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Portis the Offensive MVP?


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My Brothers in Burgandy and Gold:

I have noticed that so many here have all but declared Clinton Portis the MVP for next season. But he has yet to take a snap in the NFC east.

Yes he ran for more than 3000 yards in the last two seasons but lets be realistic here. He got two games each against the Raiders, the Chargers, and the Chiefs. Thats 12 games in two years. Its not like those three teams have played one down of defense in the last two years. To add to that, they had the Bears and the Vikings last year. Again, neither were defensive jugernauts.

Now don't get me wrong, you don't rush for 1000 yards in the NFL without being good. And I for one am hoping that Portis shreds the Eagles, the Cowboys and the G-men, the way he did conference foes in the AFC West. But I don't think Portis has faced the kind of Defenses that he will in the NFC BEAST!

I guess I was just wanting your opinions on these fears that are funning though my head. Thanks for your time.

:helmet: :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :helmet:

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im not saying that the NFC east is a run crushing leaugue. But you have to assume that a Parcels coached team will play D. A Reid coached team will play D. A Coughlin coached team will play D.

I mean, a highschool could play better D than that of the Chargers and Cheifs.

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