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Season Tickets? Tailgate Party... Need some Skins Fans Advice


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I asked this question before about getting club seats, but this is different. I have the opportunity to buy season tickets, but I have to pay for the ()*#&$@# Tailgate party at least one year.

The seats are decent, but they are the new ones under the stands. But, at least I'm in without the wait and have the opportunity to update later. The pricing is ok, I'm not shelling out tons for them except for the Tailgate party. I'd have immediately jumped on it other than that.

Question though, I'll probably make about 50% of the games living in RI. Can I typically sell my tix in 200 level for face value to skins fans, or do they drop below it? I don't want to make a killing and I'm not going out on Ebay or to a broker...

I'd jump on this offer if it weren't for the Tailgate thing. No way to recoup that money....... BUT, I guess I could pay it now, and never do it again.

Also, question: Would you do it? If you could somewhat reasonably do the cash, but had to drive 6-7 hours to the game, get the idea passed by the wife, and had to pay for the Tailgate party?

All of the Pats fans on their waiting list are telling me they'd do it in a heartbeat, and the only thing that has me hesitating is the Tailgate price.... Sorry for the long winded post, but let me know what you think

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My man, you should have no problem whatsover selling the tickets. You should at least get face value during most if not all of the season. If they really stink and the last game or two doesn't mean anything, then yea it might get tough. you probably could make a mint too. check some of the brokers that advertise on this board and see what they will be getting! Good Luck and during the season remember me....AFPARENT!

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I have two tickets and parking pass that I sell each year. Price all depends on how well the team is doing. I have made some money in the beginning of the last two seasons and by the end of the season I can't hardly give them away. Last season...the last game against Philly....I ended up donating them to the American Red Cross for a Christmas Auction. They only got $75 for the two tickets and parking pass. At least I got to write off the face value of the tickets on my taxes.

My advice...sell the tickets EARLY!!!!

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