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HA- Redskins' star Arrington's loud party irks neighbors


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Redskins' star Arrington's loud party irks neighbors

By JEFF HORSEMAN, Staff Writer

As one of the NFL's premier linebackers, LaVar Arrington plays football with a high-speed intensity matched only by his vocal personality.

That attitude may have carried over to a party Saturday near the Washington Redskins star's home on Whitehall Creek near St. Margaret's, enraging at least one neighbor who complained of ear-splitting music and reckless boating.

George Fennell said the trouble started around 3 p.m. with a thumping baseline emanating from the waterfront home on Cedar Lane Farm Road on the Broadneck Peninsula. He said he saw a large tent and hundreds of people at the house.

Mr. Fennell, who said he lives about 1,000 yards away from the residence across the creek, reported partygoers on jet skis driving at high speeds. One jet ski zoomed close to a canoe, he said.

"They were running them like you'd run them out on the (Chesapeake) bay," he said.

When he went to confront the homeowner - he said he didn't know it was Mr. Arrington - Mr. Fennell said he saw limousines, sports cars and SUVs in a line waiting to get inside.

After being rebuffed by security guards in front of the house, Mr. Fennell said he called county police. However, police this morning had no record of a call pertaining to the house's address in more than a year.

Mr. Fennell of Holly Drive said he also called state Natural Resources Police, which dispatched a patrol boat. The boat checked out the scene before turning around, Mr. Fennell said.

DNR this morning could not confirm whether police responded to a call in the area.

State property records show a LaVar R. Arrington purchased the home for $3.5 million in March.

Neither the Redskins nor Mr. Arrington's agent, Carl Poston, could be reached for comment this morning, although a woman at Mr. Poston's office confirmed the agent was at the party.

Mr. Fennell said the 11,000-square-foot home

had been vacant for quite some time.

Other neighbors reported hearing loud music from the party. Bob Murphy of Holly Drive described the music as reggae-style but said he wasn't bothered by it.

"It was clearly a large gathering," he said.

Charles Thomann of Laurel Lane said he heard the noise, which may have led to a glass ceiling tile falling in the bathroom of his home.

Mr. Thomann also reported seeing the jet skis. He said he motioned one to come over and reminded the driver to operate it safely. He said the driver was very polite, and Mr. Thomann asked him if he could get the music turned down.

After receiving several calls from irate neighbors, Mr. Thomann said he went over to the home around 9:30 p.m. He said he spoke with a security guard at the home, who told him the party was celebrating someone's birthday.

According to his online biography, Mr. Arrington was born on June 20, 1978.

Mr. Thomann said he went over yesterday with a wine bottle and birthday card and rang the doorball. He said he looked inside and found the place was empty, without even furniture.

Like Mr. Murphy, Mr. Thomann said he wasn't particularly upset with the party. "It was annoying but not obnoxious," he said.

On the other hand, Mr. Fennell wondered if Mr. Arrington got special treatment because of his celebrity status.

"If I'm doing 7 knots in Whitehall Creek, and a DNR boat comes by, I'm going to get pulled over," he said.

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thats a hard hitting piece of journalism...basically an old guy complainined about a loud party, and nothing happened.

A tile may have dropped as a result of the loud noise, the CSI team has recovered the title and will have results soon.

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Ya'll just don't understand....This is "The Capital" that we are talking about ....big headline on the B section...this is a very exclusive and quiet section of Anne Arundel county. I know Lavar's new neighbors and they were at the party and they said is was no big deal...It is just not the norm in that quiet hunk of the world.

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This old man gump needs to shut the hell up, sit back, and have a drink. Live a little, party it up. It was damn 3PM, shut...the...hell...up. I would say the same if it were 3AM, it's the weekend, party it up. It's his property, quit ya whining. People get large acerage so that they have such big parties with privacy and no problems from neighbors.

Damn yuppies in MD...

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Mr. Thomann said he went over yesterday with a wine bottle and birthday card and rang the doorball. He said he looked inside and found the place was empty, without even furniture.

Sounds like an episode from the Twilight Zone. Either LaVar just goes there to party or it really never happened.

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3.5 million dollar house JUST to party in? Mr. Arrington, can I house sit? I won't mess up your house and i can sleep on an aero bed, and as an added bonus i'll launch water balloons and shoot the potato gun at mr. fennell's house on a regular basis.

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