the starters hurt anymore!

Right now it is "Bruce smith time"!.....fake the injuries to skip some preseason practice and meaningless games!

Rest up boys!!!

Speaking of bruce Smith...has anyone caught that Coors light commercial about football with him in it...he said he loves makin quarterbacks cry...which decade was he talking about...i was so glad he broke that record because he was a cancer to the team....back on topic...i kinda want to see the starters get a little continuity goin...especially the offense...the defense looks great though...i actually am looking forward to seeing them play...

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The second to last preseason game is where you want your starters playing about 2 1/2 quarters. You may also see a lot of second team guys, guys coming off injury or guys you want to get a closer look getting mixed in with first teamers.

I expect to see our starters play about a half against Miami although there could be some switching going on and some guys could see a little action in the 3rd quarter as well just to get more reps and different combinations.

The last game would be almost identical to this one. You don't want to risk injury going against guys giving their last ditch effort, i.e. big hits, to make the team. Most of the starters may go almost a half, some may go less.

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