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Stand alone e-mail options?


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Hey guys,

I need a bit of e-mail advice. In my business I use netscape webmail to receive business e-mails... at the address S...@netscape.net.... and utilize the AOL AIM exclusively. I'm realizing that outgoing messages aren't being delivered... and receiving e-mails in some instances can take an entire day.

I'm looking for an new e-mail suite or application in which I can manipulate the e-mail address itself... and access the e-mail remotely. I'd like something like... Cskin@"mybusinessname".com as an example? Anybody have any suggestions or experience with an e-mail provider/suite that's reliable that will dispell these problems I'm having with Netscape? I understand this problem with Netscape is widespread and support from them is non-existent to say the least.

Let me admit... I'm an e-mail novice... knowing little more than the common hotmail..yahoo... etc...etc..etc..

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Let's work under the scenario that you want an email address like the one you listed above, cskin@mybusinessname.com.

You could register your domain. I use both Network Solutions and OpenSRS for the business that I work for. You can also search google for domain registration and shop around for a better price. Many will offer different services, prices, etc. If all you want is email then most registrars will include multiple mailboxes for each registered domain. You are also allowed aliases on each mailbox. You could set up a mailbox for cskin@businessname.com and then also add some aliases to that for listings on your business cards, something like firstname.lastname@businessname.com.

Once you get that set up you can use a client such as Outlook or Outlook Express to download and read your mail. These are much more reliable than a webmail service. For remote access to your email, most of these registrars have a webmail service that they offer to the client when you register with them.

Hope that helps.

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