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Rivalry thread

Dead Money

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The author of this thread


is a journalist for the Wall Street Journal and looking (trolling) for info on the rivalry esp. the increased buzz on the MNF game in September now that Gibbs is back and will be facing Parcells again.

I gave him some of my time....

So many of you are older fans than I maybe you can give him a better perspective??????

Reed Albergotti

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Here is what I posted in response to the guy in the old thread. I still mean it...

"Unfortunately, the streak of wins they enjoyed over us will NEVER be equaled by us. It turns my stomach (literally, i get a little sick) just thinking about what we as fans have endured because our team just couldn't get up the nuts to beat them for SO long.

The rivalry hasn't existed anywhere but DC for the last.... 6 years, probably. A split this year would start it again, but a sweep in favor of the Skins would REALLY get the cowboyfan juices flowin'. That's what is needed here. Dallas has to be angry like we are. This won't happen unless we win 2 this year.

Personally, I've already stated that we won't win the first meeting at FedEx. (IMHO)

I just think we will need time to gel before we beat a team that has such a stranglehold on us and it ain't easy to beat Parcells no matter what your history is against his current team. The problem with losing THAT game is that it sets us up to be swept again. UGH!

So I pray. I PRAY that Joe wants the first one BADLY. I PRAY that guys like Arrington, Smoot, Gardener, Samuels, Jansen, etc. realize that they CANNOT allow Dallas another year of dominance.

I personally cannot handle another sweep by Dallas over us. After last year's 2nd loss to them.... I gave up. First time ever. I gave up on the Redskins. Wasn't planning on watching games anymore, didn't care what Spurrier was gonna do about next year, etc. I was just...."deflated." Completely. My enthusiasm was GONE and recalling the way I felt, I'd have to say it was pretty much gone for good.

Then Joe Gibbs came back. The very minute I heard about it, I was RIGHT back into the obsession again. Just like that. (Snyder got me AGAIN.)

I hope our players realize how important it is to restore this rivalry at LEAST to being competitive again. I'm sure Gibbs and Bugel know it. But our players haven't shown it since before Norv Turner. (Norv Turner..... ex-cowboy. No more ex-cowboys. EVER)"

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