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Winslow is at it again...

Dirk Diggler

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Originally posted by jbooma

No it doesn't because in retail you have to respect others, you are not battling your fellow coworkers :laugh:

This is football a contact sport, fights happen, $hit like this happens, it is normal. He is just trying to excite his team and be a leader since no one else has the balls to do it.

Now if he doesn't back it up on the field then yes he is a fool, but he knows that he will be able to.

JB, in your apparently vast experience in life, you have missed a crucial element to understanding human nature - that all humans have basicaly the same types of emotions and motivations and most work situations basically have the same type of dynamics. There are degrees and variations. But pro athletes are still subject to the same rules that govern other human beings - even people who work in retail - who you seem to dismiss.

You know what? People in retail DON'T have to respect each other - though maybe we'd prefer they did. Have you ever sold something on commission? Have you ever walked into a car dealership and had the salesmen eye you to see who would get the chance to sell a car to you. Sales is the ultimate competition. Do you think any salesman wants to hear from another saleman on the floor (who he is competing with) how he's doing it all right and you're doing it all wrong?

Business and sports work largely on the same model - competition, teamwork, drive to succeed etc. T.O. has always been an a** and probably will always continue to be an a**. His talent forces others to tolerate him - but that doesn't mean that he's being a good teamate or helping anyone but himself. wineslow has shown himself so far to also be an a**. He may also be tolerated because of his talent. But NOBODY in any FIELD likes to have an a** as a co-worker. That kind of stuff makes people secretly want the a** to fail and get his butt kicked.

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Originally posted by milliondollarslim

lay off of Winslow. he is immature but he'll be a great player. his intensity is admirable he just needs to channel it properly and choose his words carefully. when game time comes , his teamates will love him.

An "immature great player" is an oxymoron.

Mike Tyson is pretty intense.

In team sports "greatness" is most definable by making the players around you better. That's the difference between Kobe and MJ. MJ made others better players Kobe doesn't. wineslow is a long way from greatness.

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Originally posted by jbooma

No it doesn't because in retail you have to respect others, you are not battling your fellow coworkers :laugh:

This is football a contact sport, fights happen, $hit like this happens, it is normal. He is just trying to excite his team and be a leader since no one else has the balls to do it.

Now if he doesn't back it up on the field then yes he is a fool, but he knows that he will be able to.

You haven't worked too many jobs have you? Respect and battling coworkers is a way of life in just about every job. Just because it's football doesn't mean the principles are different. How many times have we heard interviews with players that have told about not getting along with teammates is not uncommon but the respect for the job they have to do and the player they are is there?

Already addressed the part about exciting his teammates and this isn't about fights so that part of your post is irrelevant to the subject at hand, ( though conflicts with coworkers is still a constant in any job). I could say more, but thinker covered it. Now, what about your football experience? You know. This experience?

Originally posted by jbooma

I can tell some of you haven't played football so don't understand how important it is to get anyone to speak on a losing team, it is pretty sad there are no other leaders that want to say anything on this team so Winslow is taking the control.

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