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The real reason the Redskins are disliked by some


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Im not even going to argue this...just find lowmarket team(saints, colts, lions, etc.) on who they consider the marquee franchise in the NFL, you will either hear 49ers, Packers, or Cowboys.

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Originally posted by SlinginSammy HOF '63

No one around here in the midwest really hates the Skins. They make fun of Snyder. The Dallas fans hate us, but that's pretty much it.

Actually, I had a woman who like watching football, but didn't have a specific team she likes to watch & hates the Redskins. Usually when people look at me & tell me that the "Redskins suck", I usually just chuckle or shrug it off, but this B*TCH pissed me off. It wasn't what she was saying as much as how she was saying it. I guess what bothered me was that she obviously knows NOTHING about football & yet she's bashing my team. I showed her my Redskins tattoos & told her she was expressing her feelings to the wrong person. I didn't speak to her again. Anyway, I don't really know exactly why some people hate the Redskins, they just do. It doesn't help when the sports media either doesn't give us our due respect or dogs us repeatedly during our games (not Sonny & Sam, but the other morons, like Matt Millen used to). Anyway, I don't know that there are any explanations. People just hate us! Let 'em! Their loss!

:helmet: :point2sky

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if that were true why doesn't eveyone hate the dolphins for being in the state that ruined the last election and put that moron in d.c.?

well maybe it is true, afterall i hate the dolphins solely for electing bush.

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