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The Chinese Connection


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Today, reported on multiple local news stations in Indianapolis, the following was updated:

Elizabeth Lang, a Chinese national, married to an American and several others connected in the case have been indicted in court today. Apparently numerous FALSE ID's and other data compromised to whoever paid for it, to include phony driver's liscense, and other means were transpired, including quick notificaction to a very "key" culprit , who somehow knew everthing so sudden he's on the run - IN NEW YORK :mad:

The Federal government is NOW involved, as this is a THREAT to our national security! There was more to this than originally thought!

Warning! There is NO DISTINCTION made about WHO got these and their intentions!

In an incident also in Indianapolis, that on the surface looks harmless, is actually problem - Latino imigrants actually had the gall to march in protest of not giving ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS "state approved" driver's license, so they won't steal the legal immigrants cars (oh well, life's a bi*tch aint it!) No they're all expecting Americans to just drop dead, become dumb, look the other way, give up their lives, their money, their possessions!

I got a point - Stay in your own fuc*ing lane! Stop coming over here expecting us to GIVE something, when you got here ILLEGALLY in the first f*king place! Oh and stop sending these bs liberal lawyers with the "family enablers" to soften us up- FUC* YOU!

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